Bill Carsten
9/1957 - 9/1958

My name is Bill Carsten . I was on the top camp as a Radio Relay Repairman prior to White Alice taking over. Half way thru my tour, White Alice took over , and the CO made me the Sheriff. I relocated to the Bottom Camp. The name we had for the camp was Utopia. I never saw skiing up there, and as far as water for the top camp we did the two minute showers once a week .Winter was when you ran out of water, that meant  we used the outhouse (average temp. 40 below) ,and WW II rations .The lowest temperature I saw up there was 73 below. The Hawk (wind) was really talking, we had to shut down the radar  and drain the fire lines, and hand feed the stoves with fuel. I was thinking about a good book title for a tour at the site. What came to mind was " WHITE PRISON". The Air Force told us that we will get our choice of assignments when we left the site. Then when you were ready to leave , they told me that my field was saturated . The choice was then go to the Rangers or SAC. I went to SAC in Altus Oklahoma .