Links to Reading Resources

Bestseller Lists from Great Bookstores

Harvard Bookstore (Boston) (this is my favorite bestseller list)

Strand (Manhattan)

Powell's (Portland, OR)

Independent Bookstores as a group
("Indie" bookstores generally appeal to more sophisticated readers)

The Best Literary Blogs

The Elegant Variation

The Millions

Bookdwarf (by an employee at the Harvard Bookstore, with links to other lit blogs)

The Book Bench (sponsored by The New Yorker)

Book Award Winners

Booker Prize (October - novels written in English and published in Britain)

Pulitzer Prize (April - U.S. writers) (scroll down for categories: fiction, biography, etc)

National Book Critics Circle Award (March - books in English)

National Book Award - Fiction and Nonfiction (November - U.S. writers)

IMPAC Dublin Literary Award (June - fiction in English) (scroll down for winners)

PEN/Faulkner Award (March - U.S. fiction)

Kirkus Prize (October - fiction and nonfiction)

Orange Prize (June - novels in English by female writers)

Costa (Whitbread) Award (January - fiction with wide appeal from the U.K or Ireland)

James Tait Black Award (August - fiction published in the UK by a writer of any nationality)

Book Recommendations

Recommendations from The Elegant Variation blog (listed in right column)

Recommendations from the The Millions blog

Best Books of the Year (at bottom of left column, click on "Best Books of 2008," etc)

Reading Ideas from Book Groups with Tastes Similar to LAVA's

Other Book Club Material

Reviews of Books (books reviews from major periodicals)

The Life of a Booker Prize Judge

Book Club Politics (an amusing story from The New York Times)

Law-breakers sometimes have the choice of going to jail or joining a book club!

A stunning collection of photos of beautiful libraries

Book Sale Finder

Rochester Area Cultural Resources

Unitarian Universalist Reading Resources