A Walk in the Woods

I hope that the QuickTime movie you can load below captures some of the beauty that Robert Frost wrote about in "Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening". Jerri and I photographed this place in our woods on a snowy afternoon on January 3, 1999. This location shows a mature forest consisting mostly of white pine, balsam fir and some white spruce. Nearby are red pines, which are often called Norway pines in northern Wisconsin, along with jack pine, birch, poplar and a few other species represented in small numbers.

It was a heavily overcast day with light snow falling. Contrasting with the whiteness of the fresh snow, the tree trunks, which are various shades of gray and brown, and even the green needles of the firs and pines appear so dark that the movie almost seems to be in black and white. Such a forest can be threatening, especially if you are far from home and have miles to go before dark, but it can also be "lovely, dark and deep."

The movie file is 343 K, which can take a couple of minutes to load. Therefore, you can choose to go forward to the forest or back home.

If you do not have QuickTime installed on your computer, you can download it free from this page.
