(1375 B.C.-1328 B.C.)
Ilus<> Founder Of Troy-[5334]
King Laomedon<> Of Troy-[5333]


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King Laomedon<> Of Troy-[5333]

  • Marriage: Unknown

bullet  General Notes:

Troy (Asia Minor), also Ilium (ancient Ilion), famous city of Greek legend, on the northwestern corner of Asia Minor, in present-day Turkey. The legendary founder of the city was Ilus, the son of Tros, from whom the name Troy was derived. The son and successor of Ilus was Laomedon, who was slain by the hero Hercules, when Hercules captured the city. It was during the reign of Laomedon's son Priam that the famous Trojan War occurred, which resulted in the capture and destruction of the city.

Laomedon , in Greek mythology, king of Troy. When Laomedon failed to pay Poseidon, Apollo, and King Aeacus for building the walls of Troy, Poseidon sent a sea monster to ravage the land. Total catastrophe could be averted only by the sacrifice of Laomedon's daughter, Hesione. Laomedon offered Hercules a pair of immortal horses if he would rescue his daughter. Hercules slew the sea monster and saved Hesione but Laomedon refused to give him the horses. In revenge, Hercules sacked Troy and killed Laomedon and all his sons except Priam, who became the new king of Troy.



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