
Briefing fer New Crew Members

Welcome to Otherwhen crew!!! We be a friendly crew, intent on having fun , helping each other learn to be the best pirates we can be, and making the Sapphire archipelago a more civilized place. We don't do much PVP but do not forbid it after ye pass all yer officer training lessons, as long as ye do not attack our allies (other than with mutual consent).

Otherwhen crew was named after a book by H Beam Piper called Lord Kalvan of Otherwhen. It was most likely the first full length novel on the subject of alternate universes. Fer that matter, our flag Water Sleeps was named after a book too. But ye don't have to read science fiction to be part of our crew, by any means.

Ye need to register with the Water Sleeps forum as soon as possible, and then tell LordKalvan that ye be registered so that ye can be given access to the important announcements.

Please read Pirate Etiquette.

For tips on the various duty puzzles or other FAQs and Tutorials on the game, see: Links to Everything You Need to Know

If ye be interested in becoming an officer, see How To Get Promoted

Please try to join us on Tuesdays (7:30pm Eastern, 6:30pm Central, 4:30pm Pirate time) fer our weekly war brig pillage. This usually lasts about two hours.

Otherwhen crew owns the shipyard shop Revenge of the Ship and the tailor shop There is No Spool, both on Beta. Ye be strongly encouraged to become citizens of Beta, and take a job at Revenge of the Ship, doing the puzzle at least once a week. If ye don't like the shipwright puzzle, then please take a job at There is No Spool and also Tseetum's Weaving Stall, that makes us discount sail cloth. Employees of Revenge of the Ship qualify fer discounts on purchase of ships. Profits from the shop benefit our crew as a whole, buying us shared ships and funding events. Please note that non-subscribers can't work in shops.
