LINE: Real or implied lines may suggest different ideas and experiences.

(Horizontal, Vertical, Diagonal)

COLOR: Use of color creates mood, focal point and form.

(Primary, Secondary, Complementary, Monochromatic, Intensities)

TEXTURE: What a surface feels like to the touch.

(Rough, Smooth, Soft, Bumpy)

SPACE: An area with in, around, between, above, below an object.

(Positive/Negative characteristics)

FORM: Dimensionality differences in 2D and 3D artwork.

(Open/Closed, Active/Stable, Freestanding/Relief, Holograms)

SHAPE: A shape is a two dimensional area.

(Organic/Geometric, Symmetrical/Asymmetrical, Elliptical, Angular, Elongated)

LIGHT/VALUE: Light/Shade and Value/Tints applied to the elements of art will create the

illusion of depth.


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