Grammar Test 4 Answer 11

11. Bargaining with the master shyster at the Turkish bazaar because she was broke from eating the goat kabobs. The injured party pointed out that she had a rich uncle in the States and that she had once known Ataturk and she slammed her coin purse on the table but it was to no avail.


11. Bargaining with the master shyster at the Turkish bazaar because she was broke from eating the goat kabobs, the injured party pointed out that she had a rich uncle in the States and that she had once known Ataturk. Then she slammed her coin purse on the table, but it was to no avail.


1) "Bargaining with the master shyster at the Turkish bazaar because she was broke from eating the goat kabobs" is clearly a fragment, and it should have been apparent that it could be attached as a participial phrase to the noun it modifies "the injured party"

After that, the following sentence is a run-on because it employs 3 independent clauses

1) the injured party pointed out that she had a rich uncle in the States and that she had once known Ataturk

2) she slammed her coin purse on the table

3) it was to no avail

with two conjunctions

1) and

2) but

(3 pts.)


Total = 3 pts.