Navajo Nation Precipitation

Types of Precipitation Gauges:

Navajo Nation currently maintains and monitors 85 precipitation gauges. Data collected out in the field include; temperature (Celsius), wind speed and direction, weather conditions at time of visit, time, date, and depth of mixture in gauge. Field notes are brought back to the office and quality checked before entering it into the precipitation Database.
Monthly data collection runs are broken down into six routes and should be completed within ten days, that is, five days before each month and no later than five days after that. Below are types of precipitation gauges used by the Navajo Nation to collect precipitation.

Specific Data Request can be made to:

Please inform us of what the data will be used for and what areas you are interested in. We do ask that you provide us with a copy of report when your project is complete. This report will be added to our library for future use.

CONSULTANTS: Data provided by the Navajo Nation is Federally funded, therefore data obtained should not be charged back to client as part of the services provided.