Liddle is a Scottish place name - Liddle Water, in Liddlesdale in the area
known as the western marches ie, just north of Carlyle. In the same area were the Elliots, Armstrongs and Kerrs, all strong border families, who, for the 500years of war with England, were known as border " reivers".. For a bit of entertainment they would go across the border into England for a bit of MRP (murder, rape and pillage). Returning to Scotland with stolen sheep and cattle which they would proceed to hide in the hills and gullies. Of course the English families did the very same thing. Sometimes they intermarried so that there were families of the same name in England and Scotland. The border between the two countries is a diaginal, zig-zag line, as every foot was fought over many times. However the area of Liddlesdale was known as the 'debatable land' because the border changed so frequently - the Scottish families disputed the border so often that one English king had an earthen rampart erected to mark the line, that failed also/ Two words come to us from the borders they are to 'grieve' and 'blackmail'. Fiercely independant, these border families would fight anyone, English or Scottish, and if there wasn't anyone to fight, they'd fight amongst themselves! Families lived in peel towers;three story towers with the ground floor given over for the animals. When attacked, they would flee into the second floor barring the passageway with a wrought iron door known as a 'yet'. Here in Scotland a lot of border people have moved away during the last 300 years peace but those who remain tend to keep the old traditions alive. Liddesdale hasn't changed much, the old peel towers are still there but are now working farms. My maternal grandfather was a Liddle, as I was at my birth. Remember Alice in Wonderland? Alice was based on a Liddle, I forget her first name. Liddle's, in my experience seem to have a prominent nose, at least the girl that Alice was based on did, so does my mother and I. When I visited Liddesdale a few years ago I was surprised to find that a lot of really tall people lived there. My maternal grandfather was 6'2" as am I, wonder if it's a genetic thing? Mark, I hope all this helps in completing a picture for you:one point, I visited a graveyard in Liddesdale, it was surrounded by a three foot high wall, it was in the middle of a moor, miles from the nearest building, and the gates were padlocked! Makes ya think don't it?

( Quote from email by Chris Hickman-1998)
