512 Maine Avenue, Box 475 * Adrian, MN 56110 * Ph. (507)483-2317 Fax (507) 483-2460 * Email:stadrian@frontiernet.net


Saint Adrian Church

Thirtieth Week in Ordinary Time* LH Week 2




Ministry Opportunities

As Jesus prepared to ascend to his Father in heaven, he left his apostles with a straightforward mission:

                    “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age."

This is still our mission today and living this mission is extraordinarily challenging in our secular world. As disciples, we are called to respond. This response is called Stewardship.

 Stewardship is a deliberate and conscious effort to see and acknowledge that every good thing comes from God; that we are entrusted to use all these things wisely and with great care, and to give them back to God with increase. Our challenge, as good stewards, is to discover our gifts and strengths; then to give generously of our time, talent and treasure out of love for God. Stewardship is the way we choose to live our lives as disciples.

Liturgy Committees

Altar Linens: Altar Linens ministry maintains the cleanliness and quality of the linens used in liturgical celebrations.

Altar Servers: Altar Servers assist the Presider and serve at the table for weekend Eucharist and special occasions.

Art and Environment: Art & Environment help to create a visually prayerful environment for worship services, which generally includes banners, streamers, floral arrangements, and colors appropriate to the liturgical season.

Eucharistic Ministers: Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist (EMOEs) assist with the distribution of Holy Eucharist during the regularly scheduled Masses.

Lectors: Lectors proclaim the Holy Scriptures for Weekend Eucharist and special occasions.
Mass Coordinators: Mass Coordinators collaborate with all ministers that serve at Mass and ensure the quality of our Liturgies

Music and Choir: Music ministry provides for the musical enhancement of our prayer experience during Weekend Eucharist and special occasions.

Ushers and Greeters: Ushers/Greeters welcome the community to liturgies, take care of the congregations comfort, take up collections, and distribute the weekly communication through the Parish Bulletin.


If you want to serve in one of this ministries, please talk to Fr. Hall 483-2317.

American Catholic Saint of the Day   

       American Catholic Minute Meditations  

        American Catholic - Mother Teresa's Daily Prayer



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Website last updated:03/02/2011


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