US Army Nike AA Missile Base
Bristol, Rhode Island

Photos from Roy Lichte

Bristol 1961
Shannon and Roy Lichte, Rich Woods         Ken Robbins (Co. Clerk), Roy Lichte,
and Roy's '53 Ford                                          Rich Woods

Bristol 4 July 1961                                          McGregor Range 1961
Pope, Sgt Ken Mort, Roy Lichte and            Roy peering thru the 32 power
    Oldrich Nesladek                                  telescope during collimation at ASP
                                                                    (Annual Service Practice)

   Bristol 1962
SGT Ken Mort                                                 Oldrich Nesladek

Bristol 1962                                                     Plymouth, MA  1962
Leroy "Jackie" Ivey                                     Joe and Dottie Barker, Roy and
                                                                          daughter Lori in Plymouth, MA


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