
Petty Officer Lesson 3: Disengaging

If the Mission board shows ye Brigand Hunting missions, then ye can do this lesson using those. When ye get into battle, just attempt to avoid the brigands until ye can disengage. Once ye feel comfortable with moving around on the battle board, avoiding rocks and using the winds and whirlpools, then mention it to Lord Kalvan and he will mark ye as passed.

If ye don't see Brigand Hunting missions yet, then we arrange a battle between two Otherwhen sloops. This time, the other sloop will be trying to catch ye, and ye will be trying to run away. If ye avoid capture long enough, then ye will be allowed to disengage.


  • Unless ye start out very close to the other ship, don't use 4 tokens in the same hourglass.

  • If ye uncheck the box marked Auto-sails, then ye can select which token ye will get next. This be very important when ye be down to very few tokens and want to go in a certain direction.

  • Winds can carry ye away from yer opponent without requiring any sail tokens. Remember that yer enemy can use them too.

  • Whirlpools be tricksy and hard to understand. At this level, ye be best off avoiding them. Also avoid moving onto squares adjacent to a whirlpool that yer enemy is capable of reaching. If he understands the whirlpool, then he can use it to grapple ye.

  • If ye be stuck facing a rock, ye can turn around. Just use whichever turn token ye think will work. It will give ye a minor amount of damage; less than if ye had been hit by cannon. If ye try to hide behind short rocks, yer opponent will likely fire at ye and ye will get hit. Ye can hit behind tall rocks though. Hitting short rocks causes less damage than hitting tall rocks. Note that hitting the edge of the board is like hitting rocks.

  • Cannons and grapples fire after the token move. So if yer opponent be in the perfect position to blast ye, ye can still avoid the fire. First comes the token movement, second the wind and whirlpool movement, and last the cannon and grapples.

  • Cannon shot travels 4 blocks and then sinks. If there are three empty squares between yer ship and the other one, then the shot is wasted. This is bad if ye did the firing, but good if yer opponent did.
If ye successfully avoided capture until ye could disengage (or at least close to it), then ye have passed Petty Officer Lesson 3.
