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Vertebrate List

Fish - 7 Species

Amphibians - 5 Species

Reptiles - 12 Species

Birds - 169 Species

Mammals - 63 Species

FISH - Class: Osteichthyes
  1. Black Bass (Largemouth Bass) -
    Micropterus salmoides
  2. Bluegill -
    Lepomis macrochirus
  3. Brook Trout -
    Salvelinus fontinalis
  4. Brown Trout -
    Salmo trutta
  5. Rainbow Trout, (Steelhead trout) -
    Oncorhynchus mykiss
  6. Mountain Sucker -
    Catostomus platyrhynchus
  7. Catfish -
    Species unknown

AMPHIBIANS - Class: Amphibia

Frogs and Toads - Order: Anura

  1. American Bullfrog -
    Rana catesbeiana
  2. Sierran Treefrog -
    Pseudacris sierra
  3. California Toad -
    Bufo boreas halophilus
  4. Great Basin Spadefoot -
    Spea intermontana ?

Salamanders - Order: Caudata

  1. Southern Long-toed Salamander -
    Ambystoma macrodactylum sigillatum

REPTILES - Class: Reptilia

Snakes and Lizards - Order: Squamata

    Family: Phrynosomatidae

  1. Western Sagebrush Lizard -
    Sceloporus graciosus gracilis
  2. Northwestern Fence Lizard -
    Sceloporus occidentalis occidentalis
  3. Family: Scincidae

  4. Skilton's Western Skink -
    Plestiodon skiltonianus skiltonianus
  5. Family: Anguidae

  6. Sierra Alligator Lizard -
    Elgaria coerulea palmeri
  7. Family: Boidae

  8. Northern Rubber Boa -
    Charina bottae
  9. Family: Colubridae

  10. Valley Gartersnake -
    Thamnophis sirtalis fitchi
  11. Mountain Gartersnake -
    Thamnophis elegans elegans
  12. Gopher Snake -
    Pituophis catenifer
  13. Mountain Kingsnake -
    Lampropeltis zonata
  14. California Kingsnake -
    Lampropeltis getula californiae
  15. Western Yellow-bellied Racer -
    Coluber constrictor
  16. Family: Viperidae

  17. Northern Pacific Rattlesnake -
    Crotalus oreganus oreganus

BIRDS - Class: Aves

Loons - Order: Gaviiformes

    Family: Gaviidae

  1. Common Loon -
    Gavia immer

Grebes - Order: Podicipediformes

    Family: Podicipedidaee

  1. Pied-billed Grebe -
    Podilymbus podiceps
  2. Eared Grebe (Black-necked Grebe) -
    Podiceps nigricollis
  3. Westwen Grebe -
    Aechmorphorus occidentalis

Pelicans and Cormorants - Order: Pelecaniformes

    Pelicans - Family: Pelecanidae

  1. American White Pelican -
    Pelecanus erythrorhynchos
  2. Cormorants - Family: Phalacrocoracidae

  3. Double-crested Cormorant -
    Phalacrocorax auritus

Herons, Egrets, and Ibeses - Order: Ciconiiformes

    Herons and Egrets - Family: Ardeidae

  1. Great Blue Heron -
    Ardea herodias
  2. Great Egret (Great White Egret) -
    Ardea alba
  3. Green Heron -
    Butorides virescens
  4. Ibises - Family: Threskiornithidae

  5. White-faced Ibis -
    Plegadis chihi

Ducks, Geese, and Swans - Order: Anseriformes

    Family: Anatidae

  1. Whistling Swan (Tundra Swan) -
    Cygnus columbianus
  2. Snow Goose (Blue Goose) -
    Chen caerulescens
  3. Canada Goose -
    Branta canadensis
  4. Greater White-fronted Goose (White-fronted Goose) -
    Anser albifrons

  5. American Wigeon -
    Anas americana
  6. Cinnamon Teal -
    Anas cyanoptera
  7. Gadwall -
    Anas strepera
  8. Green-winged Teal -
    Anas crecca
  9. Mallard -
    Anas platyrhynchos
  10. Northern Pintail -
    Anas acuta
  11. Northern Shoveler -
    Anas clypeata
  12. Wood Duck -
    Aix sponsa
  13. Canvasback -
    Aythya valisineria
  14. Redhead -
    Aythya americana
  15. Ring-necked Duck -
    Aythya collaris
  16. Lesser Scaup -
    Aythya affinis
  17. Bufflehead -
    Bucephala albeola
  18. Common Goldeneye -
    Bucephala clangula
  19. Barrow's Goldeneye -
    Bucephala islandica
  20. Hooded Merganser -
    Lophodytes cucullatus
  21. Common Merganser -
    Mergus merganser
  22. Ruddy Duck -
    Oxyura jamaicensis

New World Vultures - Order: Ciconiiformes

    Family: Cathartidae

  1. Turkey Vulture -
    Cathartes aura

Hawks, Falcons, and Eagles - Order: Falconiformes

    Hawks and Eagles - Family: Accipitridae

  1. Osprey -
    Pandion haliaetus
  2. Bald Eagle -
    Haliaeetus leucocephalus
  3. Golden Eagle -
    Aquila chrysaetos
  4. Red-tailed Hawk -
    Buteo jamaicensis
  5. Rough-legged Hawk -
    Buteo lagopus
  6. Sharp-shinned Hawk -
    Accipiter striatus
  7. Cooper's Hawk -
    Accipiter cooperii
  8. Northern Goshawk -
    Accipiter gentilis
  9. Northern Harrier -
    Circus cyaneus
  10. Falcons - Family: Falconidae

  11. American Kestrel -
    Falco sparverius
  12. Peregrine Falcon -
    Falco peregrinus
  13. Prairie Falcon -
    Falco mexicanus

Grouse and Quail - Order: Galliformes

    Grouse - Family: Phasianidae

  1. Sooty Grouse (Blue Grouse) -
    Dendragapus fuliginosus
  2. Quail - Family: Odontophoridae

  3. Mountain Quail -
    Oreortyx pictus
  4. California Quail -
    Callipepla californica

Cranes - Order: Gruiformes

    Family: Gruidae

  1. Greater Sandhill Crane -
    Grus canadensis

Rails and Coots - Order: Gruiformes

    Family: Rallidae

  1. Virginia Rail -
    Rallus limicola
  2. Sora Rail -
    Porzana carolina
  3. American Coot -
    Fulica americana

Plovers, Sandpipers, Snipes, Phalaropes, Stilts, Gulls, and Terns - Order: Charadriiformes

    Plovers - Family: Charadriidae

  1. Semipalmated Plover -
    Charadrius semipalmatus
  2. Killdeer -
    Charadrius vociferus
  3. Sandpipers, Snipes, and Phalaropes - Family: Scolopacidae

  4. Greater Yellowlegs -
    Tringa melanoleuca
  5. Spotted Sandpiper -
    Actitis macularia
  6. Western Sandpiper -
    Calidris mauri
  7. Least Sandpiper -
    Calidris minutilla
  8. Baird's Sandpiper -
    Calidris bairdii
  9. Pectoral Sandpiper -
    Calidris melanotos
  10. Long-billed Dowitcher -
    Limnodromus scolopaceus
  11. Wilson's Snipe -
    Gallinago delicata
  12. Wilson's Phalarope -
    Phalaropus tricolor
  13. Red-necked Phalarope -
    Phalaropus lobatus
  14. Stilts - Family: Recurvirostridae

  15. Black-necked Stilt -
    Himantopus mexicanus
  16. Gulls and Terns - Family: Laridae

  17. Bonaparte's Gull -
    Larus philadelphia
  18. Ring-billed Gull -
    Larus delawarensis
  19. California Gull -
    Larus californicus
  20. Caspian Tern -
    Hydroprogne caspia
  21. Forster's Tern -
    Sterna forsteri
  22. Black Tern -
    Chlidonias niger

Pigeons and Doves - Order: Columbiformes

    Family: Columbidae

  1. Rock Dove (Rock Pigeon) -
    Columba livia
  2. Band-tailed Pigeon -
    Patagioenas fasciata
  3. Eurasian Collared Dove -
    Streptopelia decaocto
  4. Mourning Dove -
    Zenaida macroura

Owls - Order: Strigiformes

    Family: Strigidae

  1. Great Horned Owl -
    Bubo virginianus
  2. Northern Pygmy Owl -
    Glaucidium gnoma

Nighthawks - Order: Caprimulgiformes

    Family: Caprimulgidae

  1. Common Nighthawk -
    Chordeiles minor

Swifts - Order: Apodiformes

    Family: Apodidae

  1. Vaux's Swift -
    Chaetura vauxi

Hummingbirds - Order: Apodiformes

    Family: Trochilidae

  1. Calliope Hummingbird -
    Stellula calliope
  2. Rufous Hummingbird -
    Selasphorus rufus

Kingfishers - Order: Coraciiformes

    Family: Cerylidae

  1. Belted Kingfisher -
    Megaceryle alcyon

Woodpeckers, Sapsuckers, and Flickers - Order: Piciformes

    Family: Picidae

  1. Downy Woodpecker -
    Picoides pubescens
  2. Hairy Woodpecker -
    Picoides villosus
  3. Lewis's Woodpecker -
    Melanerpes lewis
  4. Pileated Woodpecker -
    Dryocopus pileatus
  5. White-headed Woodpecker -
    Picoides albolarvatus
  6. Red-breasted Sapsucker -
    Sphyrapicus ruber
  7. Northern Flicker -
    Colaptes auratus

Passerine Birds (Perching Birds, Song Birds) - Order: Passeriformes

    Tyrant flycatchers - Family: Tyrannidae

  1. Dusky Flycatcher -
    Empidonax oberholseri
  2. Gray Flycatcher -
    Empidonax wrightii
  3. Hammond's Flycatcher -
    Empidonax hammondii
  4. Willow Flycatcher -
    Empidonax traillii
  5. Olive-sided Flycatcher -
    Contopus cooperi
  6. Western Wood-Pewee -
    Contopus sordidulus
  7. Western Kingbird -
    Tyrannus verticalis
  8. Larks - Family: Alaudidae

  9. Horned Lark -
    Eremophila alpestris
  10. Swallows - Family: Hirundinidae

  11. Tree Swallow -
    Tachycineta bicolor
  12. Violet-green Swallow -
    Tachycineta thalassina
  13. Northern Rough-winged Swallow -
    Stelgidopteryx serripennis
  14. Cliff Swallow -
    Petrochelidon pyrrhonota
  15. Barn Swallow -
    Hirundo rustica
  16. Jays, Magpies, Ravens, (and Crows) - Family: Corvidae

  17. Steller's Jay -
    Cyanocitta stelleri
  18. Western Scrub Jay -
    Aphelocoma californica
  19. Pinyon Jay -
    Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus
  20. Black-billed Magpie -
    Pica hudsonia
  21. Common Raven -
    Corvus corax
  22. Chickadees - Family: Paridae

  23. Mountain Chickadee -
    Poecile gambeli
  24. Nuthatches - Family: Sittidae

  25. Red-breasted Nuthatch -
    Sitta canadensis
  26. White-breasted Nuthatch -
    Sitta carolinensis
  27. Pygmy Nuthatch -
    Sitta pygmaea
  28. Treecreepers - Family: Certhiidae

  29. Brown Creeper -
    Certhia americana
  30. Dippers - Family: Cinclidae

  31. American Dipper -
    Cinclus mexicanus
  32. Wrens - Family: Troglodytidae

  33. Rock Wren -
    Salpinctes obsoletus
  34. Bewick's Wren -
    Thryomanes bewickii
  35. House Wren -
    Troglodytes aedon
  36. Winter Wren -
    Troglodytes troglodytes
  37. Marsh Wren -
    Cistothorus palustris
  38. Kinglets - Family: Regulidae

  39. Golden-crowned Kinglet -
    Regulus satrapas
  40. Ruby-crowned Kinglet -
    Regulus calendula
  41. Thrushes - Family: Turdidae

  42. Western Bluebird -
    Sialia mexicana
  43. Mountain Bluebird -
    Sialia currucoides
  44. Townsend's Solitaire -
    Myadestes townsendi
  45. Hermit Thrush -
    Catharus guttatus
  46. American Robin -
    Turdus migratorius
  47. Shrikes - Family: Laniidae

  48. Loggerhead Shrike -
    Lanius ludovicianus
  49. Starlings - Family: Sturnidae

  50. European Starling -
    Sturnus vulgaris
  51. Vireos - Family: Vireonidae

  52. Cassin's Vireo -
    Vireo cassinii
  53. Warbling Vireo -
    Vireo gilvus
  54. Pipits - Family: Motacillidae

  55. American Pipit -
    Anthus rubescens
  56. Waxwings - Family: Bombycillidae

  57. Cedar Waxwing -
    Bombycilla cedrorum
  58. Wood-warblers - Family: Parulidae

  59. Orange-crowned Warbler -
    Vermivora celata
  60. Nashville Warbler -
    Vermivora ruficapilla
  61. Yellow Warbler -
    Dendroica petechia
  62. Yellow-rumped Warbler -
    Dendroica coronata
  63. Hermit Warbler -
    Dendroica occidentalis
  64. MacGillivray's Warbler -
    Oporornis tolmiei
  65. Wilson's Warbler -
    Wilsonia pusilla
  66. Common Yellowthroat -
    Geothlypis trichas
  67. Blackbirds, Meadowlarks, and Cowbirds - Family: Icteridae

  68. Red-winged Blackbird -
    Agelaius phoeniceus
  69. Yellow-headed Blackbird -
    Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus
  70. Brewer's Blackbird -
    Euphagus cyanocephalus
  71. Brown-headed Cowbird -
    Molothrus ater
  72. Western Meadowlark -
    Sturnella neglecta
  73. Tanagers - Family: Thraupidae

  74. Western Tanager -
    Piranga ludoviciana
  75. Grosbeaks and Buntings - Family: Cardinalidae

  76. Black-headed Grosbeak -
    Pheucticus melanocephalus
  77. Lazuli Bunting -
    Passerina amoena
  78. Finches - Family: Fringillidae

  79. Purple Finch -
    Carpodacus purpureus
  80. Cassin's Finch -
    Carpodacus cassinii
  81. House Finch -
    Carpodacus mexicanus
  82. Red Crossbill -
    Loxia curvirostra
  83. Pine Siskin -
    Carduelis pinus
  84. Lesser Goldfinch -
    Carduelis psaltria
  85. American Goldfinch -
    Carduelis tristis
  86. Evening Grosbeak -
    Coccothraustes vespertinus
  87. Sparrows, Towhees, and Juncos - Family: Emberizidae

  88. Chipping Sparrow -
    Spizella passerina
  89. Brewer's Sparrow -
    Spizella breweri
  90. Vesper Sparrow -
    Pooecetes gramineus
  91. Lark Sparrow -
    Chondestes grammacus
  92. Sage Sparrow -
    Amphispiza belli
  93. Savannah Sparrow -
    Passerculus sandwichensis
  94. Fox Sparrow -
    Passerella iliaca
  95. Song Sparrow -
    Melospiza melodia
  96. Lincoln's Sparrow -
    Melospiza lincolnii
  97. White-crowned Sparrow -
    Zonotrichia leucophrys
  98. Golden-crowned_Sparrow -
    Zonotrichia atricapilla
  99. Green-tailed Towhee -
    Pipilo chlorurus
  100. Spotted Towhee -
    Pipilo maculatus
  101. Dark-eyed Junco -
    Junco hyemalis
  102. Old World Sparrows - Family: Passeridae

  103. House Sparrow -
    Passer domesticus

MAMMALS - Class Mammalia

Shrews and Moles - Order: Insectivora

    Shrews - Family: Soricidae

  1. Northern Water Shrew -
    Sorex palustris   photo
  2. Trowbridge's Shrew -
    Sorex trowbridgii
  3. Vagrant Shrew -
    Sorex vagrans   photo
  4. Moles - Family: Talpidae

  5. Broad-footed Mole -
    Scapanus latimanus   photo

Bats - Order: Chiroptera

    Free-tailed Bats - Family: Molossidae

  1. Brazilian Free-tailed Bat -
    Tadarida brasiliensis   photo
  2. Vesper Bats - Family: Vespertilionidae

  3. Pallid Bat -
    Antrozous pallidus   photo
  4. Townsend's Big-eared Bat -
    Corynorhinus townsendii   photo
  5. Big Brown Bat -
    Eptesicus fuscus   photo
  6. Silver-haired Bat -
    Lasionycteris noctivagans   photo
  7. Hoary Bat -
    Lasiurus cinereus   photo
  8. California Myotis Bat -
    Myotis californicus   photo
  9. Small-footed Myotis Bat -
    Myotis ciliolabrum   photo
  10. Long-eared Myotis Bat -
    Myotis evotis   photo
  11. Little Brown Bat -
    Myotis lucifugus   photo
  12. Fringed Myotis Bat -
    Myotis thysanodes   photo
  13. Long-legged Myotis Bat -
    Myotis volans   photo
  14. Yuma Myotis Bat -
    Myotis yumanensis   photo

Rabbits, Hares, and Pikas - Order: Lagomorpha

    Pikas - Family: Ochotonidae

  1. American Pika -
    Ochotona princeps   photo
  2. Rabbits and Hares - Family: Leporidae

  3. Black-tailed Jackrabbit -
    Lepus californicus   photo
  4. White-tailed Jackrabbit -
    Lepus townsendii   photo
  5. Snowshoe Hare -
    Lepus americanus   photo
  6. Nuttall's Mountain Cottontail -
    Sylvilagus nuttallii   photo

Rodents - Order: Rodentia

    Mountain Beavers - Family: Aplodontidae

  1. Mountain Beaver -
    Aplodontia rufa ssp. californica   photo
  2. Beavers - Family: Castoridae

  3. American Beaver -
    Castor canadensis   photo
  4. Porcupines - Family: Erethizodontidae

  5. Common Porcupine -
    Erethizon dorsatum   photo
  6. Pocket Gophers - Family: Geomyidae

  7. Botta's Pocket Gopher -
    Thomomys bottae   photo
  8. Mountain Pocket Gopher -
    Thomomys monticola   photo
  9. Jumping Mice - Family: Dipodidae

  10. Western Jumping Mouse -
    Zapus princeps   photo
  11. Rats, Mice, and Voles - Family: Muridae

  12. Long-tailed Vole -
    Microtus longicaudus   photo
  13. Montane Vole -
    Microtus montanus   photo
  14. Bushy-tailed Woodrat -
    Neotoma cinerea   photo
  15. Deermouse -
    Peromyscus maniculatus   photo
  16. Western Harvest Mouse -
    Reithrodontomys megalotis   photo
  17. Squirrels, Chipmunks, and Marmots - Family: Sciuridae

  18. Northern Flying Squirrel -
    Glaucomys sabrinus   photo
  19. Western Gray Squirrel -
    Sciurus griseus   photo
  20. California Ground Squirrel -
    Otospermophilus beecheyi   photo
  21. Belding's Ground Squirrel -
    Urocitellus beldingi   photo
  22. Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel -
    Callospermophilus lateralis   photo
  23. Yellow-pine Chipmunk -
    Tamias amoenus   photo
  24. Shadow (Allen's) Chipmunk -
    Neotamias (Tamias) senex   photo
  25. Lodgepole Chipmunk -
    Neotamias (Tamias) speciosus   photo
  26. Douglas' Squirrel (Chickaree) -
    Tamiasciurus douglasii   photo

Carnivores - Order: Carnivora

    Coyote and Foxes - Family: Canidae

  1. Gray Wolf -
    Canis lupus   photo
  2. Coyote -
    Canis latrans   photo
  3. Common Gray Fox -
    Urocyon cinereoargenteus   photo
  4. Red Fox, (Sierra Red Fox) ? -
    Vulpes vulpes necator   photo
  5. Cats - Family: Felidae

  6. Bobcat -
    Lynx rufus   photo
  7. Mountain Lion (Cougar) -
    Puma concolor   photo
  8. Skunks - Family: Mephitidae

  9. Striped Skunk -
    Mephitis mephitis   photo
  10. Western Spotted Skunk -
    Spilogale gracilis   photo
  11. Weasels, Badgers, and Otters - Family: Mustelidae

  12. Northern River Otter -
    Lontra canadensis   photo
  13. Pacific Marten -
    Martes caurina   photo
  14. Fisher -
    Martes pennanti   photo
  15. Short-tailed Weasel (Ermine) -
    Mustela erminea   photo
  16. Long-tailed Weasel -
    Mustela frenata   photo
  17. American Badger -
    Taxidea taxus   photo
  18. Raccoon - Family: Procyonidae

  19. Raccoon -
    Procyon lotor   photo
  20. Bears - Family: Ursidae

  21. American Black Bear -
    Ursus americanus   photo

Deer and Antelope - Order: Artiodactyla

    Antelope - Family: Antilocapridae

  1. Pronghorn Antelope -
    Antilocapra americana   photo
  2. Deer - Family: Cervidae

  3. Mule Deer (Black-tailed Deer) -
    Odocoileus hemionus   photo

    Welcome to my MMB Vertebrate Page!

    There are many birds and mammals, as well as a few fish, reptiles and amphibians, that either live in, or migrate through the

    Mountain Meadows Basin.

    The list on the left represents 256 of these


    vertebrate species.

    My experience and research with these vertebrate wild animals is much less than the experience that I have had with the invertebrate wild animals, and the plants, of the MMB; especially in the area of photography. Thus, I do not have many nice photos of birds, mammals, fish, reptiles, and amphibians.

    The list for Fish, Herps, and Mammals were obtained by using the specific local search options provided on the linked websites above. The list of birds was obtained from the Mountain Meadows Basin Bird List Web Page at the Mountain Meadows Conservancy Website. My list of birds within the left column is a taxonomic list, while the list at the Mountain Meadows Conservancy website is a nice alphabetical list of just the common names; with bird species of special concern, or threatened, or endangered, highlighted.

    I wish to express my gratitude, and thanks, to those persons who have preceded myself in doing the field and data research; and to those folks who have compiled this information within the excellent, and interactive websites linked above.

    Hopefully, my efforts here with this list may help others in their efforts to understand and protect the whole web of life that exists here in the Mountain Meadows basin. 

    Please enjoy
    Sincerely, Jim Moore

      Please also see the Following:

Northwestern Fence Lizard

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