Ratjumper's Hompage


This page is made from the great Love I have for the Mysterious Wolf and the Great Outdoors!


Call Of The Wild

 Running through the woods,

The wolf was unaware of its sure death,

For it was being chased,

Chased by its loneliness

When lonely, the wolf wanders away.

During the day, it whimpers with sadness,

Hoping to be seen or heard,

But never is, then moves on,

At night he stands on a mountaintop,

A place above everything,

He the howls at the blue moon,

Yet heard now, he is not noticeable,

When day comes, he will wander again,

Wander far away,

To a place of momentary happiness,

This place will take care for him a short white,

The sun is at its hottest and the wolf has found the place,

He attacks the fragile bodies of life,

Tearing at them, he does not know what he's doing,

The blood drips out of his uncontrollable mouth,

His moment is over for now,

He must move on, toward loneliness,

Soon he is caught in his dread full cries,

These cries have waited for him,

He whimpers at these cries during the day,

And howls at them at night,

Awaiting his happiness again.

Will it always be like this, or will it change?

His moment has come,

He starts to attack, but holds back,

The fragile bodies are no more fragile,

Instead, thick with spirit, mind and strength,

He returns to his every day life,

But now it's different.

He no longer whimpers at day or howls at night,

He has learned,

Has he found where true happiness flows?


 Unknown Author.





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