The Striver and the Nonstrive

Hear and understand the story of the man who had,
and the man who had not.

One possessed much because of his own doings;
One possessed little because of his own doings.

The one strove to possess more, and as a result he did have more!
The other did not strive to possess more, and as a result he did not have more.

The one strove for more because he was not content with what he had.
The other did not strive for more because he was content with what he had!

The one who possessed, and who strove for more, progressively became wealthier.
The other, who strove not, remained at the same level of existance, which was far lower than the Striver.

The Striver, by reason of his wealth, was able to provide for himself the best of all things.
The nonstriver was content with what he had!

The Striver, through the experience of his striving, became exceedingly wise in the art of manipulating, and preserving, and multiplying his wealth.
The nonstriver did not have the experience of manipulating what he chose not to have.

Eventually the Striver was able to establish a force-of-dependence to do his material striving for him.
The nonstriver was content in his state of existance!

The Striver, with his aquired freedom, set his mind to seek and explore by wisdom, and striving, the nature of that which exists, and which has been accomplished and proposed.
The nonstriver was content with what he already knew!

The Striver also strove with success to excell in the cultural arts and pastimes of mankind.
The nonstriver was content to be as he was!

With time and with much striving the Striver eventually made a name for himself in the eyes of men.
The nonstriver was content in his obscurity!

Eventually the appointed time came for each to die;
And as each lived so each received.

And the striver, looking up from within the abyss into the firmament, said unto the man who had, "Oh Nonstriver, please, I beg of you have mercy on me and send to me that which you have, so that I too may ascend into the firmament."

But the Nonstriver, the one who had, replied, "striver, when you walked upon the face of the earth, you, through your own striving acquired all the wealth, and knowledge, and fame, that anyone could possibly desire. As for me, I of my own free will chose to have that which I had then, and still have even now. But you, of you own free will, chose for what you desired. And although you could of had then what I have, you chose not to. And now, what you strove for is what you have acquired, even at this point in eternity; and as you are now so shall you be for eternity. And as I am now so shall I be for eternity. And the void that exist between the the blackness of blackness, that is the abyss, and the firmament of light cannot be overcome. The gate has been sealed, now and forevermore. I go now to the Great Feast which has been prepared beforehand for me and for all who have as I have! As for you it is appointed for you to continue to strive forever and forever; for you shall never be able to acquire that which we have received. What is, is! It cannot be changed. Therefore further conversation is futile. Now I must leave; the Master, Jesus, is calling.

striving, striving, striving!

Blackness of Blackness!
Futility Forever!


"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"
(~ Jesus - from the Gospel of Mark 8: 36 ~)
(~ His Word Interactive Bible ~)


Copyright - © - Jim M. - October 1979