
Rochester (NY) Rock, Ice & Snow Climbing Club

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Click on the thumbnail images to enlarge them.

  The Asulkan Group from Abbott Mt.,
Selkirk Mountains,
Glacier National Park, Canada

Photo by Stu Milligan
August 15, 2002

Local Sister Organizations

Two  ice climbing areas near Rochester

Photo Copyright 1997 by Art Wolfe
Photo Copyright 1997 by Art Wolfe


Photo Copyright 1997 by Art Wolfe

Photo Copyright 1997 by Art Wolfe

snowy summit
& Snow
snow peak

Note:  This is an upstate New York local area club for outdoor enthusiasts involving various activities such as mountaineering, rock climbing, scrambling, hiking, bouldering, endurance running, snowshoeing, skiing, ice climbing, indoor wall climbing and just plain traveling.  It is a forum for meeting and enjoying the company of those with similar outdoor interests by way of sharing visual trip and activity presentations at meetings, as well as informally organizing outings.


stu on trappers peak

Stu Milligan, RRISCC President 1999-2015, on summit of Trappers Peak in the North Cascades of Washington

Photo by Gabe Stence
August 4, 2008


Click for a list of members (password required)

Note:  Activities described on this web site are subject to risk of pesonal injury or even death.  Do not participate in mountaineering, rock climbing, scrambling, ice climbing, bouldering, buildering or even hiking and trekking, unless you have first acquired appropriate training and gradual experience over a period of time.  This club is not responsible for any risks or adventures you decide to undertake, even should they be inspired by something you've heard about at our meetings or read or seen on these pages.

 last updated 01/13/2025