A Morning and Evening Prayer

by Judy Dye


When life began deep in the past

Then Eve and Adam were God’s first

But last is first and first is last -

Chose knowledge over bliss.


The world of children fathered there

Are swaddled closely when newborn,

Entrusted to mere human care

To keep them safe from harm.


Why has this child been born to live?

Each year its mortal frame will grow

To take the blasts rude nature gives

And bear immortal woe.


Remember now thy creator,

in the days of thy youth.

To ever'ything there's a season,

a time for all purpose under heaven.


The young soon grow and stand prepared

To test with pride new freedom’s wings.

A warm wind fingers through the air

As winter turns to spring.


The world turns ‘round much faster when

They hold the future in their hands

And fashion screens to catch the wind;

Ambition draws the plan.


The screens lie tattered, made in vain.

The future, past and out of sight.

Now trapped within a cripple’s pain

They beg eternal life.


Why has this child been doomed to die?

And will You grant the dying wish?

A wounded soul prays “Tell me why

You made mankind for this?”


Then echoes oer the mountaintops:

“So had you rather never lived?

Is life so cheap you’d have it stopped?

What answer do you give?”


In the forest, dark and deep,

Beside a rotted stump I spy

A sprout awakened from the seed

Now stretching for the sky.


And life proclaims for all to see;

The dying sunset, once begun,

Our world turns ‘round and it shall be

Next comes the rising sun.


This is my father’s world, I sing,

And to my list'ning ear I hear

All nature sings and ‘round me rings

The music of the spheres.


Praise for the day. Amen.


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