Colin Stephenson Sutherland Male Click to view the family tree

Born: 1851
Died: Dec-1884   Baptized at 26 Sep 1853 at Wilmont United Church in Fredericton.
Died of flu or pneumonia at age 36.

Occupation: Teacher in country schoools. Elected Portage County Superintendent of Schools in 1878-79 and was a school principal in Appleton from 1881 till his death at the age of 36.

Comments: Attended Lawrence University in Appleton, WI as well as another in WI.

Colin's Family

Spouse: Charlotte House (Married)
Children: Stewart, Hattie, Colin

Colin's Heritage

Parents: James Sutherland, Hannah Orcutt Stephenson
Siblings: Hannah Rebecca Sutherland, Sarah (Sister) Sutherland, Elspa Philena Sutherland, Robert (NMI) Sutherland, Zaresh Vashti Sutherland, Pamela Elizabeth Sutherland, Abigail Nancy Sutherland, Phebe Sutherland, Leah Mae Sutherland