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Resource Staff

Technology Resource Teacher
Environmental Studies Lead Teacher
Reading Specialist
Curriculum Integration Resource Teacher



  1. Work with the reading teachers, media specialist, and core teachers to develop strategies for remediation of targeted students to include:
    • Integration of technology
    • Identify software
    • Coordinate use of computer lab for targeted students.
  2. Chairs the technology committee, which guides the schools' use of instructional technology.
  3. Provide training for staff and faculty in use of network systems and software usage.
  4. Assist faculty in the integration of technology skills into units of study for students.
  5. Trouble shoot for the network system to include requesting repairs and ordering supplies for the system.
  6. Work with bookkeeper in maintaining the inventory of technology equipment.
  7. Maintain high level of expertise and knowledge in latest equipment and software. Disseminate this information to the faculty and staff.
  8. Serve as a liaison to the district's technology supervisor and TSA'S.
  9. Maintain a log of trouble shooting and training.
  10. Responsible for writing and submitting all grants related to technology.
  11. Computer repair and upgrades.
  12. Serves as School Web Master.
  13. Maintains and updates School Intranet e-mail System.
  14. Network administrator for the School.
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Professional Qualification:

Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. Coordinate the planning and development of the use of instructional technology with the magnet theme of environmental studies.
  2. Plan and coordinate learning activities designed to help students integrate environmental studies within the curriculum using technology as a tool.
  3. Model effective use of technology to integrate curriculum in all magnet instructional settings of the schools.
  4. Assist staff members as they use technology to integrate environmental studies into units of study.
  5. Search out and share the latest theories, practices, and research.
    1. Concerning environmental studies, influencing the magnet school staff to use this information to expand the sue of instructional strategies using technology.
  6. Preview and recommend purchase of educational technology and software programs for the environmental studies program.
  7. Serve as a member of the school improvement team, helping to make decisions about issues involving environmental studies.
  8. Be on call, available to magnet school staff and students as a troubleshooter when equipment or software questions arise.
  9. Locate and access environmental studies resources outside the school site.
  10. Provide information to administrators, professional staff, and the community concerning environmental studies within the school.
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Reading Resource Specialist - Mrs. Garrett

Florida Statute #233.057:

The Education Reform Act (SB 38-B) and the "RAISE" (Raising Achievement in Secondary Education) Act (SB 6-b), provided resources to fund the 1979 Florida School Law, State Statue 233.057-Reading Program. These laws have made Reading Resource Specialists available in each middle and secondary school. The Florida State Department of Education had submitted additional information regarding the implementation of this reading program through DPS Memoranda 84-38 and 84-71 dated August 2 and August 24, 1983, respectively.

Duties and Responsibilities

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Professional Qualifications:

Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. Assist teachers in planning to meet learning goals through interdisciplinary instruction and integrated curriculum.
  2. Teach and model the use of available technology as a tool to meet curricular goals.
  3. Research, share and model a wide variety of appropriate instructional and assessment techniques.
  4. Locate and access technological and human resources to enhance learning for all students.
  5. Conduct frequent needs assessments to determine training topics for professional staff.
  6. Collaborate with lead teacher and other staff to plan and organize continuous staff development experiences that center on both content and process issues.
  7. Coordinate awards and other events that impact the entire school.
  8. Develop a network of business, civic, and community members who participate with students in mentor ships and career exploration.
  9. I. Serve as a member of the school improvement team, helping to make decisions about issues involving curriculum integration.
  10. Provide information to the administration, professional staff, and community concerning the status of interdisciplinary instruction within the school.
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1208 Wishing Well Way
Tampa, Florida 33619
(813) 744-8322
Web Master e-mail