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Rochester, New York


Rochester is a great place to grow up and live. It has lots of things to do and see and has a good job base with alot of high tech jobs.


To learn more about Rochester, NY, click here


The Temperature Range here:


The lowest temperature it gets here in and around February is -23 degrees C. The hottest it gets here is about 37 degrees C typically July and August.


Western New York is a great place for water activities. We have the finger lakes which are glacieral cuts in the land from the ice age (another site) about 15,000 years ago (See the "where am i" tag on this site). Fresh water is abundant here. Unfortunately, with lots of water nearby, this makes lots of clouds, rain, and snow. We have felt low level earthquakes here, and occaisional tornado but no one fears either.


Here's some images of the area:


My son with our dog at Keuka Lake. Both my son and the dog like fishing.



Rochester's new bridge over the Genessee River:



Watkins Glenn:


This is one of New York States best parks to hike. Awesome views and a fun hike. If you like racing, Watkins Glenn has a famous races, race track, museum, and more.


Some Ice Storm Pictures:


This is what happens when a tree gets so much ice on its brances that it peels like a banana. The ice has melted off this tree when this was taken but it was a really pretty tree on our street. Our Ice Storms are natures most beautiful forms of mass destruction.



This is a close up of a pine tree branch. Just touching a branch when it is loaded with ice like this can make the branch snap. During these ice storms you can just stand outside and hear the trees cracking. If you are a tree lover like me, it is really sad. And since I am basically lazy, I get sad as I know how much work it will be to clean up afterwards.



Some Winter Art in Rochester, all you need is some water left outside overnight, a chain saw, and some artistic creativity.


Some Snow art competitions. Just some snow and food coloring in a spray bottle.





You Know You're From Rochester, NY When...

The worst four-letter word you could say is "Fuji." (Rochester is the home of Kodak, my employer).

Toronto is about 70 miles away, but it takes four hours to get there.

The name "Greater Rochester International Airport" is bigger than the airport itself.

There's an 800 number to report a pothole in the road.

In a city where it snows at least 90 inches a year, they build a new sports stadium with no roof on it.

It can be 70 degrees (F, 21 C) one day, below freezing the next, and you think nothing of it.

Your mother is buying outfits to wear to Wegmans. (Unique Regional Grocery Store)

You can travel from Egypt to Greece in about a half-hour by car. (Local townships)

D&C is a newspaper, not a medical procedure.

A musical comes to town 10 years after its Broadway premier and the entire town goes nuts!

You awaken from a deep sleep, look at the clock and see that it's 6:00, but you have no idea whether it's AM or PM. (Winter daylight is about 8 hours)

When 18+ inches of snow falls overnight, but you never thought of NOT going to work.

You are perplexed when friends from other cities come to visit and want to "see the sights".

In winter, if the temperature hits 45 degrees (F, 7C) and the sun comes out, people walk around downtown wearing shorts, shades and no jackets.

There are places at the poles that seem to get more sunlight during the winter months than we do.

You define summer as three months of bad sledding.

You think that people from Pennsylvania have an accent.

You have experienced frostbite and sunburn in the same week.

Half the change in your pocket is Canadian, eh.

Your idea of a seven-course meal is a six pack of Genny and a bucket of Buffalo wings.

You believe that "down south" means Maryland.

Your snowmobile, lawn mower and fishing boat all have big block Chevy engines.

More anyone?


  © Copyright 2005-2015. Jamie Oliver  -  Contents of this page are the sole responsibility of me, Jamie Oliver, no, I'm not the "Jamie Oliver, The Naked Chef" but I'd enjoy meeting him some day.