Specific Heat (c) of Metals
Determine the specific heat (c) of several metals.
Materials: metal cube, calorimeter set up

1.  Record the mass of the metal cube to the nearest 0.1 g.
2.  Immerse the metal cube into the boiling water. Wait 5 minutes then record the temperature (0.10C).
3.  Add exactly 100.0 mL of cool water at approximately 10oC to the insulated cup. 
4.  Just before transferring the metal cube, record the temperature of the cool water (0.1 0C).
5.  Quickly move the metal cube to the cool water; continue to stir gently; record the highest temperature.
6.  Repeat the procedure for another block.

1.  Calculate the specific heat c for your metal using the heat lost = heat gained equation.
2.  Identify your metals using the reference table in your textbook.
3.  In which direction, i.e., from which object did heat flow when
i.  the metal cube was placed in the boiling water?
ii.  the cube was placed in the cool water?
4.  What is thermal equilibrium?  How can you recognize when thermal equilibrium has been reached?
5.  Why was the cube left in the boiling water for 5 minutes?
6.  Why was the cool water purposely started well below room temperature?
7.  Define specific heat.
8.  Explain why water is used in heating systems for building.

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