function output = stext(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10,a11,a12,a13,a14,... a15,a16,a17,a18,a19,a20,a21,a22,a23,a24,a25,a26,a27,a28) %STEXT Add Styled Text to the current plot. % STEXT(X,Y,'string') adds the styled text in the quotes to location % (X,Y) on the current axes in a manner similar to the TEXT function. % Most of the same property/value pairs that can be used with TEXT % will work with STEXT. The styling information is embedded in the % string in the form of commands which are preceeded by backslashes % and terminated by a space, another backslash or a brace. The % commands control font, font size, font angle, font weight, color, % superscript and subscript attributes. A command is normally % applied to all subsequent text except that temporary changes can be % assigned inside curly braces. Font names and style changing % commands can be abbreviated. Also, many characters from the Symbol % font can be produced by using backslash names (mostly the same % names used in LaTeX). % % Command Summary % \ \bigger \larger \smaller % \ % \italic \oblique \light \demi \bold \normal % ^{} _{} % \black \white \red \green \blue \cyan \magenta \yellow \gray % \color{,,} % \left{} \right{} \up{} \down{} % \rleft{} \rright{} \rup{} \rdown{} % \\ \{ \} \^ \_ \= \+ \- \< \< \#{} % % Character Summary % \, e.g., \alpha to produce lowercase Greek letters % \, e.g., \Gamma to produce uppercase Greek letters % \forall \pm \aleph \subset \Leftrightarrow % \exists \geq \Im \subseteq \Leftarrow % \cong \propto \Re \in \Uparrow % \perp \partial \wp \notin \Rightarrow % \bot \bullet \otimes \angle \Downarrow % \leq \div \oplus \nabla \diamond % \infty \neq \emptyset \surd \langle % \leftrightarrow \equiv \cap \cdot \lceil % \leftarrow \approx \cup \neg \lfloor % \uparrow \dots \supset \lnot \rangle % \rightarrow \vert \supseteq \land \rceil % \downarrow \Vert \notsubset \lor \rfloor % \degrees % % \therefore \prime \dprime \slash \mult \horiz % % \grave \acute \ddot \hat \tilde \bar \breve \dot \check % \Grave \Acute \Ddot \Hat \Tilde \Bar \Breve \Dot \Check % % \int{}{} \sum{}{} \prod{}{} % \frac{}{} \sqrt{} \root{}{} % % Examples: % STEXT(X,Y,'\18\times This text will be 18-point Times.') % STEXT(X,Y,'The word {\italic italic} will be in italics.') % STEXT(X,Y,'Einstein''s famous equation: E = mc^2') % STEXT(X,Y,'\18\times The resistance is 12 k\Omega.') % % STEXT(X,Y,Z,'string') adds text in 3-D coordinates. % % Because of the way styled text objects are created, it is necessary % to reposition them using FIXSTEXT when a figure is resized or the % axes are changed (including changing the view in 3-D). Also, they % must be printed with PRINTSTO. % % STEXT returns a handle to an STEXT object. STEXT objects are % children of AXES objects. % % The X,Y pair (X,Y,Z triple for 3-D) can be followed by % parameter/value pairs to specify additional properties of the text. % The X,Y pair (X,Y,Z triple for 3-D) can be omitted entirely, and % all properties specified using parameter/value pairs. % % See also SXLABEL, SYLABEL, SZLABEL, STITLE, DELSTEXT, PRINTSTO, % SETSTEXT, FIXSTEXT and the accompanying README document. % Requires functions CMDMATCH, GETCARGS and READSTFM and MAT-file % STFM.MAT or the text version STFM.TXT. % Requires MATLAB Version 4.2 or greater. % Version 3.2b, 10 March 1997 % Part of the Styled Text Toolbox % Copyright 1995-1997 by Douglas M. Schwarz. All rights reserved. % % Define gFONT_METRICS, gKERNING_DATA, gENCODING, gACCENTS, gENC_SEL % and gVAL as global variables (operating as static variables) so we % only have to load them the first time stext is run. global gFONT_METRICS gKERNING_DATA gENCODING gACCENTS gENC_SEL gVAL if length(gFONT_METRICS) == 0 stextfun = which('stext'); stextfun((length(stextfun) - 6):length(stextfun)) = []; % If MAT-file exists then load it, otherwise load data from text file % and create MAT-file (which is faster to load) for future use. if exist([stextfun,'stfm.mat']) == 2 load([stextfun,'stfm.mat']) else [gFONT_METRICS,gKERNING_DATA,gENCODING,gACCENTS,gENC_SEL,gVAL] = ... readstfm; savedir = stextfun; tempfid = fopen([savedir,'stfm.mat'],'w'); if tempfid == -1 savedir = [pwd,stextfun(length(stextfun))]; else fclose(tempfid); delete([savedir,'stfm.mat']) end save([savedir,'stfm.mat'],'gFONT_METRICS','gKERNING_DATA',... 'gENCODING','gACCENTS','gENC_SEL','gVAL') if tempfid == -1 fprintf('Unable to save font metrics MAT-file\n') fprintf('\t%s\n\n',[stextfun,'stfm.mat']) fprintf('File saved as\n\t%s\n\n',[savedir,'stfm.mat']) fprintf('For faster operation and to avoid seeing this ') fprintf('message, have\nyour system administrator move this ') fprintf('file to the directory\n\t%s\n',stextfun) end end end % Determine encoding selector, es, depending on platform. if gENC_SEL == 0 comp = computer; if cmdmatch(comp,'MAC') es = 3; elseif cmdmatch(comp,'PC') es = 4; else es = 5; end else es = gENC_SEL; end nacc = length(gACCENTS); accents = 32*ones(1,nacc); for i = 1:nacc loc = find(gENCODING(:,es) == gACCENTS(i)); if ~isempty(loc) accents(i) = max(loc) - 1; end end % Figure out what the input arguments are. if nargin >= 4 flags = [isstr(a1),isstr(a2),isstr(a3),isstr(a4)]; elseif nargin == 3 flags = [isstr(a1),isstr(a2),isstr(a3),-1]; elseif nargin == 2 flags = [isstr(a1),isstr(a2),-1,-1]; elseif nargin == 1 error('Not enough input arguments.') else flags = [-1,-1,-1,-1]; end % From flags, determine which argument is the first property name % and how many property/value pairs are present. if all(flags == [0 0 0 1]) firstOpt = 5; numOptions = (nargin - 4)/2; elseif all(flags == [0 0 1 1]) firstOpt = 4; numOptions = (nargin - 3)/2; elseif all(flags == [0 0 1 -1]) firstOpt = 4; numOptions = 0; elseif flags(1) == 1 firstOpt = 1; numOptions = nargin/2; elseif all(flags == -1) numOptions = 0; else error('Incorrect property/value pairs.') end % Build initial text command. if nargin == 0 textCmd = 'text'; else textCmd = 'text('; if firstOpt == 4 textCmd = [textCmd,'''Position'',[a1,a2],''String'',a3,']; elseif firstOpt == 5 textCmd = [textCmd,'''Position'',[a1,a2,a3],''String'',a4,']; end for i = firstOpt:nargin textCmd = [textCmd,sprintf('a%d,',i)]; end textCmd(length(textCmd)) = ')'; end anchor = eval(textCmd); set(anchor,'Tag','stext') ver5 = cmdmatch(version,'5') | cmdmatch(version,'6'); if ver5, set(anchor,'Interpreter','none'), end % Get default values. str = setstr(rem(get(anchor,'String'),256)); anchorPos = get(anchor,'Position'); horizAlign = get(anchor,'HorizontalAlignment'); vertAlign = get(anchor,'VerticalAlignment'); anchorUnits = get(anchor,'Units'); rotation = get(anchor,'Rotation'); eraseMode = get(anchor,'EraseMode'); buttonDownFcn = get(anchor,'ButtonDownFcn'); clipping = get(anchor,'Clipping'); interruptible = get(anchor,'Interruptible'); fontSize = get(anchor,'FontSize'); fontName = lower(get(anchor,'FontName')); visible = get(anchor,'Visible'); set(anchor,'Rotation',0,'Visible','off') % Process property/value pairs. for i = 1:numOptions property = eval(['a',num2str(firstOpt + 2*(i-1))]); value = eval(['a',num2str(firstOpt + 2*(i-1) + 1)]); % Convert property and value (if it's a string) to lower case. % This code is significantly simpler and faster than lower.m, but % sufficient for our purposes. upperCase = property >= 'A' & property <= 'Z'; property(upperCase) = setstr(property(upperCase) + ('a' - 'A')); if isstr(value) & ~cmdmatch('string',property) upperCase = value >= 'A' & value <= 'Z'; value(upperCase) = setstr(value(upperCase) + ('a' - 'A')); end % HorizontalAlignment: [ {left} | center | right ] if cmdmatch('horizontalalignment',property) horizAlign = value; set(anchor,'HorizontalAlignment',value) % VerticalAlignment: [ top | cap | {middle} | baseline | bottom ] elseif cmdmatch('verticalalignment',property) vertAlign = value; set(anchor,'VerticalAlignment',value) % Units: [ inches | centimeters | normalized | points | pixels | {data} ] elseif cmdmatch('units',property) anchorUnits = value; set(anchor,'Units',value) anchorPos = get(anchor,'Position'); % Position elseif cmdmatch('position',property) anchorPos = value; set(anchor,'Position',value) xin = value(1); yin = value(2); % Rotation elseif cmdmatch('rotation',property) rotation = value; rotation = rotation - floor(rotation/360)*360; % String elseif cmdmatch('string',property) str = value; set(anchor,'String',value) % EraseMode elseif cmdmatch('erasemode',property) eraseMode = value; set(anchor,'EraseMode',value) % ButtonDownFcn elseif cmdmatch('buttondownfcn',property) buttonDownFcn = value; set(anchor,'ButtonDownFcn',value) % Clipping elseif cmdmatch('clipping',property) clipping = value; set(anchor,'Clipping',value) % Interruptible elseif cmdmatch('interruptible',property) interruptible = value; set(anchor,'Interruptible',value) % Visible elseif cmdmatch('visible',property) visible = value; set(anchor,'Visible',value) else delete(anchor) error('Invalid object property.') end end % Determine exact starting point. if cmdmatch('points',anchorUnits) pos = get(anchor,'Position'); else posu0 = get(anchor,'Position'); set(anchor,'Units','points') pos1 = get(anchor,'Position'); set(anchor,'Units',anchorUnits) posu1 = get(anchor,'Position'); set(anchor,'Units','points','Position',pos1 + 1,'Units',anchorUnits) posu2 = get(anchor,'Position'); pos = (posu0(1:2) - posu1(1:2))./(posu2(1:2) - posu1(1:2)) + pos1(1:2); set(anchor,'Units','points','Position',pos,'Units',anchorUnits) end x0 = pos(1); y0 = pos(2); % Initialize some data. objList = []; heightList = []; xDistance = []; first = 1; slantTagged = 0; termNoDigits = setstr(1:255); termNoDigits(real('0'):real('9')) = []; termNoAlpha = setstr(1:255); termNoAlpha([real('A'):real('Z'),real('a'):real('z')]) = []; xstack = []; colLut = [1 1 3 3;2 2 4 4;2 2 4 4]; if isstudent fm = [1 1 1 1 ; 2 2 2 2 ; 3:6 ; 7:10 ; 11:14 ; 15:18 ; 19:22 ;... 23:26 ; 27:30 ; 7:10 ; 31 31 31 31]; else fm = [1 1 1 1 ; 2 2 2 2 ; 3:6 ; 7:10 ; 11:14 ; 15:18 ; 19:22 ;... 23:26 ; 27:30 ; 31:34 ; 35 35 35 35]; end fontanglelist = str2mat('normal','italic','oblique'); fontnamelist = str2mat('symbol','zapfdingbats','times','helvetica',... 'palatino','courier','avantgarde','bookman',... 'newcenturyschlbk','n helvetica narrow','zapfchancery'); fontweightlist = str2mat('light','normal','demi','bold'); % Initialize indexing parameters for "params" array. fa = font angle, % fn = font name, fs = font size, fw = font weight, cr,cg,cb = color rgb, % x = x location, y = y location, mode is used for super- and subscripts, % nextX = x location of next object. fa = 1; fn = 2; fs = 3; fw = 4; cr = 5; cg = 6; cb = 7; x = 8; y = 9; mode = 10; nextX = 11; % params is a parameter stack. The contents are indices into string % matrices for font angle, name and weight and actual values for % the others. % Initialize params: font angle = normal, font name = default font, % font size = default text font size, font weight = normal, % color = default text color, x = 0, y = 0, mode = 0, nextX = 0. params = [1;4;fontSize;2;get(0,'DefaultTextColor')';0;0;0;0]; for fontIndex = 1:11 if cmdmatch(fontnamelist(fontIndex,:),fontName) params(fn) = fontIndex; break end end % Parse str looking for commands. while ~isempty(str) if str(1) == '{' % Push a copy of the current parameters on the parameter stack. params = [params(:,1),params]; params(mode) = 0; str(1) = []; elseif str(1) == '}' % Pop the parameter stack except for adjustments to the x values. if size(params,2) == 1 delete(objList) delete(anchor) error('Unmatched braces.') end str(1) = []; params(nextX,2) = max(params(nextX),params(nextX,2)); if params(mode,2) == 0 params(x,2) = params(x); end if isempty(str) params(x,2) = params(x); else if str(1) ~= '^' & str(1) ~= '_' params(x,2) = params(x); params(mode,2) = 0; end end params(:,1) = []; elseif str(1) == '^' % Superscript params(mode) = params(mode) + 1; params = [params(:,1),params]; params(mode) = 0; params(nextX) = params(x); params(y) = params(y) + params(fs)/3; params(fs) = params(fs)/sqrt(2); if str(2) == '{' str(1:2) = []; else str(1:2) = [str(2),'}']; end elseif str(1) == '_' % Subscript params(mode) = params(mode) + 2; params = [params(:,1),params]; params(mode) = 0; params(nextX) = params(x); params(y) = params(y) - params(fs)/4; params(fs) = params(fs)/sqrt(2); if str(2) == '{' str(1:2) = []; else str(1:2) = [str(2),'}']; end elseif str(1) == '\' % Extract command. if all(str(2) ~= termNoAlpha) [cmd,str] = strtok(setstr(str),setstr(termNoAlpha)); if length(str) > 1 if str(1) == ' ' nonSpace = min(find(str ~= ' ')); if ~isempty(nonSpace) if all(str(nonSpace) ~= termNoAlpha) str(1) = []; end end end end elseif all(str(2) ~= termNoDigits) [cmd,str] = strtok(str,termNoDigits); if length(str) > 1 if str(1) == ' ' nonSpace = min(find(str ~= ' ')); if ~isempty(nonSpace) if all(str(nonSpace) ~= termNoDigits) str(1) = []; end end end end else cmd = str(2); str(1:2) = []; end % Command is a space. if strcmp(' ',cmd) str = [' ',str]; % Font size specified in points. elseif all(cmd >= '0' & cmd <= '9') params(fs) = sscanf(cmd,'%d'); if params(fs) > 255 delete(objList) delete(anchor) error('Font size too large.') end % Font angle and weight commands. elseif cmdmatch('normal',cmd), params(fa) = 1; params(fw) = 2; elseif cmdmatch('italic',cmd), params(fa) = 2; elseif cmdmatch('oblique',cmd), params(fa) = 3; elseif cmdmatch('light',cmd), params(fw) = 1; elseif cmdmatch('demi',cmd), params(fw) = 3; elseif cmdmatch('bold',cmd), params(fw) = 4; % Font names. elseif cmdmatch('symbol',cmd), params(fn) = 1; elseif cmdmatch('zapfdingbats',cmd), params(fn) = 2; elseif cmdmatch('times',cmd), params(fn) = 3; elseif cmdmatch('helvetica',cmd), params(fn) = 4; elseif cmdmatch('palatino',cmd), params(fn) = 5; elseif cmdmatch('courier',cmd), params(fn) = 6; elseif cmdmatch('avantgarde',cmd), params(fn) = 7; elseif cmdmatch('bookman',cmd), params(fn) = 8; elseif cmdmatch('newcenturyschlbk',cmd), params(fn) = 9; elseif cmdmatch('narrow',cmd), params(fn) = 10; elseif cmdmatch('zapfchancery',cmd), params(fn) = 11; % Font size in sqrt(2) increments. elseif cmdmatch('bigger',cmd), params(fs) = params(fs)*sqrt(2); elseif cmdmatch('larger',cmd), params(fs) = params(fs)*sqrt(2); elseif cmdmatch('smaller',cmd), params(fs) = params(fs)/sqrt(2); % Colors. elseif cmdmatch('black',cmd), params(cr:cb) = [0;0;0]; elseif cmdmatch('white',cmd), params(cr:cb) = [1;1;1]; elseif cmdmatch('red',cmd), params(cr:cb) = [1;0;0]; elseif cmdmatch('green',cmd), params(cr:cb) = [0;1;0]; elseif cmdmatch('blue',cmd), params(cr:cb) = [0;0;1]; elseif cmdmatch('cyan',cmd), params(cr:cb) = [0;1;1]; elseif cmdmatch('magenta',cmd), params(cr:cb) = [1;0;1]; elseif cmdmatch('yellow',cmd), params(cr:cb) = [1;1;0]; elseif cmdmatch('gray',cmd), params(cr:cb) = [0.5;0.5;0.5]; elseif cmdmatch('color',cmd) [arg,str] = strtok(str,'{}'); str(1) = []; params(cr:cb) = sscanf(arg,'%f,%f,%f'); % Absolute positioning in points. elseif cmdmatch('left',cmd) [arg,str] = strtok(str,'{}'); str(1) = []; arg = sscanf(arg,'%f'); params([x,nextX]) = params([x,nextX]) - arg; elseif cmdmatch('right',cmd) [arg,str] = strtok(str,'{}'); str(1) = []; arg = sscanf(arg,'%f'); params([x,nextX]) = params([x,nextX]) + arg; elseif cmdmatch('up',cmd) [arg,str] = strtok(str,'{}'); str(1) = []; arg = sscanf(arg,'%f'); params(y) = params(y) + arg; elseif cmdmatch('down',cmd) [arg,str] = strtok(str,'{}'); str(1) = []; arg = sscanf(arg,'%f'); params(y) = params(y) - arg; % Relative positioning in units of current font size. elseif cmdmatch('rleft',cmd) [arg,str] = strtok(str,'{}'); str(1) = []; arg = sscanf(arg,'%f'); params([x,nextX]) = params([x,nextX]) - arg*round(params(fs)); elseif cmdmatch('rright',cmd) [arg,str] = strtok(str,'{}'); str(1) = []; arg = sscanf(arg,'%f'); params([x,nextX]) = params([x,nextX]) + arg*round(params(fs)); elseif cmdmatch('rup',cmd) [arg,str] = strtok(str,'{}'); str(1) = []; arg = sscanf(arg,'%f'); params(y) = params(y) + arg*round(params(fs)); elseif cmdmatch('rdown',cmd) [arg,str] = strtok(str,'{}'); str(1) = []; arg = sscanf(arg,'%f'); params(y) = params(y) - arg*round(params(fs)); % Integral. elseif strcmp('int',cmd) [arg1,str] = getcargs(str); [arg2,str] = getcargs(str); str = ['{\rdown{.25}\larger\sym',242,... '}_{\rleft{.1}\rdown{.3}{',arg1,... '}}^{\rright{.2}\rup{.6}{',arg2,'}}',str]; % Summation. elseif strcmp('sum',cmd) [arg1,str] = getcargs(str); [arg2,str] = getcargs(str); str = ['{\rdown{.2}\larger\sym',229,'}_{\rdown{.1}{',arg1,... '}}^{\rup{.2}{',arg2,'}}',str]; % Product. elseif strcmp('prod',cmd) [arg1,str] = getcargs(str); [arg2,str] = getcargs(str); str = ['{\rdown{.2}\larger\sym',213,'}_{\rdown{.1}{',arg1,... '}}^{\rup{.2}{',arg2,'}}',str]; % Underline. elseif strcmp('underline',cmd) [arg1,str] = getcargs(str); pfs = round(params(fs)); nfs = sprintf('%d',pfs); nfn = deblank(fontnamelist(params(fn),:)); if params(fn) == 11 nfn = 'n helvetica narrow'; end narg1 = ['\',nfs,'\',nfn,'{}',arg1]; try h1 = stext(0,0,narg1,'Units','points','vert','base'); catch delete(objList) delete(anchor) error(lasterr) end e1 = getstext(h1,'Extent'); delstext(h1) vofs = 1.15*(e1(2) + e1(4)); vofs = e1(2); vofs = 0; accent = 95; widul = gFONT_METRICS(gENCODING(accent+1,es),fm(params(fn),... colLut(params(fa),params(fw))))*pfs/1000; wid = e1(3); numex = wid/widul; numex1 = ceil(numex) - 1; if wid > widul uls = repmat('\_',[1,numex1]); jog = (numex1 + 1)*widul - wid; x1 = wid; % str = sprintf('{%s\\left{%d}\\_\\left{%d}{%s}}%s',... % uls,jog,x1,arg1,str); str = sprintf('{{\\up{%d}%s\\left{%d}\\_\\left{%d}}{%s}}%s',... vofs,uls,jog,x1,arg1,str); else x1 = (widul + wid)/2; x2 = (widul - wid)/2; % str = sprintf('{\\_\\left{%d}{%s}\\right{%d}}%s',... % x1,arg1,x2,str); str = sprintf('{{\\up{%d}\\_\\left{%d}}{%s}\\right{%d}}%s',... vofs,x1,arg1,x2,str); end % Line. elseif strcmp('line',cmd) [arg1,str] = getcargs(str); [arg2,str] = getcargs(str); pfs = round(params(fs)); nfs = sprintf('%d',pfs); nfn = deblank(fontnamelist(params(fn),:)); if params(fn) == 11 nfn = 'n helvetica narrow'; end narg2 = ['\',nfs,'\',nfn,'{}',arg2]; try h1 = stext(0,0,narg2,'Units','points','vert','base'); catch delete(objList) delete(anchor) error(lasterr) end e1 = getstext(h1,'Extent'); delstext(h1) % vofs = 1.15*(e1(2) + e1(4)); % vofs = (e1(2) + e1(4)); % vofs = e1(2) + 0.5*e1(4); vofs = str2num(arg1); accent = 95; widul = gFONT_METRICS(gENCODING(accent+1,es),fm(params(fn),... colLut(params(fa),params(fw))))*pfs/1000; wid = e1(3); numex = wid/widul; numex1 = ceil(numex) - 1; if wid > widul uls = repmat('\_',[1,numex1]); jog = (numex1 + 1)*widul - wid; x1 = wid; % str = sprintf('{%s\\left{%d}\\_\\left{%d}{%s}}%s',... % uls,jog,x1,arg1,str); str = sprintf('{{\\rup{%d}%s\\left{%d}\\_\\left{%d}}{%s}}%s',... vofs,uls,jog,x1,arg2,str); else x1 = (widul + wid)/2; x2 = (widul - wid)/2; % str = sprintf('{\\_\\left{%d}{%s}\\right{%d}}%s',... % x1,arg1,x2,str); str = sprintf('{{\\rup{%d}\\_\\left{%d}}{%s}\\right{%d}}%s',... vofs,x1,arg2,x2,str); end % Overline. elseif strcmp('overline',cmd) [arg1,str] = getcargs(str); pfs = round(params(fs)); nfs = sprintf('%d',pfs); nfn = deblank(fontnamelist(params(fn),:)); if params(fn) == 11 nfn = 'n helvetica narrow'; end narg1 = ['\',nfs,'\',nfn,'{}',arg1]; try h1 = stext(0,0,narg1,'Units','points','vert','base'); catch delete(objList) delete(anchor) error(lasterr) end e1 = getstext(h1,'Extent'); delstext(h1) vofs = 1.15*(e1(2) + e1(4)); accent = accents(6); widul = gFONT_METRICS(gENCODING(accent+1,es),fm(params(fn),... colLut(params(fa),params(fw))))*pfs/1000; wid = e1(3); numex = wid/widul; numex1 = ceil(numex) - 1; if wid > widul uls = repmat('\_',[1,numex1]); jog = (numex1 + 1)*widul - wid; x1 = wid; str = sprintf('{{\\up{%d}%s\\left{%d}\\_\\left{%d}}{%s}}%s',... vofs,uls,jog,x1,arg1,str); else x1 = (widul + wid)/2; x2 = (widul - wid)/2; str = sprintf('{{\\up{%d}\\_\\left{%d}}{%s}\\right{%d}}%s',... vofs,x1,arg1,x2,str); end % Square root. elseif strcmp('sqrt',cmd) [arg1,str] = getcargs(str); pfs = round(params(fs)); nfs = sprintf('%d',pfs); nfn = deblank(fontnamelist(params(fn),:)); if params(fn) == 11 nfn = 'n helvetica narrow'; end narg1 = ['\',nfs,'\',nfn,'{}',arg1]; h1 = eval(['stext(0,0,narg1,''Units'',''points'',',... '''vert'',''base'')'],'-1'); if h1 == -1 delete(objList) delete(anchor) error(lasterr) end e1 = getstext(h1,'Extent'); delstext(h1) rfs = ceil(e1(4)/0.955); ofs = 0.038*rfs + e1(2); exr = 0.2; sqrtwid = e1(3) + 2*exr*pfs; numex = sqrtwid/(rfs*0.5); numex1 = ceil(numex) - 1; jog = 0.5*rfs - (sqrtwid - numex1*0.5*rfs); exs = setstr(96*ones(1,numex1)); x1 = e1(3) + exr*pfs - 0.5*rfs; x2 = exr*pfs; str = ['{\',num2str(rfs),'\up{',num2str(ofs),... '}\nor\sym',214,'\rleft{0.549}',exs,... '\left{',num2str(jog),'}',96,... '\left{',num2str(x1),'}}{',arg1,... '}\right{',num2str(x2),'}',str]; % Square root. elseif strcmp('sqrt',cmd) [arg1,str] = getcargs(str); pfs = round(params(fs)); nfs = sprintf('%d',pfs); nfn = deblank(fontnamelist(params(fn),:)); if params(fn) == 11 nfn = 'n helvetica narrow'; end narg1 = ['\',nfs,'\',nfn,'{}',arg1]; h1 = eval(['stext(0,0,narg1,''Units'',''points'',',... '''vert'',''base'')'],'-1'); if h1 == -1 delete(objList) delete(anchor) error(lasterr) end e1 = getstext(h1,'Extent'); delstext(h1) rfs = ceil(e1(4)/0.955); ofs = 0.038*rfs + e1(2); exr = 0.2; sqrtwid = e1(3) + 2*exr*pfs; numex = sqrtwid/(rfs*0.5); numex1 = ceil(numex) - 1; jog = 0.5*rfs - (sqrtwid - numex1*0.5*rfs); exs = setstr(96*ones(1,numex1)); x1 = e1(3) + exr*pfs - 0.5*rfs; x2 = exr*pfs; str = ['{\',num2str(rfs),'\up{',num2str(ofs),... '}\nor\sym',214,'\rleft{0.549}',exs,... '\left{',num2str(jog),'}',96,... '\left{',num2str(x1),'}}{',arg1,... '}\right{',num2str(x2),'}',str]; % Root. elseif strcmp('root',cmd) [arg1,str] = getcargs(str); [arg2,str] = getcargs(str); pfs = round(params(fs)); nfs = sprintf('%d',pfs); nfn = deblank(fontnamelist(params(fn),:)); if params(fn) == 11 nfn = 'n helvetica narrow'; end narg2 = ['\',nfs,'\',nfn,'{}',arg2]; h1 = eval(['stext(0,0,narg2,''Units'',''points'',',... '''vert'',''base'')'],'-1'); if h1 == -1 delete(objList) delete(anchor) error(lasterr) end e1 = getstext(h1,'Extent'); delstext(h1) rfs = ceil(e1(4)/0.955); ofs = 0.038*rfs + e1(2); exr = 0.2; sqrtwid = e1(3) + 2*exr*pfs; numex = sqrtwid/(rfs*0.5); numex1 = ceil(numex) - 1; jog = 0.5*rfs - (sqrtwid - numex1*0.5*rfs); exs = setstr(96*ones(1,numex1)); x1 = e1(3) + exr*pfs - 0.5*rfs; x2 = exr*pfs; pfs2 = round(pfs/2); str = ['{\',num2str(rfs),'\up{',num2str(ofs),... '}{\pushx\rup{0.56}\rright{0.17}\',... num2str(pfs2),'{}',arg1,... '\popx}\norm\sym',214,'\rleft{0.549}',... exs,'\left{',num2str(jog),'}',96,... '\left{',num2str(x1),'}}{',arg2,... '}\right{',num2str(x2),'}',str]; % Fraction. elseif strcmp('frac',cmd) [arg1,str] = getcargs(str); [arg2,str] = getcargs(str); pfs = round(params(fs)); nfs = sprintf('%d',pfs); nfn = deblank(fontnamelist(params(fn),:)); if params(fn) == 11 nfn = 'n helvetica narrow'; end narg1 = ['\',nfs,'\',nfn,'{}',arg1]; narg2 = ['\',nfs,'\',nfn,'{}',arg2]; h1 = eval(['stext(0,0,narg1,''Units'',''points'',',... '''vert'',''base'')'],'-1'); if h1 == -1 delete(objList) delete(anchor) error(lasterr) end e1 = getstext(h1,'Extent'); delstext(h1) h2 = eval(['stext(0,0,narg2,''Units'',''points'',',... '''vert'',''base'')'],'-1'); if h2 == -1 delete(objList) delete(anchor) error(lasterr) end e2 = getstext(h2,'Extent'); delstext(h2) if e2(3) > e1(3) x1 = (e2(3) - e1(3))/2; x2 = -(x1 + e1(3)); x3 = 0; else x1 = 0; x2 = -(e1(3) + e2(3))/2; x3 = (e1(3) - e2(3))/2; end y1 = pfs/3 - e1(2); y2 = -y1 - (e2(4) + e2(2)) + pfs/6; y3 = -(y1 + y2); exr = 0.1; fracwid = max(e1(3),e2(3)) + 2*exr*pfs; numu = fracwid/(pfs*0.5); numu1 = ceil(numu) - 1; jog = 0.5*pfs - (fracwid - numu1*0.5*pfs); unds = ('\_')'; unds = unds(:,ones(numu1,1)); unds = unds(:)'; str = ['{\up{',num2str(y1),'}\right{',num2str(x1+exr*pfs),... '}{',arg1,'}\up{',num2str(y2),... '}\right{',num2str(x2),'}{',arg2,... '}\right{',num2str(x3),'}}{\left{',... num2str(fracwid-exr*pfs),'}\up{',... num2str(pfs*0.4385),'}\sym',unds,... '\left{',num2str(jog),'}\_}',str]; % Slashed fraction. elseif strcmp('slash',cmd) [arg1,str] = getcargs(str); [arg2,str] = getcargs(str); pfs = round(params(fs)); ffs = round(pfs*0.625); ffss = sprintf('%d',ffs); str = ['{\rup{0.256}\',ffss,'{',arg1,... '}}{\sym',164,'}{\',ffss,'{',arg2,'}}',str]; % Lowercase Greek letters. elseif strcmp('alpha',cmd), str = ['{\sym a}',str]; elseif strcmp('beta',cmd), str = ['{\sym b}',str]; elseif strcmp('gamma',cmd), str = ['{\sym g}',str]; elseif strcmp('delta',cmd), str = ['{\sym d}',str]; elseif strcmp('epsilon',cmd), str = ['{\sym e}',str]; elseif strcmp('varepsilon',cmd), str = ['{\sym e}',str]; elseif strcmp('zeta',cmd), str = ['{\sym z}',str]; elseif strcmp('eta',cmd), str = ['{\sym h}',str]; elseif strcmp('theta',cmd), str = ['{\sym q}',str]; elseif strcmp('vartheta',cmd), str = ['{\sym J}',str]; elseif strcmp('iota',cmd), str = ['{\sym i}',str]; elseif strcmp('kappa',cmd), str = ['{\sym k}',str]; elseif strcmp('lambda',cmd), str = ['{\sym l}',str]; elseif strcmp('mu',cmd), str = ['{\sym m}',str]; elseif strcmp('nu',cmd), str = ['{\sym n}',str]; elseif strcmp('xi',cmd), str = ['{\sym x}',str]; elseif strcmp('pi',cmd), str = ['{\sym p}',str]; elseif strcmp('varpi',cmd), str = ['{\sym v}',str]; elseif strcmp('rho',cmd), str = ['{\sym r}',str]; elseif strcmp('varrho',cmd), str = ['{\sym r}',str]; elseif strcmp('sigma',cmd), str = ['{\sym s}',str]; elseif strcmp('varsigma',cmd), str = ['{\sym V}',str]; elseif strcmp('tau',cmd), str = ['{\sym t}',str]; elseif strcmp('upsilon',cmd), str = ['{\sym u}',str]; elseif strcmp('phi',cmd), str = ['{\sym f}',str]; elseif strcmp('varphi',cmd), str = ['{\sym j}',str]; elseif strcmp('chi',cmd), str = ['{\sym c}',str]; elseif strcmp('psi',cmd), str = ['{\sym y}',str]; elseif strcmp('omega',cmd), str = ['{\sym w}',str]; % Uppercase Greek letters. elseif strcmp('Gamma',cmd), str = ['{\sym G}',str]; elseif strcmp('Delta',cmd), str = ['{\sym D}',str]; elseif strcmp('Theta',cmd), str = ['{\sym Q}',str]; elseif strcmp('Lambda',cmd), str = ['{\sym L}',str]; elseif strcmp('Xi',cmd), str = ['{\sym X}',str]; elseif strcmp('Pi',cmd), str = ['{\sym P}',str]; elseif strcmp('Sigma',cmd), str = ['{\sym S}',str]; elseif strcmp('Upsilon',cmd), str = ['{\sym',161,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('varUpsilon',cmd), str = ['{\sym U}',str]; elseif strcmp('Phi',cmd), str = ['{\sym F}',str]; elseif strcmp('Psi',cmd), str = ['{\sym Y}',str]; elseif strcmp('Omega',cmd), str = ['{\sym W}',str]; % Other LaTeX characters. elseif strcmp('forall',cmd), str = ['{\sym',34,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('exists',cmd), str = ['{\sym',36,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('cong',cmd), str = ['{\sym',64,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('perp',cmd), str = ['{\sym\^}',str]; elseif strcmp('bot',cmd), str = ['{\sym\^}',str]; elseif strcmp('leq',cmd), str = ['{\sym',163,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('infty',cmd), str = ['{\sym',165,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('leftrightarrow',cmd), str = ['{\sym',171,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('leftarrow',cmd), str = ['{\sym',172,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('uparrow',cmd), str = ['{\sym',173,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('rightarrow',cmd), str = ['{\sym',174,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('downarrow',cmd), str = ['{\sym',175,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('degrees',cmd), str = ['{\sym',176,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('pm',cmd), str = ['{\sym',177,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('geq',cmd), str = ['{\sym',179,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('propto',cmd), str = ['{\sym',181,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('partial',cmd), str = ['{\sym',182,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('bullet',cmd), str = ['{\sym',183,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('div',cmd), str = ['{\sym',184,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('neq',cmd), str = ['{\sym',185,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('equiv',cmd), str = ['{\sym',186,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('approx',cmd), str = ['{\sym',187,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('dots',cmd), str = ['{\sym',188,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('aleph',cmd), str = ['{\sym',192,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('Im',cmd), str = ['{\sym',193,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('Re',cmd), str = ['{\sym',194,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('wp',cmd), str = ['{\sym',195,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('otimes',cmd), str = ['{\sym',196,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('oplus',cmd), str = ['{\sym',197,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('emptyset',cmd), str = ['{\sym',198,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('cap',cmd), str = ['{\sym',199,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('cup',cmd), str = ['{\sym',200,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('supset',cmd), str = ['{\sym',201,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('supseteq',cmd), str = ['{\sym',202,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('notsubset',cmd), str = ['{\sym',203,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('subset',cmd), str = ['{\sym',204,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('subseteq',cmd), str = ['{\sym',205,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('in',cmd), str = ['{\sym',206,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('notin',cmd), str = ['{\sym',207,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('angle',cmd), str = ['{\sym',208,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('nabla',cmd), str = ['{\sym',209,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('surd',cmd), str = ['{\sym',214,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('cdot',cmd), str = ['{\sym',215,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('neg',cmd), str = ['{\sym',216,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('lnot',cmd), str = ['{\sym',216,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('land',cmd), str = ['{\sym',217,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('lor',cmd), str = ['{\sym',218,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('Leftrightarrow',cmd), str = ['{\sym',219,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('Leftarrow',cmd), str = ['{\sym',220,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('Uparrow',cmd), str = ['{\sym',221,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('Rightarrow',cmd), str = ['{\sym',222,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('Downarrow',cmd), str = ['{\sym',223,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('diamond',cmd), str = ['{\sym',224,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('langle',cmd), str = ['{\sym',225,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('lceil',cmd), str = ['{\sym',233,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('lfloor',cmd), str = ['{\sym',235,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('vert',cmd), str = ['{\sym',239,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('rangle',cmd), str = ['{\sym',241,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('rceil',cmd), str = ['{\sym',249,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('rfloor',cmd), str = ['{\sym',251,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('AA',cmd), str = [accents(10),str]; elseif strcmp('ii',cmd), str = [accents(11),str]; elseif strcmp('triangle',cmd) nfs = min(round(params(fs)*0.75),params(fs)-1); str = ['{\zapfd s\pushx\rleft{0.446}\',sprintf('%d',nfs),... '\w\rleft{0.446}\rup{0.07}s\popx}',str]; elseif strcmp('Vert',cmd), str = ['{\sym',[247,231],'}',str]; elseif strcmp('parallel',cmd), str = ['{\sym',[247,231],'}',str]; elseif strcmp('{',cmd), str = ['{' + 256,str]; elseif strcmp('}',cmd), str = ['}' + 256,str]; elseif strcmp('\',cmd), str = ['\' + 256,str]; elseif strcmp('^',cmd), str = ['^' + 256,str]; elseif strcmp('_',cmd), str = ['_' + 256,str]; % Non-LaTeX characters and LaTeX-like constructs that don't work % quite like they do in LaTeX. elseif strcmp('+',cmd), str = ['{\sym+}',str]; elseif strcmp('-',cmd), str = ['{\sym-}',str]; elseif strcmp('=',cmd), str = ['{\sym=}',str]; elseif strcmp('>',cmd), str = ['{\sym>}',str]; elseif strcmp('<',cmd), str = ['{\sym<}',str]; elseif strcmp('|',cmd), str = ['{\sym|}',str]; elseif strcmp('therefore',cmd), str = ['{\sym\\}',str]; elseif strcmp('prime',cmd), str = ['{\sym',162,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('dprime',cmd), str = ['{\sym',178,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('mult',cmd), str = ['{\sym',180,'}',str]; elseif strcmp('horiz',cmd), str = ['{\sym',190,'}',str]; % Spaces. elseif strcmp('/',cmd), str = ['\rright{0.07}',str]; elseif strcmp(',',cmd), str = ['\rright{0.125}',str]; elseif strcmp(':',cmd), str = ['\rright{0.1667}',str]; elseif strcmp(';',cmd), str = ['\rright{0.2083}',str]; % ASCII code. elseif strcmp('#',cmd) [arg1,str] = getcargs(str); str = [setstr(sscanf(arg1,'%d')),str]; % Diacritics. elseif strcmp('ul',cmd) accent = 95; ww = gFONT_METRICS(gENCODING(accent+1,es),fm(params(fn),... colLut(params(fa),params(fw))))*round(params(fs))/1000; lr = [lastWidth,ww]*[1 1;1 -1]/2; str = ['{\left{',num2str(lr(1)),'}\',accent,... '\right{',num2str(lr(2)),'}}',str]; elseif strcmp('grave',cmd) accent = accents(1); ww = gFONT_METRICS(gENCODING(accent+1,es),fm(params(fn),... colLut(params(fa),params(fw))))*round(params(fs))/1000; lr = [lastWidth,ww]*[1 1;1 -1]/2; str = ['{\left{',num2str(lr(1)),'}',accent,... '\right{',num2str(lr(2)),'}}',str]; elseif strcmp('acute',cmd) accent = accents(2); ww = gFONT_METRICS(gENCODING(accent+1,es),fm(params(fn),... colLut(params(fa),params(fw))))*round(params(fs))/1000; lr = [lastWidth,ww]*[1 1;1 -1]/2; str = ['{\left{',num2str(lr(1)),'}',accent,... '\right{',num2str(lr(2)),'}}',str]; elseif strcmp('ddot',cmd) accent = accents(3); ww = gFONT_METRICS(gENCODING(accent+1,es),fm(params(fn),... colLut(params(fa),params(fw))))*round(params(fs))/1000; lr = [lastWidth,ww]*[1 1;1 -1]/2; str = ['{\left{',num2str(lr(1)),'}',accent,... '\right{',num2str(lr(2)),'}}',str]; elseif strcmp('hat',cmd) accent = accents(4); ww = gFONT_METRICS(gENCODING(accent+1,es),fm(params(fn),... colLut(params(fa),params(fw))))*round(params(fs))/1000; lr = [lastWidth,ww]*[1 1;1 -1]/2; str = ['{\left{',num2str(lr(1)),'}',accent,... '\right{',num2str(lr(2)),'}}',str]; elseif strcmp('tilde',cmd) accent = accents(5); ww = gFONT_METRICS(gENCODING(accent+1,es),fm(params(fn),... colLut(params(fa),params(fw))))*round(params(fs))/1000; lr = [lastWidth,ww]*[1 1;1 -1]/2; str = ['{\left{',num2str(lr(1)),'}',accent,... '\right{',num2str(lr(2)),'}}',str]; elseif strcmp('bar',cmd) accent = accents(6); ww = gFONT_METRICS(gENCODING(accent+1,es),fm(params(fn),... colLut(params(fa),params(fw))))*round(params(fs))/1000; lr = [lastWidth,ww]*[1 1;1 -1]/2; str = ['{\left{',num2str(lr(1)),'}',accent,... '\right{',num2str(lr(2)),'}}',str]; elseif strcmp('breve',cmd) accent = accents(7); ww = gFONT_METRICS(gENCODING(accent+1,es),fm(params(fn),... colLut(params(fa),params(fw))))*round(params(fs))/1000; lr = [lastWidth,ww]*[1 1;1 -1]/2; str = ['{\left{',num2str(lr(1)),'}',accent,... '\right{',num2str(lr(2)),'}}',str]; elseif strcmp('dot',cmd) accent = accents(8); ww = gFONT_METRICS(gENCODING(accent+1,es),fm(params(fn),... colLut(params(fa),params(fw))))*round(params(fs))/1000; lr = [lastWidth,ww]*[1 1;1 -1]/2; str = ['{\left{',num2str(lr(1)),'}',accent,... '\right{',num2str(lr(2)),'}}',str]; elseif strcmp('check',cmd) accent = accents(9); ww = gFONT_METRICS(gENCODING(accent+1,es),fm(params(fn),... colLut(params(fa),params(fw))))*round(params(fs))/1000; lr = [lastWidth,ww]*[1 1;1 -1]/2; str = ['{\left{',num2str(lr(1)),'}',accent,... '\right{',num2str(lr(2)),'}}',str]; elseif strcmp('Grave',cmd) accent = accents(1); ww = gFONT_METRICS(gENCODING(accent+1,es),fm(params(fn),... colLut(params(fa),params(fw))))*round(params(fs))/1000; lr = [lastWidth,ww]*[1 1;1 -1]/2; str = ['{\rup{.2}\left{',num2str(lr(1)),'}',accent,... '\right{',num2str(lr(2)),'}}',str]; elseif strcmp('Acute',cmd) accent = accents(2); ww = gFONT_METRICS(gENCODING(accent+1,es),fm(params(fn),... colLut(params(fa),params(fw))))*round(params(fs))/1000; lr = [lastWidth,ww]*[1 1;1 -1]/2; str = ['{\rup{.2}\left{',num2str(lr(1)),'}',accent,... '\right{',num2str(lr(2)),'}}',str]; elseif strcmp('Ddot',cmd) accent = accents(3); ww = gFONT_METRICS(gENCODING(accent+1,es),fm(params(fn),... colLut(params(fa),params(fw))))*round(params(fs))/1000; lr = [lastWidth,ww]*[1 1;1 -1]/2; str = ['{\rup{.2}\left{',num2str(lr(1)),'}',accent,... '\right{',num2str(lr(2)),'}}',str]; elseif strcmp('Hat',cmd) accent = accents(4); ww = gFONT_METRICS(gENCODING(accent+1,es),fm(params(fn),... colLut(params(fa),params(fw))))*round(params(fs))/1000; lr = [lastWidth,ww]*[1 1;1 -1]/2; str = ['{\rup{.2}\left{',num2str(lr(1)),'}',accent,... '\right{',num2str(lr(2)),'}}',str]; elseif strcmp('Tilde',cmd) accent = accents(5); ww = gFONT_METRICS(gENCODING(accent+1,es),fm(params(fn),... colLut(params(fa),params(fw))))*round(params(fs))/1000; lr = [lastWidth,ww]*[1 1;1 -1]/2; str = ['{\rup{.2}\left{',num2str(lr(1)),'}',accent,... '\right{',num2str(lr(2)),'}}',str]; elseif strcmp('Bar',cmd) accent = accents(6); ww = gFONT_METRICS(gENCODING(accent+1,es),fm(params(fn),... colLut(params(fa),params(fw))))*round(params(fs))/1000; lr = [lastWidth,ww]*[1 1;1 -1]/2; str = ['{\rup{.2}\left{',num2str(lr(1)),'}',accent,... '\right{',num2str(lr(2)),'}}',str]; elseif strcmp('Breve',cmd) accent = accents(7); ww = gFONT_METRICS(gENCODING(accent+1,es),fm(params(fn),... colLut(params(fa),params(fw))))*round(params(fs))/1000; lr = [lastWidth,ww]*[1 1;1 -1]/2; str = ['{\rup{.2}\left{',num2str(lr(1)),'}',accent,... '\right{',num2str(lr(2)),'}}',str]; elseif strcmp('Dot',cmd) accent = accents(8); ww = gFONT_METRICS(gENCODING(accent+1,es),fm(params(fn),... colLut(params(fa),params(fw))))*round(params(fs))/1000; lr = [lastWidth,ww]*[1 1;1 -1]/2; str = ['{\rup{.2}\left{',num2str(lr(1)),'}',accent,... '\right{',num2str(lr(2)),'}}',str]; elseif strcmp('Check',cmd) accent = accents(9); ww = gFONT_METRICS(gENCODING(accent+1,es),fm(params(fn),... colLut(params(fa),params(fw))))*round(params(fs))/1000; lr = [lastWidth,ww]*[1 1;1 -1]/2; str = ['{\rup{.2}\left{',num2str(lr(1)),'}',accent,... '\right{',num2str(lr(2)),'}}',str]; elseif strcmp('pushx',cmd) xstack = [params([x;nextX]),xstack]; elseif strcmp('popx',cmd) if size(xstack,2) < 1 delete(objList) delete(anchor) error('Stack empty.') end params(x) = xstack(1); params(nextX) = xstack(2); xstack(:,1) = []; elseif strcmp('swapx',cmd) if size(xstack,2) < 2 delete(objList) delete(anchor) error('Stack does not contain at least two items.') end temp = xstack(:,1); xstack(:,[1,2]) = xstack(:,[2,1]); else % Command is unknown. delete(objList) delete(anchor) error(['Unrecognized command: ',cmd]) end else % str(1) is not one of '{}^_\' so it must be the beginning of text. params(x) = params(nextX); params(mode) = 0; [newStr,str] = strtok(str,'\{}^_'); newStr = setstr(rem(newStr,256)); newStr1 = newStr + 1; % Compute character widths. strLen = length(newStr); fmSel = fm(params(fn),colLut(params(fa),params(fw))); if fmSel > 2 encSel = es; else encSel = fmSel; end fontOffset = 1000*(fmSel - 2); widths = gFONT_METRICS(gENCODING(newStr1,encSel),fmSel) * ... round(params(fs))/1000; % Increase widths by 4.5% if Symbol-Bold. if params(fn) == 1 & params(fw) == 4 widths = 1.045*widths; end lastWidth = widths(length(widths)); % Compute kern correction, kc. kc = zeros(strLen-1,1); if fmSel > 2 for k = 1:strLen-1 kc(k) = gKERNING_DATA(fontOffset + gENCODING(newStr1(k),... encSel),gENCODING(newStr1(k+1),encSel)); end kc = kc*round(params(fs))/1000; end xx = params(x) + cumsum([0;widths((1:strLen-1)') + kc]); yy = params(y(ones(strLen,1))); lastxx = xx(strLen); % Add shifted versions of the characters if they are Symbol-Bold. % Total width increase is 4.5%. if params(fn) == 1 & params(fw) == 4 xsh = 0.015*round(params(fs)); xx = [xx;xx + xsh;xx + 2*xsh;xx + 3*xsh]; yy = [yy;yy;yy;yy]; newStr = [newStr,newStr,newStr,newStr]; strLen = length(newStr); params(fw) = 2; end % Prepend invisible characters if Symbol italic or oblique. This % can be detected in the PostScript file so that it can be modified % to produce slanted Symbol characters. if params(fn) == 1 & params(fa) > 1 if ~slantTagged xx = [0;0;0;xx]; yy = [0;0;0;yy]; newStr = setstr([9,9,9,newStr]); strLen = length(newStr); slantTagged = 1; end else slantTagged = 0; end if strLen == 1 newObj = text('Position', [xx,yy],... 'String', newStr,... 'FontAngle', fontanglelist(params(fa),:),... 'FontName', deblank(fontnamelist(params(fn),:)),... 'FontSize', round(params(fs)),... 'FontWeight', fontweightlist(params(fw),:),... 'Units', 'points',... 'Rotation', 0,... 'HorizontalAlignment', 'left',... 'VerticalAlignment', 'baseline',... 'Color', params(cr:cb),... 'EraseMode', eraseMode,... 'ButtonDownFcn', buttonDownFcn,... 'Clipping', clipping,... 'Interruptible', interruptible,... 'Visible', visible); else newObj = text(xx,yy,newStr',... 'FontAngle', fontanglelist(params(fa),:),... 'FontName', deblank(fontnamelist(params(fn),:)),... 'FontSize', round(params(fs)),... 'FontWeight', fontweightlist(params(fw),:),... 'Units', 'points',... 'Rotation', 0,... 'HorizontalAlignment', 'left',... 'VerticalAlignment', 'baseline',... 'Color', params(cr:cb),... 'EraseMode', eraseMode,... 'ButtonDownFcn', buttonDownFcn,... 'Clipping', clipping,... 'Interruptible', interruptible,... 'Visible', visible); end if ver5, set(newObj,'Interpreter','none'), end objList = [objList,newObj']; heightList = [heightList,yy']; xDistance = [xDistance,xx']; params(nextX) = lastxx + lastWidth; params(x) = params(nextX); % The vertical position of the styled text is based on the first % character of the text. if first if cmdmatch('top',vertAlign) va = 1; elseif cmdmatch('cap',vertAlign) va = 2; elseif cmdmatch('middle',vertAlign) va = 3; elseif cmdmatch('baseline',vertAlign) va = 4; elseif cmdmatch('bottom',vertAlign) va = 5; end hOffset = -gVAL(fmSel,va)*round(params(fs)); first = 0; end end end totalWidth = params(nextX); numSegments = length(objList); % Compute new x and y locations for each text object based on % justification and rotation. r = rotation*pi/180; if cmdmatch('left',horizAlign) t = 0; elseif cmdmatch('center',horizAlign) t = totalWidth/2; elseif cmdmatch('right',horizAlign) t = totalWidth; end xList = x0 + (xDistance - t)*cos(r) - (heightList + hOffset)*sin(r); yList = y0 + (xDistance - t)*sin(r) + (heightList + hOffset)*cos(r); for i = 1:numSegments set(objList(i),'Position',[xList(i),yList(i)],'Rotation',rotation); end % Anchor text object is invisible, but by setting the rotation we can % use get(stext object handle). UserData contains a type flag (0 = % normal, 1 = x-label, 2 = y-label, 3 = z-label, 4 = title), the % location of the anchor object in points and a list of the handles % to the text objects that make up the styled text object. set(anchor,'Rotation',rotation,'UserData',[0,x0,y0,objList]) if nargout == 1 output = anchor; end