In the course of playing AD&D I eventually came to the decision the class of cleric or priest needed to be adjusted to reflect more meaningful differences between various deities and religions. Following the druid as but one such example, I came to the conclusion that each deity should have a unique approach to their priests and priestesses with special powers and abilities and at least 7 spells (one for each level) not normally available to other clerics of other religions. Also, a few secondary skills may be granted for free to reflect the power and training such a character may have.

Thus, in the last few years I have adopted the practice of writing a special section for each deity, but only when a player wished to play a cleric of that faith. It is this reason why I have done only a handful of them, but I'd like more of a selection so others may have a greater choice.

To that end I have a few of these write-ups here that I think are worth looking at, but more importantly I'd like them to be used as examples for others. In this way, if others agree this makes the priest class more enjoyable to play, they may follow the examples or take and use them in their own games.

If you think this is a good idea and you'd like to help, feel free to write-up and submit your own take on a standard deity OR one of your own creation. By following the format I have here, if I get some good feedback, I will post such Deities so others may enjoy your work as well.

You need not submit the work in a polished HTML format, but simply have a text file that does a good job describing the deity, their priest's special abilities, a few unusual notes about them or their practices, at least 7 spells (one for each level 1st through 7th), and whatever else you feel is required for your deity. I find the deities and Demi-gods book a good place to start, but mythology or original works of fiction are fine as well.

I will take any submitted text (in files or even just paste it into an email letter to me), read it, tighten it up if required, and post a HTML version of it. If you'd like to submit a deity, send it to me.

Email Jim Your Comments (Send Praise, Critique, Complaints, Suggestions, Ideas, or Submissions).

With that said, below please find the works currently available.

© October of 1999
James L.R. Beach
Waterville, MN 56096