Fleeting Glimpse > Learn to Juggle > 4 Ball > Step 6
Juggling animation Juggling with 4 balls is just putting together various combinations of patterns you tried in step 3. For example, with 2 balls in each hand, you can toss 4 columns. You can do it throwing the inside balls together then the outside ones, or you can throw the right hand ball in each hand then the left hand ones (as the animation shows).
You're Juggling! step6
Juggling animation
Or you can throw in a circular motion in each hand. There are 4 variations for this - both clockwise, both counter-clockwise, throw from outside to inside (as shown in the animation), or inside to outside. Or you can throw columns in one hand and circular in the other. Try out all the different combinations. Now try to switch between patterns without stopping.
Juggling animation  
This pattern looks pretty complicated doesn't in? Believe it or not, each hand is throwing the same pattern as above. (If you are having trouble seeing the pattern, cover up one half of the animation and see it is just the circular pattern. Cover the other half and see it is also the circular pattern.) So far you have been throwing balls from your left hand and right hand at the same time. For this pattern, try throwing from first from your left hand then quickly from your right. Each hand does the same patterns it was doing before, only a bit out of sync.

  If you learn to juggle 4 balls from these directions and I will post your name of my Jugglers Page.

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Fleeting Glimpse > Learn to Juggle > 4 Ball > Step 6