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Mrs. Blow's

6th Grade English Language Arts

"We know what we are but not what we may be..."  --William Shakespeare

Table of Contents

Activities & Quizzes


Alternative Energy Persuasive Essay


Ancient Civilizations Thematic Essay Unit


Catherine Called Birdy by Karen Cushman

Class Calendar


"Charles" by Shirley Jackson Short Story


Mysteries of Harris Burdick


History of the English Language




NYS English Language Arts Exams Review


Painting Pictures with Poetry


SHEroes Memorable Women in History


Teacher Resources


Writer's Workshop

Search WWW Ask Mrs. Blow

[Welcome]  [Organizing School Supplies] [English Notebook] [Homework Policy] [Discipline Policy] [Team Spirit]  [Technology] [Contact Information]



My web site is moving to become part of Lowville Academy Central School's web page.  This page will remain up and running until I have all the information transferred.  However, all new content (blogs, wiki spaces, etc) is be constructed on the new web page.  Please visit the new web site at


(Adobe Reader or MSWord are required to open many of these documents)

Artwork ©SJantzi '06


Tech Tips

Microsoft Word

Windows Media Player is needed to view these videos: Download Windows Media Video Player

  1. Inserting Footnotes in a MSWord Document



Are You a Gamer?

Have fun while you study!  The new Mrs. Blow's QUIA web page offers games that will help you study and learn.  Try it out!  I guarantee it is lots of fun.  After playing the games, you can take a quiz to earn extra credit.  Currently, you can play "Rags-to-Riches," "Challenge Board" (Jeopardy), and "Jumbo".  Soon there will be many more activities.


Organizing School Supplies

ORGANIZATION:  At the beginning of the year, we organize all our school supplies for all content area subjects.  Organization is important to a student's success.  Coming to class prepared with materials and completed homework is a sign of a good student.  Lockers are personal space so it is important that the locker, too, is organized so materials can be found easily. 

If students color code materials by subject, it is easier to maintain organization and to get to class on time.  For example, if all science materials are green, it is easier for the student to grab the green notebooks and pocket folders without having to search through the entire locker.  Below are the subject areas and the school supplies required for each:

  1. Science: 3-subject notebook, pocket folder, composition notebook, index cards packs (4), index card box, brown paper grocery bag (book cover)

  2. Math: 5-subject notebook, #2 pencils

  3. Social Studies: 3-subject notebook, folder, *jumbo book sock

  4. English: 3-ring binder (1.5-inches), 5-tab subject divider, filler paper, pocket folder, black/blue pen, red pen, #2 pencils

  5. Reading: 3-ring binder (1.5-inches), 5-tab subject divider, filler paper, black/blue pen, red pen, #2 pencils, used bounce dryer sheets, pocket folder

  6. Extra pocket folders may be needed for homework folder, art, music, computer, etc.

  7. Planner: provided by the Parent of Middle School (POM)

  8. General items used in all classes: glue sticks, colored pencils, scissors, crayons

*Book socks are optional.  Brown paper bags are free and work just as well when covering the student textbooks.

A step-by-step illustrated guide is available in a PowerPoint presentation to help students label and organize the supplies in a manner that is best for them.

The English Notebook

English Notebook:  the binder will be divided into the following sections:

  • Writer's Notebook:  collection of all story starters, brainstorming, editing practice

  • Word Study: spelling, vocabulary, Greek & Latin roots, etc.

  • Class Notes:  notes taken in class and teacher handouts

  • Quizzes & Tests: quizzes and tests used to study for the unit tests and the final

  • Portfolio: collection of best work, which is organized into an electronic portfolio at the end of the year (optional to store these in classroom file cabinet).

  • Project Folder: pocket folder (without prongs) hole-punched and put in the back of the binder. 

  • Optional: pencil pouch for storage: black/blue pens, colored pens/pencils, highlighters, etc.


Homework Policy

Absent or ExcusedOften students are absent or excused from class.  If a student is absent or excused from class, the assignments can be obtained from a homework buddy.  It is the student's responsibility to get these assignments.  Those students who miss class for instrument lessons or other extra curricular reasons are still responsible for handing in assignments on time. 

Late Assignments:  Students who hand in assignments late will lose 10 points off their grade.  After 5 late days, students will get a zero for that assignment.

Redo Assignments:  Because most grade levels have over 100 students it is physically impossible to allow students to redo every homework assignment.  As a result, homework assignments cannot be redone.  Students are expected to do their best the first time they do homework.  However, I do feel that students can learn from their mistakes; therefore, they are allowed to redo a failed test or essay.  The improved score and the original score will be averaged (see ELA packet for details). 


Discipline Policy

Discipline is not usually a problem. Most sixth graders are genuinely kind to others and want to succeed.  However, our class has come up with a class set of rules that the students feel are necessary for to establish a safe and productive learning environment.

Class 2006-2007 Rules

  1. Respect selves and others.

  2. Come to class prepared and on time.

  3. Complete homework on time.

  4. Stay on task in the classroom.

  5. Use appropriate language and classroom voices in the classroom.


  1. We will have a discussion about our beliefs and goals.

  2. Discussion and immediate consequence such as losing 5 points off participation grade for the month and/or assigned seat, etc.

  3. A call home to the parent and/or a discipline referral.


Team Spirit

TEAM SPIRIT: Team spirit is important in the classroom, however, in the English Language Arts classroom it is essential to establish a risk-taking environment for everyone to succeed.  Reading a piece of writing aloud helps us to hear the music in a writer's words.  As we progress through the writing process, students must learn to give and receive positive criticism, the "Wows" and "I Wonder..." of writing.  First, all writer's celebrate the "wows" of their writing, point out the good points.  Still, all writers, even published writers, must be able to look at his or her work with a critical eye and be willing to improve, so an "I wonder..." statement brings attention to areas that may need more work in a kind, friendly manner.



Technology is integrated into the classroom on a daily basis.  Students are encouraged to utilize word processing programs (Microsoft Word, Word Perfect) when writing essays.  Other projects require other types of programs such as Publisher or PowerPoint.  Students may want to bring a floppy disk, so they can take their work back and forth between school and home. 








Parent Communications

     My door is always open.  Please feel free to contact me through the middle school office or you can e-mail,, if you have any questions or concerns.



Last Updated: September 13, 2007

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