Pultneyville Yacht Club

Celebrating our 60th year!  1944 - 2004

The best kept secret on Lake Ontario

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Pultneyville Harbor has a rich heritage. Originally a fur traders port, Pultneyville was incorporated in 1806, and was the site of a minor action in the War of 1812. The Harbor started as a shipping port with several homebuilt schooners in service by 1810. This was a busy harbor until the Lake Ontario Shore Railroad took the business in 1868. The town has changed little over the passing years so a majority of the houses in town were built before the turn of the century. It is a small community featuring many architectural styles all within walk of the harbor. You can find Cobblestone, Federal and Colonial buildings thru out the village. It is rumored that fortunes were also made during the prohibition as well. Currently the town features many apple markets and several churches and the Fire hall. 


Where is Pultneyville?


Pultneyville is located on the South Shore of Lake Ontario, between Irondequoit Bay and Sodus Bay. We are approximately 14 miles East of Irondequoit Bay and 12 miles West of Sodus Bay. The village is situated on the lake and the buildings can be seen several mile off shore. It surrounds the mouth of the Salmon Creek which forms the harbor area for our yacht club and the Mariners Club. Map location for PYC.


Entering our Harbor


Starting from the mid Channel marks, so as to avoid submerged piers. Pultneyville Harbor is entered by following two ranges on shore. The first is the lighted Green Range with a bearing of 189º (located on shore 18 and 30 feet above datum). As you come in the channel and pass the end of the fixed break wall, you should turn to follow the lighted Red Range, with a bearing of 263º(located in the harbor 11 and 20 feet above datum). Once you are inside the harbor area turn south (180º) and proceed to our guest dock. Often you will be placed in the dock of a member whose boat is not in the harbor. During mid season you can enter our harbor with 6' or less draft. However in the Fall more than 5 feet may be a handicap, as the channel seems to silt in, which accompanied with dropping lake levels make navigation difficult.




Pultneyville Yacht Club has a Pavilion and two Club houses. The Pavilion features grills and picnic tables. Our Club houses feature bathing and kitchen facilities as well as a meeting room. There are also pump-out facilities, gin poles, a dry-sail ramp and a dry-sail hoist. Gas can be found at the Pultneyville Marine Co. located across the creek from the club. Some essentials and fresh food, pizza, subs and ice-cream can be obtained at the local small store, The Pultneyville Pickle, a very short walk from the club. 


Related Links

Pultneyville Historical Society

Sodus Bay Lighthouse and Museum
Wayne County Historic Register


Copyright © 2004 Pultneyville Yacht Club