C. L. White Studio
home of the art work of Craig L. White

"The First Special Forces"



"The First Special Forces"

This ranger of Major Robert Rogers Ranging Service is outfitted and "Uniformed" for the period of 1758-1759. His dress reflects that of the military, the frontiersman and the Native American.

He was a highly trained and disciplined soldier who fought as a woodsman rather than in the formal manner of the military of that Historical period.

His "Ranging" style of combat forced the Frinch and their Indian Allies onto the defensive as the rangers took the war to their enemies in the winter, a time when armies encamped until better weather conditions prevailed in the spring.

Roger's Range is 11" tall and the base is 9 1/2" long.

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Craig L. White; 702 West Main Street; Thorntown, IN 46071