Jams and Jellies $6

Raspberry Jam

Rhubarb Jam

Watermelon Jelly

Spicy Pepper Jelly

Strawberry Jam

Strawberry/Rhubarb Jam




Dill Pickles- Slices or Spears

Spicy Dill Pickles- Slices or Spears

Dill Pickled Tomatoes

Bread and Butter Pickles(sweet)  *****(JUST MADE)

Dilly Beans (yellow)  ******(JUST MADE)

Spicy Dilly Beans(yellow)******(JUST MADE)


Spicy Corn Relish


Salsa – Medium

Salsa – Spicy

Maple Syrup – small                                                                                                



Fresh Produce

Wax beans(yellow)  (container 7x4x3)  $4.00

Green Beans (container 7x4x3) $4.00

Turnips (softball size)  $2.00 each

Red potatoes  $1.50 lb

Shallots 6 oz = $3.00 or 3oz  = $1.50

Green onions- bunch 4 ($1.00)

Kohlrabi 3 small for - $3.00

Garlic – Golf ball size - $1.00 bulb

Red Onions – Tennis ball size-  $1.00 each

White Onions – Tennis ball size - $1.00 each

Yellow Onions – Tennis ball size- $1.00 each

Cucumbers $1.00 each

Green Peppers $1.00 each


Thank you ,Ye Olde Farm LLC                                                                                                                         


SEND Order to: yeoldefarm@yahoo.com by Friday 4pm in order to pick up order Saturday at either.

Cannon Falls Downtown Farmers Market (Across the street from Family Fare)  8 am to Noon OR

Northfield Edina Reality parking lot in by Northfield arena.  9– 1 pm  Saturday’s

Tim & Jody Mahle
35707 CO. 14 BLVD.

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