My Counted-CrossStitch work that was given to freinds:

These are some of the counted-crosstitch pictures that I've completed. The content of the pictures was done by someone else, I just did the stitching.

The cross-stitch kits can be found at:
Dimension Designs
or: Jo-Ann fabric and craft stores

The next picture is entitled:  "Woodland Enchantress".
This picture was Donated to Allison Care Center in Lakewood Colorado in honor of my Aunt
Elizabeth (Betty) Crossman.
I really like how her cloak is semi-transparent at the ends.
I wish the beadwork & gilded stitching around the edges of her cloak was more obvious in the picture.
Dimension Designs does a wonderful job in designing their artwork:

The next picture is a still-life of a bouquet of flowers and a violin on a table
(given to a neighbor):

The next picture is entitled:  "Paris Market".
The picture is unstretched and unframed at 15" by 11" in size:
(Given to a neighbor)

The Next picture is entitled:  "Midnight Dancers",
Dimensions number 35248.
The picture is 11" by 15" (unstretched and unframed):
(Given to a neighbor)

The next picture is called "Beautiful Victorian House."   the picture is 14" by 11" in size (unframed):
Given to a neighbor.

The last picture is called "A Summer Stroll."
This picture was given to a neighbor.
The picture is roughly stretched at 10-1/4" by 18-1/4" in size (unframed):
Given to a neighbor.

The next picture is entitled:  "Butterfly & Daisies",
Dimensions number 35249.  Please ignore the faint black squares, they're a photographic artifact.
The picture is 11" by 11" (unstretched and unframed):
Given to my Sister-In-Law

The next picture is called "Bonsai and Buddha".  This picture has a partially shaded Aida cloth.
Please ignore the faint black squares, they're a photographic artifact.  This picture was given to Aleta Coco.  The calligraphy says:
1. Bliss7. Harmony
2. Well-being8. Leisure
3. Serenity9. Peace
4. Tranquility10. Health
5. Spirituality11. Happiness
6. Calmness

Size of the picture is 14" by 9" (unstretched):

The next picture is a quote from the Bible, "Peaceful Shores:"
from Janlynn needlecraft, by Alan Giana (C). Given to my Sister.
The picture is 9" by 12" (unstretched and unframed):

James T. Steichen
Date Last Modified: 27-Jan-2024