After more than 7 years of tinkering with HTML for fun and pleasure, I am looking for some sponsors to keep things going, and growing at RocPic.Com and DigitalSter.Com .

If you are a business who would like to get your name and link in front of the eyes of my viewers, I am initially offering two methods of doing so.

I am accepting offers for the exclusive rights to the left hand link. I am looking for 12 smaller sponsors of a rotating link on the right hand side of the page at 1 dollar each per day. Your link will be placed on each of the three large, medium, and panoramic viewing pages for maximum exposure.

Nothing is carved in stone, and I am open to suggestions if you would like your link someplace else on my site.

Think about the times you have clicked on a business link, if you think my 500 daily Rochester loving viewers would love to see your link over and over, make a serious offer on these PRIME link locations.

Send an e-mail to with your ideas.