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Thirtieth Week in Ordinary Time* LH Week 2



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How To Prepare For Confession

Prayer Before Confession

Most Merciful Father, I rely on Your goodness and mercy. I come to You with filial confidence to confess my sins and implore Your forgiveness, for You will not despise a humble and contrite heart. Give me light, love, and sorrow, that I may discover, detest, and confess all the sins that I have committed. I acknowledge that I have been most ungrateful to You, but I sincerely repent and detest the wrongs I have done. Bless me therefore and receive me again into Your favor.

O Holy Ghost, Spirit of Love and Dispenser of all graces, help me to receive this great Sacrament worthily, give me Your grace that I may make a careful examination of conscience and discover my sins. Touch my heart that I may hate and detest them, and assist me to make a firm resolution to avoid sin henceforth. Spirit of Love and Truth, assist me to make a sincere, entire, and truthful Confession to Your representative, the priest, and thus obtain Your forgiveness, Your grace, and Your love.

O Jesus, my Savior, my Good Shepherd, I have strayed far from the path of virtue. I did not follow in Your footsteps. I wandered into forbidden places. Repentant and sorrowful, I beg to be again admitted into the fold of Your faithful followers. I desire to confess my sins with the same sincerity as I would wish to do at the moment of my death. My Jesus, give me the grace to make a heartfelt contrition and amendment of life, so that I may glorify You.

Mary, my Mother, Immaculate Spouse of the Holy Spirit, refuge of sinners, assist me by your holy intercession. Help me to call to mind all my offenses and to be truly sorry for having offended God.

My dear Guardian Angel, who has been a witness to my sins, help me to recall them and to be truly sorry for them.

All holy Angels and Saints of God, pray for me. Amen.

(The following questions are only a guide, they are not meant to imply these are the only sins you should confess.)

Examination of Conscience

Your Last Confession

  When did I make my last confession?

  How many times have I received the Sacraments unworthily?

  Have I tried to avoid the near occasions of sin? Did I:

  have true sorrow?

  conceal any mortal sins and thus commit a sacrilege?

  receive Holy Communion after a bad Confession?

  receive Holy Communion while in the state of mortal sin?

  forget a mortal sin in my last Confession? (it must be confessed in this Confession)

  perform my penance?

  make necessary restitution?

  repair injury done to another's good name?

The First Commandment

I am the Lord, thy God, thou shalt not have strange gods before Me.

Have I:

  been neglectful in prayer, or said them carelessly, with willful distractions?

  doubted or denied the existence of God?

  wilfully doubted in matters of faith?

  denied my religion?

  been wilfully distracted during prayer?

  distracted others in prayer, such as by talking in Church before, during, or after Mass, or by not keeping my children quiet?

  read books against my faith?

  used words of Scripture in jest?

  despaired of, or presumed on God's mercy by continuing a long time in mortal sin?

  lost hope of salvation?

  murmured against God or His Providence?

  refused to resign myself to God's Will?

  spoken against my religion or its ministers?

  consulted fortune tellers or practiced superstition?

  affiliated myself with a forbidden secret society?

  received the Sacraments unworthily?

  shown irreverence towards the Blessed Sacrament, or in the use of sacramentals (holy water, the Sign of the Cross, etc)?

  deliberately told a lie or withheld a mortal sin in Confession?

  neglected my penance?

  taken part in non-Catholic church services?

  failed to keep promises or vows made to God?

  become addicted to any sort of chemical substance or any sort of self-indulgent behavior that alters my ability to be a free thinking and free-choosing individual?

  let hobbies or other forms of leisure or entertainment become the most important aspect of my life?

  let my ultimate highs and lows in life be based on sporting events?

The Second Commandment

Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord, thy God, in vain.

Have I:

  used God's name in vain, that is, in a careless or frivolous manner?

  gotten angry at God?

  encouraged others to use evil or profane language?

  spoken irreverently of holy things?

  insulted a sacred person or abused a sacred object?

  cursed?

  sworn falsely or unnecessarily?

  blasphemed or insulted God (in thought, word, or writing)?

  hesitated to mention God's name in appropriate situations, in conversations with friends and family members, such as social and political discussions that have a religious dimension to them?

  broken a vow or an oath, such as perjuring myself in a trial?

  desired evil on others, or cursed them, or asked God to curse them?

  neglected to learn more about God through study and reflection?

The Third Commandment

Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day (Sunday).

Have I:

  willfully neglected Mass on Sundays or Holy Days of Obligation?

  come in late for Mass or left early?

  been disrespectful in Church, such as by talking before or during Mass while others are trying to pray, or by not keeping my children quiet?

  misbehaved in Church and/or caused others to do so, or allowed my children to do so?

  performed unnecessary servile work on a Sunday or Holy Day of Obligation?

  desecrated Sundays or other Holy Days by excessive drinking or gambling, or

  by keeping sinful company or frequenting sinful amusements?

  let my mind wander during Mass and dwelt on unrealted subjects?

  disregarded the religious observances of the Sabbath in general?

The Fourth Commandment

Honor thy Father and Mother.

Have I:

  been disobedient or disrespectful to my parents, teachers, pastor, or lawful superiors?

  been stubborn towards them?

  grumbled at them?

  used insulting language toward them?

  struck them?

  made them unhappy by misconduct?

  wished them evil or serious harm?

  failed to assist them in old age, sickness, or poverty?

  neglected to pray for the repose of their souls?

  disobeyed any civil laws or disobeyed any lawful authority, such as that of my parents, employer, government, or Church?

  neglected my duties to my husband or wife, children, or parents?

  neglected to give a good religious example to my family?

  caused tension and fights in my family?

  neglected to care for my aged and infirm relatives?

  disrespected or belittled the elderly? For parents:
Have I:

  neglected to send my children to church on Sundays or Holy Days of Obligation?

  failed to take an active interest in the religious education and moral formation of my children?

  neglected to send them to a Catholic School (if one is available)?

  given them a bad example?

  permitted them to go to questionable places or be with questionable friends?

  set legitimate moral norms for my children, and do I enforce the consequences of bad behavior? For employees
Have I:

  formented discord?

  failed in respect or honesty?

  used my time at work for personal business and not given a full days work for a days pay?

The Fifth Commandment

Thou shalt not kill.
(This also includes injury to the soul, and uncharitableness.)

Have I:

  been intemperate in eating or drinking?

  struck or wounded others?

  abused my or anyone else's children in any way?

  been guilty of anyone's death or bodily injury, either by act, participation, instigation, counsel, or consent?

  driven any vehicle recklessly, thus endangering others?

  performed an abortion, had an abortion, or encouraged others to have an abortion?

  used or caused my wife or girlfriend to use birth control pills?

  quarreled with others?

  willfully entertained thoughts of hatred, revenge, jealousy, aversion, resentment, envy, or contempt for others?

  borne anger, or wished others evil or death?

  given scandal or thrown temptation to others?

  provoked others to anger?

  approved or encouraged the anger of others?

  participated in or consented to "mercy killing" (euthanasia)?

  allowed anyone to die without having last rights?

  given way to passion, pride, or been envious?

  led others into sin?

  sent or advised parents to send children to a school where their Catholic Faith or morals would be endangered?

  abused drugs?

  sinned by excessive eating and/or drinking, or by becoming intoxicated?

  given way to sloth?

  been impatient?

  attempted suicide or entertained thoughts of it?

  supported the "right" to suicide?

The Sixth and Ninth Commandments

6. Thou shalt not commit adultery.
9. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife.

Have I:

  willfully entertained impure thoughts and/or desires?

  willfully desired to see or do anything impure?

  shown respect for all members of the opposite sex, or do I think of them as objects?

  spoken immodestly or suggestively, or taken pleasure in immodest or suggestive conversations?

  read immodest books? written improper things?

  sung or listened to improper songs?

  watched and/or participated in immodest dances, plays, or movies?

  boasted of my sins?

  taken pleasure in immodest looks or touches on myself or others?

  been guilty of undue familiarities or sinful kisses?

  visited dangerous places of amusement?

  committed impure actions alone (masterbation) or with others (fornication), or with a married person (adultery)?

  committed homosexual acts? encouraged others to do so?

  gazed with willful pleasure on improper objects or pictures and/or shown them to others?

  reflected on past sexual sins for the purpose of indulging in the pleasure of the gratification those sins offered?

  voluntarily exposed myself to temptation by curiosity or by frequenting dangerous company or places?

  kept company with a married person?

  been guilty of sins contrary to marriage obligations?

  treated my spouse as an object of my personal sexual gratification?

  practiced artificial birth control by any means (pills, devices, withdrawal),or been sterilized, or encouraged, advised, or instructed others to commit such sins?

  dressed immodestly?

  failed to train my children in matters of chastity?

  been a cause of temptation to the purity of others by immodest dress, freedom of speech, or manners?

  deliberately led others into sin?

  taken part in the sin of others?

  not avoided the proximate occasion of these sins?

  sought a divorce or encouraged others to do so without grave reason?

  married or encourage others to marry outside the Church?

The Seventh and Tenth Commandments

7. Thou shalt not steal.
10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's goods.

Have I:

  been guilty of stealing or cheating, or encouraged others to do so?

  knowingly bought, accepted, shared in, or concealed stolen goods?

  not returned stolen goods or their value?

  willfully damaged anothers property?

  neglected to pay for such damage?

  willfully had the desire to steal, cheat, or damage my neighbors goods?

  envied other peoples families or possessions?

  not returned things I have found to the owner?

  not made sufficient effort to find the owner of things I have found?

  refused to return things I have borrowed?

  been greedy or selfish in regard to my possessions?

  failed to keep any contracts I have entered?

  unjustly delayed or refused to pay my debts?

  incurred unnecessary debt?

  sought the things of this world too eagerly?

  desired to steal or commit any injustice?

  remained silent when recognizing a monetary mistake in my favor?

  been a party to another's stealing or injustice?

  given or accepted bribes or kickbacks, especially to increase my influence in government or business matters?

  neglected to pay my employees a fair wage?

  performed work carelessly?

  wasted time at work?

  been avaricious?

  squandered mine or another's property?

  wronged my family by prodigal expenses, such as excessive drinking, gambling, etc.?

  neglected to share my goods with the needy?

  neglected to put my trust in God's providence, entrusting my material and spiritual needs to His care?

  neglected to thank God on a regular basis for all He has given me and my family, and am I satisfied with these gifts?

The Eighth Commandment

8. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

Have I:

  told lies about my neighbor?

  been guilty of telling lies?

  been guilty of detraction, by revealing my neighbors' secret faults?

  been guilty of calumny, by saying what is false or uncertain about my neighbor?

  deliberately deceived anyone who had the right to know the truth of a matter?

  caused ill-feeling by tale-bearing?

  started or spread gossip?

  been guilty in any way of uncharitable speech?

  neglected to repair the harm done by my sinful speech?

  listened wilfully to detraction, gossip, or calumny?

  flattered others in their sins and bad habits?

  failed to deal with other people in a sincere and honest way?

  sinned by hypocrisy and pretense of virtue?

  entertained a false suspicion of my neighbor or been guilty of rash judgement?

  attributed bad motives to others when I could not be certain of their motives?

  signed false papers or documents?

  failed to keep a secret that I should have kept confidential?

  read others letters and/or violated their right to certain secrets?

  been guilty of sacrilege, by speaking against a priest or anyone consecrated to God?

  committed perjury by giving false testimony in court or a legal prodecure?

  led others into sin, or made them susceptible to sin, by failing to speak in defense of truth or the faith?

  led others into sin by my own taste for immoral actions or events?

The Six Precepts of the Church

1. To attend Mass and to abstain from servile work on all Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation.
2. To fast and abstain from meat on the days appointed by the Church.
3. To confess one's sins at least once a year.
4. To receive worthily the Blessed Eucharist at Easter Time or within the time appointed.
5. To contribute to the support of the Church.
6. Not to marry persons within the forbidden degrees of kindred or otherwise prohibited by the Church; not to solemnize marriage at the forbidden times; in general, to observe the laws of the Church concerning marriage.

Have I:

  failed to assist at Mass on Sundays and/or Holy Days of Obligation, or done so without due reverence and devotion?

  performed unnecessary servile work on such days?

  failed to go to Confession at least once a year?

  failed to receive Holy Communion during Easter time (Septuagesima Sunday through Trinity Sunday, i.e., the third Sunday before Ash Wednesday through the Sunday after Pentacost Sunday)?

  received Holy Communion in a state of mortal sin?

  failed to observe the precepts of fasting and abstinence without lawful reasons and proper dispensation?

  failed to contribute to the support of the Church according to my means?

  planned to "marry" or actually pretended to enter the married state before a minister or civil magistrate? (That is, entered into an invalid so-called "marriage" outside the Church.)

  approved of other Catholics doing this?

  acted as a witness for them in such a "marriage"?

  married within the forbidden degrees of kinship?

Act of Contrition

Oh my God, I am truly sorry for all the things I have done that have offended You, and I detest all my sins, because of Your just punishments, but most of all because they offend You, my God, Who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Your grace, to sin no more, to do penance, and to avoid the near occasion of sin. Amen.


When you enter the confessional say the following:

Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It has been (number of days, weeks, months, or years) since my last confession.

Tell all your sins distinctly and finish by saying:

For these and all my sins of my whole life, especially ... I am heartily sorry and I humbly ask for penance and absolution.

Then listen to the priest. After he has given the penance and while he is giving you absolution repeat the Act of Contrition. After you leave the confessional say the following:

Act of Thanksgiving

My God, I thank You for Your great mercy in letting me go to confession, and in forgiving me my sins. Help me that I may always do my best to please You. From now on I will love You above all things. I will pray often to You, and I will always pray with great devotion. I will, for Your sake, abhor sin more than death itself and avoid all occasions that have unhappily brought me to it. This I resolve to do with the aid of Your Divine grace, without which I can do nothing. I beg Your blessing on these my resolutions. Supply also, by Your mercy, whatever defects I may have committed in this confession, and give me grace to be now and always a true penitent.

Now perform your penance.

Taken from:


Longing for Reconciliation

Careful observers detect in the very midst of division an unmistakable desire among people of good will and true Christians to mend the divisions, to heal the wounds and to re-establish at all levels an essential unity. This desire arouses in many people a real longing for reconciliation even in cases where there is no actual use of this word.

Some consider reconciliation as an impossible dream which ideally might become the lever for a true transformation of society. For others it is to be gained by arduous efforts and therefore a goal to be reached through serious reflection and action. Whatever the case, the longing for sincere and consistent reconciliation is without a shadow of doubt a fundamental driving force in our society, reflecting an irrepressible desire for peace. And it is as strongly so as the factors of division, even though this is a paradox.

But reconciliation cannot be less profound than the division itself. The longing for reconciliation and reconciliation itself will be complete and effective only to the extent that they reach-in order to heal it-that original wound which is the root of all other wounds: namely sin.

Reconciliation becomes necessary because there has been the break of sin from which derive all the other forms of break within man and about him. Reconciliation, therefore, in order to be complete necessarily requires liberation from sin, which is to be rejected in its deepest roots. Thus a close internal link unites conversion and reconciliation. It is impossible to split these two realities or to speak of one and say nothing of the other.

Personal conversion is the necessary path to harmony between individuals.(17) When the church proclaims the good news of reconciliation or proposes achieving it through the sacraments, she is exercising a truly prophetic role, condemning the evils of man in their infected source, showing the root of divisions and bringing hope in the possibility of overcoming tensions and conflict and reaching brotherhood, concord and peace at all levels and in all sections of human society. She is changing a historical condition of hatred and violence into a civilization of love. She is offering to everyone the evangelical and sacramental principle of that reconciliation at the source, from which comes every other gesture or act of reconciliation, also at the social level.

Reconciliation Comes from God

God is faithful to his eternal plan even when man, under the impulse of the evil one(43) and carried away by his own pride, abuses the freedom given to him in order to love and generously seek what is good, and refuses to obey his Lord and Father. God is faithful even when man, instead of responding with love to God's love, opposes him and treats him like a rival, deluding himself and relying on his own power, with the resulting break of relationship with the one who created him. In spite of this transgression on man's part, God remains faithful in love. It is certainly true that the story of the Garden of Eden makes us think about the tragic consequences of rejecting the Father, which becomes evident in man's inner disorder and in the breakdown of harmony between man and woman, brother and brother.(44) Also significant is the gospel parable of the two brothers who, in different ways, distance themselves from their father and cause a rift between them. Refusal of God's fatherly love and of his loving gifts is always at the root of humanity's divisions.

Taken from:







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