function stitle(str,p1,v1,p2,v2,p3,v3,p4,v4,p5,v5,p6,v6,p7,v7,p8,v8) %STITLE Styled text plot titles. % STITLE('styled text') adds styled text title at top of plot on the % current axis. % % STITLE('text','Property1',PropertyValue1,'Property2',PropertyValue2,...) % sets the values of the specified properties of the stitle. % % See also TITLE, STEXT, SXLABEL, SYLABEL, SZLABEL, DELSTEXT, % PRINTSTO, SETSTEXT, FIXSTEXT. % Requires functions STEXT and DELSTEXT. % Requires MATLAB Version 4.2 or greater. % Version 3.2b, 10 March 1997 % Part of the Styled Text Toolbox % Copyright 1995-1997 by Douglas M. Schwarz. All rights reserved. % if ~rem(nargin,2) error('Incorrect number of input arguments.') end ax = gca; % Delete any existing title. title('') stitleH = findobj(ax,'Tag','stext title'); if ~isempty(stitleH) delstext(stitleH) end if isempty(str), return, end % Get title characteristics. titleH = get(ax,'Title'); set(titleH,'Units','normalized') pos = get(titleH,'Position'); hor = get(titleH,'HorizontalAlignment'); ver = get(titleH,'VerticalAlignment'); % Build stext command. numPairs = (nargin - 1)/2; command = ''; for i = 1:numPairs command = [command,',p',num2str(i),',v',num2str(i)]; end stitleH = eval(['stext(pos(1),pos(2),str,''Units'',''normalized'',',... '''HorizontalAlignment'',hor,''VerticalAlignment'',ver',... command,')']); % Set type of styled text object. userData = get(stitleH,'UserData'); userData(1) = 4; set(stitleH,'Tag','stext title','UserData',userData)