Sergey Nikolayevich Zasyatkin

Cepгeй Hикoлaeвич Зacяткин



    In the year since Amrex and its entities folded, Sergey Nicholavich Zasyatkin  had two heart attacks, his house and car were repossessed and his wife divorced him. However, those who saw him at the 341 meeting said he looked tan, fit and relaxed.  Nothing like what a person should look who’d lost his companies, his wife, his house and his car. Maybe Serg has good genetics or he is still working scams unabated.

Is Sergey down, but not entirely out?  Have those losses, to reiterate — his house, his car, his companies, his health, his soulless wife — enough to keep him out of the adoption gig?  What do you think?


Serg’s info page was found on “Moy Krug” (My Circle), a Russian version of Facebook.  It’s complete with photos of Serg, and previously unknown to us, his three children.  Check it out.


    The front page says he’s lived in Atlanta since 1990.  He lived originally in Ukraine and not Russia, having attended school in Yalta (1974-1975) and then becoming an “Urban Planner” at the Kharkov School of Urban Development from 1978-1983.


    The “FotoAlbum” is enlightening.  Eight photos of Serg, his children and some “friends”. 


    The most disquieting photos were of “my friends”.  Two photos of Serg with a woman wearing a boa and Shocking Pink Dyed Hair.  Was this Shocking Pink Dyed Hair woman during or after his marriage with Marina?  We think Shocking Pink Dyed Hair woman was during Marina


    The other photo with the boa wearing Shocking Pink Dyed Hair woman featured a big thug man, dressed all in black.  Serg, the Shocking Pink Dyed Hair woman and the Thug Man were standing in a kitchen.  Thug Man looked like somebody you see on the streets of Moscow standing guard over the businessmen and Russia’s political elite.  One would be wise not to mess with Thug Man.


    Careful readers will recognize the stainless steel track lightening and cabinets.


    Of the greatest interest were photos of Serg’s attractive daughters and son.   Serg’s genetics deserve credit.  He and the kids’ egg donor sure created fit, healthy and vivacious looking children.



    We had never known that Serg was a father to such handsome kids.  It makes one wonder why he’d inflicted so much pain on people who wished for the same things he had. Namely, healthy and beautiful children, a good job and a secure place to live.


    The sole son, Dmitriy, is a young adult.  Serg is now physically living with Dmitriy in a modest home in Woodstock, Ga.  Not quite a UPS Store in the strip mall. Dad needed someplace to crash after the bank foreclosed on the mansion in Alpharetta and his car, his businesses went belly up and his wife dumped him.  Why not at his son’s house?


    Dmitriy graduated from Centennial High School in Roswell, Ga. in 2003.  He attended Kennesaw State University in Kennesaw, Ga., for Web & Database Technologies. 


    Dmitriy has a North Atlanta “Meet Up” page featuring his snazzy red motorbike. There are photos of said bike, himself and he and another man in a tractor:


    Aside from tooling around on speedy red motorbikes, Dmitriy has an occupation.


    We have a copy of Dmitriy’s resume.  The sole job listed was working at Amrex.  He started in 2001 as an “Executive Office Assistant” while still in high school.  In 2003, when he graduated, he began working in “Web Development” at Amrex. Amrex must have been a sweet bid because his father and step-mother owned the company.


    Dmitriy, at the end of his resume, cites developing the following websites:  ICAR, Amrex, APTServices, EDopt, Genesis Adoptions, JAIN Adopt – and Marina’s LeBam Décor.


    It’s not a shock to learn, then, he is following in his father’s adoption software management footsteps.  He incorporated “Software For Adoption Management” (SAM) on July 17, 2007.  Its website is currently up and operational — redolent of Amrex’s website when Transparent Systems software ran on it.


    Note the happy kids images, the logo, the language about Hague, focus on “child adoption management system” and software for adoption agencies.  Sure Dmitriy Zasyatkin may have incorporated this organization, may have set the website up, but otherwise – it’s Sergey N. Zasyatkin’s adoption software domination dreams living again.


    Dmitriy’s SAM profile appears here:


    He certainly has “experience” in the adoption industry — heck, he’s got the result of that experience crashing at his house every night!

We half wonder how many agencies are jumping at the chance to be one of SAM’s “beta testers”:


    One agency who needs to be taken to task for using SAM is Christian World Adoptions (CWA).   Note the blurb here by Mark Lucas their “Communications Director”


    Unfortunately, when the Amrex connection to SAM was brought to CWA’s attention, CWA claimed Sergey Zasyatkin had no ties to SAM and that it was completely independent. How can a son be so independent of his father? So sure is CWA that SAM is “independent” of the Amrex hang-over, they’re allegedly having attorneys watch the web to see what’s being said.  Consider this their first view.




    Unfortunately, when the Amrex connection to SAM was brought to CWA’s attention, CWA claimed Sergey Zasyatkin had no ties to SAM and that it was completely independent. How can a son be so independent of his father? So sure is CWA that SAM is “independent” of the Amrex hang-over, they’re allegedly having attorneys watch the web to see what’s being said. 

Therefore, it was of the utmost amusement we read the following from Mr. Mark Lucas on the Adoption Agency Ratings site.  He was responding to this poster who was reporting the above:

CWA supports new AMREX software

I would be very careful. They are connected with AMREX bankruptcy. They endorse the new SAM software that is the son who of the man who started AMREX. The son claims to not have connections with father-but the bankruptcy court says they live together. It is the same AMREX software product-just updated. AMREX left tons of would be parents in the cold-so why would a "so called" Christian agency do business with them, pubically support them and help keep supporting these adoption scammers? I would ask if they are also using JAIN adopt to facilitate their adoptions?

Here are some links:


    Mr. Lucas's response, complete with Bible Quotes — what else? — haughtily instructing the truth teller to get their facts straight is here:

A response...

Proverbs 18:17 states: "The first to present his case seems right, till another comes forward and questions him."

"They are connected with AMREX bankruptcy." FALSE.
"They endorse the new SAM software that is the son who of the man who started AMREX." YOU FAULT SOFTWARE THAT HELPS CHILDREN GET ADOPTED...?
"The son claims to not have connections with father..." TRUE. HEY, YOU GOT THIS RIGHT!
"but the bankruptcy court says they live together." NO LONGER.
"It is the same AMREX software product-just updated." FALSE AGAIN.
"why would a "so called" Christian agency do business with them?" WE'RE NOT.
"pubically support them and help keep supporting these adoption scammers?" FALSE AGAIN. WE DON'T.
"I would ask if they are also using JAIN adopt to facilitate their adoptions?" SINCE YOU ASKED: NO, WE DO NOT.

Who ever you are, you did not even have the integrity to verify your statements, and have spread what amounts to slander about an agency that works hard to place orphans into loving families and hope. Do we do that perfectly? No. We're human. We need God's grace and help to do this at all.

But please, whoever you are, before you write anything about us or anyone else, get your facts straight.

    Do we need to say that upon seeing that post from a Zasyatin company supporter at an adoption agency trashing out somebody who’d been burned by Amrex, it sent the vile E.Case over the edge?  Indeed, I’d not been that ticked since our last go-around with Teri Atkinson.  And I let this Good Xtian Mark “Savin’ da Baybeez” Lucas have it.  & I signed my name.

Okay Mark. Guess what. Since your "adoption agency" allows our ethical, above-board and non-profit adoption agency BUILDING BLOCKS to use YOUR CHINESE PROGRAM to umbrella under, guess what. Since you have all the answers about the money laundering crew of Zasyatkin & Zasyatkin, WE'VE GOT A FEW MORE QUESTIONS.

You see Mark, we've been down a while clocking Amrex. And, well, I just know that you've been to our website. If not, educate yourself:

For your information, this exchange will be up on our website later - we are in the midst of updating it. With a separate page for all of the Amrex millionaires.

Where is Sergey Zasyatkin living now if he's not living with Dmitriy?

How can a son, who worked at Amrex and whose resume claims to have worked at other Amrex companies, NOT have ties with his father? Do you know Dmitriy personally?

Did you know Dmitriy's name is listed on the WHOIS search for JAIN's URL?

Oh, and Mark, you really gotta let Denise Hubbard & Richard J. Marco, Jr. NOT have your agency's name on their website for their China program. That was just a really stupid error on their part. We've seen it, and it will be noted.

    For we can back up what we allege about Dmitriy.  I think my response to Mark Lucas sums up what we have to say on the Dmitriy Zasyatkin subject.  I hope Mr. Lucas and Christian World Adoption got my response.  And are reading this.


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