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Forests Forever

Try your hand at the web site used for the Mini Usability Study! It's best to do this before you read the study and analysis!

You are a parent who has been asked by your child's 5th grade teacher to help evaluate a web site for possible use in her class. She knows you use the Internet at home, and would like your feedback on how easy it is to do 2 tasks on the site.

Task 1 is to find out what Layer 6 of a Tree Cookie is.

Task 2 is to find out what Dr. Seuss book is suggested as a companion to the Web Quest.

You are free to look around the Forests Forever web site and try other things, just be sure to note both good and not-so-good things you find.

Ready? Print out an evaluation form and go to:

http://www.teachtheteachers.org/projects/MBergey/index.htm (this link opens in a new window)

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