Peter Akeman

Peter Akeman was born in Maryland in 1810.

1840 Fayette County, IL. Census

Peter Akeman - Males and Females under 10 - 2

Males and Females 10 to 16 - 2

Males and Females 45 and up - 1

Blacks: Aged 25 to 34 - 1

Aged 55 and up - 1

1850 Fayette County, IL. Census, Eastern Division

Akeman, Peter, 40, Male, Farmer, Born Maryland

Nancy, 35, Female, Born Tennessee

Solomon, 18, Male, Born Illinois

Henry, 16, Male, Born Illinois

George, 11, Male, Born Illinois

Illinois, nine, Male, Born Illinois

Francis, six, Male, Born Illinois

Mary W., four, female, Born Illinois

Peter, four Months, Male, Born Illinois

Willium, 13, Male, Born Illinois

1880 Vandalia Twp., Fayette County, IL. Census

Akeman, Peter, Male, 73, Farmer, Born Maryland, Father and Mother born in Pennsylvania.

Mary, Female, Wife, 68, Born Tennessee, Father born in Pennsylvania, Mother born in Tennessee.

Henry, Male, 45, Son, Single, Born in Illinois.

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