function spreview(sel) %SPREVIEW GUI application to preview styled text objects. % SPREVIEW will create a new figure which contains an edit box in % which styled text can be typed and an axes to display the resulting % styled text object. This can be used to construct styled text % objects, especially complicated ones. % % SPREVIEW(STYLEDTEXT) uses the styled text in STYLEDTEXT as the % initial contents of the edit box. % % See also STEXT. % Requires functions STEXT and FIXSTEXT. % Requires MATLAB Version 4.2 or greater. % Version 3.2b, 10 March 1997 % Part of the Styled Text Toolbox % Copyright 1995-1997 by Douglas M. Schwarz. All rights reserved. % if nargin == 0 sel = 0; s = ''; elseif nargin == 1 if isstr(sel) s = sel; sel = 0; end end if sel == 0 this = mfilename; fig = figure('Number','off','Name',this); set(fig,'Units','pixels') figpos = get(fig,'Position'); framePos = [16,16,figpos(3)-32,68]; editPos = [20,20,figpos(3)-40,40]; textPos = [20,60,figpos(3)-40,20]; makePos = [figpos(3)-150,62,40,20]; clearPos = [figpos(3)-106,62,40,20]; savePos = [figpos(3)-62,62,40,20]; axPos = [17,92,figpos(3)-32,figpos(4)-98]; hf = uicontrol('Style','frame',... 'Units','pixels',... 'Position',framePos); he = uicontrol('Style','edit',... 'Units','pixels',... 'Position',editPos,... 'String',s,... 'Horiz','left',... 'CallBack',[this,'(1)']); ht = uicontrol('Style','text',... 'Units','pixels',... 'Position',textPos,... 'String','Type styled text here and press Make or RETURN:',... 'Horiz','left'); hm = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton',... 'Units','pixels',... 'Position',makePos,... 'String','Make',... 'CallBack',[this,'(1)']); hc = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton',... 'Units','pixels',... 'Position',clearPos,... 'String','Clear',... 'CallBack','cla'); hs = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton',... 'Units','pixels',... 'Position',savePos,... 'String','Save',... 'CallBack','get(findobj(gcf,''Style'',''edit''),''String'')'); ax = axes('Units','pixels',... 'Position',axPos,... 'XTick',[],'YTick',[],... 'Box','on',... 'XLim',[0 1],'YLim',[0 1]); set(fig,'UserData',[hf he ht hm hc hs ax]) eval(['set(fig,''ResizeFcn'',''',this,'(2)'')'],'') % Pressed RETURN or Make, create new styled text. elseif sel == 1 fig = gcf; cla refresh h = get(fig,'UserData'); str = get(h(2),'String'); stext(.5,.5,str,'Horiz','center'); % Resizing the figure. elseif sel == 2 fig = gcf; figpos = get(fig,'Position'); framePos = [16,16,figpos(3)-32,68]; editPos = [20,20,figpos(3)-40,40]; textPos = [20,60,figpos(3)-40,20]; makePos = [figpos(3)-150,62,40,20]; clearPos = [figpos(3)-106,62,40,20]; savePos = [figpos(3)-62,62,40,20]; axPos = [17,92,figpos(3)-32,figpos(4)-98]; h = get(fig,'UserData'); set(h(1),'Position',framePos) set(h(2),'Position',editPos) set(h(3),'Position',textPos) set(h(4),'Position',makePos) set(h(5),'Position',clearPos) set(h(6),'Position',savePos) set(h(7),'Position',axPos) fixstext end