512 Maine Avenue, Box 475 * Adrian, MN 56110 * Ph. (507)483-2317 Fax (507) 483-2460 * Email:stadrian@frontiernet.net


Saint Adrian Church

Thirtieth Week in Ordinary Time* LH Week 2



Parish Social Ministry

For the Worthington Deanery

“The Church’s deepest nature is expressed in her three-fold responsibility; of proclaiming the word of God, celebrating the sacraments, and exercising the ministry of charity.  These duties presuppose each other and are inseparable.  For the Church, charity is not a kind of welfare activity which could equally well be left to others, but is a part of her nature, an indispensable expression of her very being.”          

                                              Pope Benedict XVI  from Deus Caritas Est


Out reach to the community-serving those in need - is a fundamental part of being Catholic.  Our community extends beyond the geographical place that we live, and includes all of our brothers and sisters throughout the world.  It is through this vision that the Office of Parish Social Ministry seeks to serve our deanery.  We work with the parishes to strengthen local pastoral support through service, outreach and community action.  Some of the services offered by Parish Social Ministry for the Worthington Deanery are:

·         Serving as a listener/facilitator/catalyst for parish action, ideas, etc.

·         Offering convening and training opportunities and resources to assist parish leaders in identifying and acting on local issues.

·         Empowering parishes and their leadership to establish and/or enhance, develop and maintain effective outreach and social ministry efforts.

We seek to reach these goals through the following avenues:

·         Direct social ministry/services to those in need.

·         Education & enrichment, particularly in the knowledge and understanding of the Catholic Social Teachings.

·         Advocacy for systematic change that will improve conditions for those in need in our society.


For more information contact:


Lisa Kremer SFO

Coordinator of Parish Social Ministry

For the Worthington Deanery

at the Office of Catholic Charities

1234 Oxford Street

Worthington, MN  56187

507-376-9597 * 507-360-3423

Email to: Lisa@ccwinona.org




Communities of Salt and Light


Nov. 1st, 2010



Diocese of Winona



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