My Current IRC AD&D Campaign

This IRC Campaign Was Closed Due To Health Problems
The Demanding Nature Of Running An IRC Game.

It Will Not Likely Start Again. Sorry :-(

Welcome To The World Of Orlantia.

An IRC game is rather hard to do properly. To be sure there are a variety of problems one simply doesn't find in Real Life (RL, face to face) games, but the hardest one for the DM to cope with is poor attendance. No matter how much a player promises they will show up, no matter how much time the DM spends with them preparing their character for inclusion in the game, it frequently happens these players will not show up come game time. Sure, there are probably a wide variety of reasons, but who cares? It makes the DM's job harder all the same, no matter how good the reason or excuse.

For those of you who wish to know what's expected of a player in my irc games (or expected in irc games in general), read my irc gaming primer by following the link below.

An IRC Gaming Primer (Some things I want my irc gamers to know)

And, if you'd like some brief thoughts on how I think a player should try to fit into another DM's world, follow that link immediately below.

Roleplaying In A New World (How to get used to a new DM and his world)

Furthermore, an even dozen points (or more) of my House Rules should be looked over whenever you have the time.

12 House Rules (An Even Dozen Points (or more) To Consider About My Game)

Even with the problem of poor attendance, I continue to try to run this IRC game every Saturday night between 11p.m. and 3 a.m. CST (Saturday night moving into Sunday morning). You may even come and watch it if you like, but if you do come to watch, please know this in advance: I almost certainly will not have time to talk to you during the game, and the players may or may not have the time. So please don't be offended if we seem preoccupied with other matters.

It is typically the case we will be in two channels at the same time on somewhere. #Orlantia, the game channel where most action occurs and where all In Character (IC) dialog should take place, and #OrlantiaOOC, the channel where most Out Of Character (OOC) stuff happens. If you are a visitor it is here, in #OrlantiaOOC, that you may speak more freely without interrupting the active game. You may join #Orlantia and watch the game, but please do not add comments there as this may result in you getting kick/banned from both channels.

NOTE:Recently, we started going to to play, but we were on before, though still on #Orlantia and #OrlantiaOOC.

If you see the game and like it, it may be possible for you to join, but I am sorry to say it is unlikely. IRC gaming is unlike RL gaming where a good DM can simply add an occasional character and still run a smooth game. In IRC, character inclusion takes more work, more time, and may not help the game but rather hurt it in many instances. This is simply because IRC games get too confusing when there are more than 6 or 7 players (for me anyway, so if you are an IRC DM who can manage more than that, my hat's off to you). Still, with the attendance problems in IRC it may be the case there is a new opening every now and then.

If you think you would like to join the game you must ask me BEFORE or AFTER a session on Saturday. I am usually there up to a half hour before game time, and I like to do a post mortem dump, as I call it, after the game where the players, the visitors, and the DM can all talk about what worked, what they liked, what they didn't like, etc., in the hopes this feedback will help provide a better game in the future. Beware that if you do ask to join, you will probably not be invited to join that night's game (unless I have a serious player shortage), but you may be considered for future sessions.

Consideration Will Be Based On The Following Criteria:

A.) An opening must be available.

B.) Your character must be of a class that helps the current group. Too many fighters, for example, will not help. More than one ranger isn't needed, etc. New classes may be used, as well as monks, for example, but all of those will have to be cleared by the DM first.

C.) You should know what Hack and Slash and Monty Haul games are like, you should understand what a Munchkin is, you should understand what Mini Maxing is, and you should share my disapproval of those playing styles. If that is what you are looking for, you will not be happy in my game. Furthermore, you should strive for certain roleplaying ideals, but as roleplaying simply tends to shy away from the aforementioned Hack and Slash, Monty Haul, Mini Maxing and Munchie styles, you may already qualify if you dislike those things.

D.) If you still are reading this, then you should produce a 4th to 5th level character on your own (this is the current level of the group. If multiclass, make them around 4/4 at rock bottom minimum experience to accomplish this, but if single class, make them 5th level, also at minimum xp to do this). It may have one stat of 18, one of 16, another of 15, and the remaining three statistics should be in the 9 to 12 range. If you take an 18 strength and are a fighter (warrior or warrior subclass), you will have to roll for exceptional strength in channel in my presence at a later time. I, as DM, will wish to see you roll your hit points (no exceptions), though your first dice is at maximum, subsequent dice must be viewed by me to count. Finally, as this game is getting up there, your character may have two magic items (probably two +1 items, maybe armor, maybe a cloak, maybe a ring of protection, or perhaps you'd rather have a +1 weapon (not bow). You may also have a few potions or scrolls, but we can work that out later).

If you wish to play a class with high minimum statistic scores (like a monk, paladin, ranger, or the like), you may take the minimum required stats as a base and add 1d4 more points. I must see the 1d4 roll AND no scores may be above 18 anyway. When making characters like this, I do not use racial adjustments, so your elf, for example, cannot be given an 18 DEX and then increase that to 19 for being an elf. If you wish high stats like that, we have to talk personally, but chances are you either won't get them or I'll let you actually roll up a character (and you can take what you get). My method of rolling up a character is to generate three sets (3 characters) using the 4d6 throw out the lowest die for 6 stats, arrange these stats as you wish, and take the best of the 3 characters. When using this method, however, what you end up with is what you must play. Rolling up a character must be done in my presence in an irc channel.

E.) Your character will have some money (perhaps 2,000 gp left), but may have the starting equipment one could find in the book (within reason). The monetary system I use is different, but go ahead and use the book to begin with. If you actually get into the game, you will then start using my system. This system may be found on my home page by following the link concerning money, metals, and coins. I have also posted shopping pages that use my monetary system and my estimations of the price of things on my world. If you'd rather use these pages, go ahead and follow the "Let's Go Shopping Link."

Let's Go Shopping

My monetary system can be read by following this link, though only the actual coin table need be looked at.

Coins, Metals, and A Better Monetary System (A decimally based, realistic system of coins)

F.) A waiting list sometimes grows to get in this game. I like the first come, first serve philosophy, but IRC doesn't always allow it and higher consideration must be given to those who demonstrate more of a commitment and quality. To that end, showing up repeatedly every week as a lurker (or at least, showing up a lot) will have a tendency to demonstrate commitment. Furthermore, more email inquiries and game discussion about a possible character may also show a quality I simply cannot see from one email letter requesting to be in the game. When an opening does present itself, these considerations will be more highly valued than simply who came first. This may not be fair, in some ways, but I believe it is the best thing for the game.

G.) All characters start out with a maximum score on their first hit dice (this is an in world rule). You will have that many hit points to start, constitution bonus notwithstanding (i.e., max plus con bonus for the first hit dice only. Subsequent hit dice must be rolled under the DM's direct supervision and well announced before the roll is made).

H.) Unusual character classes, abilities, and background stories must be cleared by the DM. Talk to me after the game as this is probably the best time, but if you see me in the #AD&D channel, ask me then. I am usually under the IRC Nick of JStarlight (or GStarlight or JStarlight1 if JStarlight is a ghost). Or email me.

Email Jim Your Comments (Send Praise, Critique, Complaints, Suggestions, Ideas, Corrections, or Submissions).

I.) However, please understand that if you do all this you may still not get to play. If the missing player shows up next week the opening may be closed, but if that player doesn't show up twice in a row and you do, you will not only get to play, but you will be put on the active list and the missing player will be put on the inactive list. Active list players always get to play before inactive players. Thus, if you continue to show up after you get to play once, no one but I will be able to take you out, and I will only do this if your character or you as a player cause serious disharmony and/or discord within the game.

As a new consideration, I must also consider any player who doesn't stay the entire game but must leave for a large section of it to be, in essence, counted as absent once. Two in a row and that player will be moved to the inactive list. This may not always be fair, but when so many want to play (it could happen) room must be made for those who can both show up AND go the distance.

The play time slot is rather late and it may be the case all the players and the DM are rather tired. You may quit 30 to 60 minutes early if that is the case, but usually taking a nap before game time helps. Sorry, but if you persistently fall asleep at the board or do not participate much due to fatigue, even if you qualify in many other ways, this game will not be for you. It is the only time slot we can all make, so far.

Now, with all that said, below you will find various links to the characters in my game. This is not the traditional sneak peak look at their character sheets as that information is nobody's business but that player's and the DM's, but is instead usually a brief glance at the character's description and background information or background story line. Frequently it is a story written by the player and edited and modified by me to fit better into the world of Orlantia.

Note: If there is something in your bio that needs adjusting, please email me and I will correct it. Also, if you have a small jpeg of your character, I will try to include it with your bio. Email the jpeg to me and I'll add it when I can.

Email Jim Your Comments (Send Praise, Critique, Complaints, Suggestions, Ideas, Corrections, or Submissions).

Finally, below the character links, please find the on going STORY SO FAR write up of the game's progress. I will try to keep this current, but sometimes I get behind or the story progression was too small to bother with that week. Also, I will add things or take liberties for dramatic purposes, so if you are asking yourself: "When did that happen?" know that it may simply be included to flesh out the story and give greater insight into the events around the story line. The PCs may use as clues or as insight many things included in that manner. If ignored, possible benefits may be lost.

The Story So Far is primarily used, however, as a reminder of major plot developments rather than a blow by blow recounting of the roleplaying sessions. Two people in a room may talk at length to solve some emotional problem or come to an agreement, and such things can be the height of great roleplaying, but they do little to move the major aspects of the main story along and will frequently be omitted. Mostly, when, where, who, and why may be answered by reading this summary, but rarely will fine roleplaying detail be painstakingly included. Sorry, that's just too much work for the ol' DM.

It is the responsibility of the player to read the last posted chapters of the ongoing STORY SO FAR before game time. This does three things:

First, it reminds the players what happened last session and makes it a lot easier to get back into character and get back into the story. Furthermore, it may remind a player to follow up on a dangling clue, and

Second, it informs the players of any changes or dramatic license the DM may have taken in the interim. It may even provide extra insight or clues the players and/or PCs may use, and

Third, it gives the players an opportunity to correct any mistakes the DM may have made in writing up the story. For example, I may say Gillmesh delivered the killing blow in a battle when, in fact, it may have been Jarmain. Email me any corrections you find in the last two posted chapters and I will try to correct them. Earlier chapters are too far removed to bother with and will probably not be changed. And the chapters do become the final word of what happened.

I have recently adopted the policy of awarding some small measure of experience points to any player's character should they email me pointing out errors (spelling, typo, factual, etc.) in the Story So Far. An added incentive for the players to read it never hurts.

I practically insist each player read the latest chapter after it's posted and before the next game session. It helps. These are, however, only 4 to 6 pages long on the average and do not really take that much time. For these reasons, and perhaps more, it is a must that the players keep up on their weekly reading of the chapters. Also, if I'm going to write it up, I want someone to read it. ;-)


These Links will provide background information on the characters in my current IRC Game if that character's player has submitted a story. Players need not submit back stories if they do not wish to, but I do try to encourage it.

The Character Links are broken up into two groups, the active players (who have been coming to play regularly and have not missed two sessions in a row), and the inactive players (those who have missed the last two or more sessions). Each Character Link may be immediately followed by an important link for that character's class.

Active Player Characters

Welcome To The World Of Orlantia.

Inactive Player Characters

A Page Of NPCs One May Have Encountered Or Heard About (So Far)

Alphabetical Listing Of Some NPCs


Welcome To The World Of Orlantia.

© July of 1999
James L.R. Beach
Waterville, MN 56096