MS Challenge Walk
Minnesota 2002
Memoir coverage

An opportunity to support a magnificent cause.
A chance to meet good people at their best.
A great weekend out.

The National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Minnesota Chapter 2002 Challenge Walk was a three-day, 50-mile walk which raised substantial income for programs for clients of the Minnesota MS Society, the first effort of its type in Minnesota. Walkers started from Stillwater, Minnesota, after a pre-dawn pep talk and rally, September 28, 2002, and finished at the Metrodome in downtown Minneapolis, over 50 miles later, September 30. The first two days were dreary, wet and chilly, with thunderstorms drenching some walkers. The third day turned gloriously sunny, then uncomfortably warm and humid. A stringent six-month training syllabus helped walkers prepare for the test, but their own courage, humor and dedication saw them through.


Not hist’ry, and not news
this subjective viewing
shows just what we all saw
through one heart and soul.

A moving transforming
life lesson for all,
we walked, laughed and worked hard,
and learned more to love.

Thank you.


Early walkers purposefully stride through the first lunch stop.

Twenty miles hard walking
behind us at last
wet, cold and bone weary
now where are our things?

Found bags seem far heavier
than when packed at home,
and the things which we packed
aren't the things which we need.

Love permeates all.

A few of the hundreds of walkers wearily search for their belongings at the first overnight stop.

Arrivals span hours
that first overnight.
A thunderstorm soaked some
and fatigue threatened all.

But the Center is refuge
and people are warm;
within minutes we know
that the Walk will be fine. 


Camped out on a gym floor,
new friends all around
reading and laughing
and praying and resting,

our common cause joins us
like familial ties,
as, waiting for “lights out”
we dread the next day…

with joy.


A few of the walkers prepare for the night. Others camped in tents, in the cold and the rain.

Maureen spoke and inspired us
to laughter and tears.
Then Greg and Amanda
enthralled us with cheers.

These people around us
and those whom we walk for
remove any thoughts of
our aches and our pains.


Amanda and Greg lead truly inspiring cheers.

Half-way through Day Two,
our mission much done,
we walk for our fellows,
still care for ourselves.

The window reflects 
a weak mirror image,
but freshened we’ll stride out
through more wind and rain.

Our spirits prevail.

A rare chance to repair.

A knight in black leather,
imposing and stern,
he beams his bright smile
on all whom he meets.

The escorts helped manage
the stretching walk line.
When walkers were worried
to Plymouth they came.


With another crew member and a walker.

A smile and a kind word
for all whom she sees.
Her shoulder just broken,
and pregnant six months,

a beautiful woman,
more beautiful soul,
MS made her tired,
she leapt to help all.


On the shoe truck.

Bending and stooping
and twisting and lifting
to help tired walkers 
to find their own bags.

Then running and smiling,
extending the bag
“to save them a few steps” 
on their arduous road.


Bending for bags.

All statures, all ages,
walked straight from our hearts.
Our goal to raise mind share
and cash for a cure.

Each foot ‘fore the last one,
bone-weary and sore,
cold, wet and then hot,
our souls sing as we march.



At the second day lunch stop.

A banner from people
who care what we do –
Achievers and staffers
all cheering us on.

Some signed with a great swash,
more signed as they could,
the love each one proffered
helped keep us on goal.

Thank you!

MS Achievement Center / Society staff banner.

We each hold a candle
we lit from a source,
a walker beside us –
a soul with MS.

We speak and we listen
about why we’re here
with new lights in our faces
new strength in our hearts…

… then thunder and lightning
and more heavy rain.

Twilight candlelight ceremony, before predicted rains came.

When early on Day 3
the sun warmly breaks through; 
adds life and new color
to a world which was gray.

Our spirits thus lifted,
our loads feel much lighter
as onward we soldier
to a Finish we feel.

Let there be Light!


"Fiat Lux" ("Let there be Light")... finally, on the 
third day, sunlight!

No pictures from Plymouth,
he’d gone there to shoot.
But walkers were worried,
he just cruised the street.

Not looking for trouble,
but willing to end it,
by whisking scared walkers 
away in his van.

No need.
Thank God.

O’er filling the bike lane
and spilled in to the street
the walkers inspire
stunned awe and respect.

Red shirts on the leaders
for those with M.S.,
dark shirts on the others;
all accomplished their goals.



Approaching downtown, walkers appear around 
the curve.



Downtown, approaching the goal...

Up the ramp to the Dome.

The “Challenge completed”
we met at the Dome
to love one another
and cheer our quest done.

Through tears, cheers, embraces,
we heard leaders speak
of great goals accomplished,
and well-earned awards.


Congratulations, awards, satisfaction...

After we finished we
lingered and relished
a moment to ponder
just what we had done.

Our pledges will help fund
the search for a cure;
alone and as fam’ly
each and every one grew.

Thank God.

Photographing finishers.


Relief, for a major project well-completed.

An incredible adventure!