function [leg,hl,h] = slegend(xy,specs,strs,p1,v1,p2,v2,... p3,v3,p4,v4,p5,v5,p6,v6,p7,v7) %SLEGEND Styled text legend. % SLEGEND(XY,SMPLSPEC,LEGENDTEXT) places a legend centered at XY = % [X,Y] on the current figure, where X and Y are in normalized figure % units. LEGENDTEXT is a string matrix (see STR2MAT) which specifies % the text of the legend. The legend text is produced with STEXT and % so each row of LEGENDTEXT must be valid styled text. SMPLSPEC can be % a string matrix of plot symbols and colors as with PLOT. An additional % plot symbol is '#' which specifies a sample patch. Valid values for % the rows of SMPLSPEC are '-', '--r', 'c+', '#y', etc. SMPLSPEC can % also be a vector of handles to line or patch objects, in which case % the characteristics of the line or patch samples are copied from % those objects. % % XY = 'mouse' allows dragging the slegend to the desired location with % the mouse. The slegend can be locked in position by pressing the % space bar while holding down the mouse button. SLEGEND('move') or % SLEGEND('mouse') will make all slegends and stextboxes in the current % figure movable. % % XY, SMPLSPEC and LEGENDTEXT can be followed by property/value pairs % to specify additional properties of the slegend: % % Property = 'Color', value = [ {none} ] -or- a ColorSpec % allows you to specify the background color of the slegend. If % the color is 'none', the box will be transparent. When printed, % slegends are placed on top of other axes and opaque slegends will % obscure whatever is behind them. % % Property = 'HorizontalAlignment', value = [ left | {center} | right ] % controls the horizontal alignment of the slegend with respect to XY. % % Property = 'VerticalAlignment', value = [ top | {middle} | bottom ] % controls the vertical alignment of the slegend with respect to XY. % % Property = 'Box', value = [ {on} | off ] % allows you to control whether the enclosing box is visible. % % Property = 'BorderFactor', value = [ {0.25} | ] % sets the amount of space between the slegend and the enclosing % box as a fraction of the height of the tallest line of text. % % Property = 'SampleWidth', value = [ {30} | ] % sets the width in points of the line samples. % % Property = 'Spacing', value = [ tight | {loose} | ] % controls the line spacing of the text. Tight spacing moves the % lines as close together as possible, loose spacing makes all % lines equally spaced and equal to the height of the tallest line. % Setting this to a number specifies tight spacing scaled by the % amount specified. For example, 1 => normal tight spacing, % 0.5 => lines compressed to 50% of normal. % % % [H,HLINES,HTEXT] = SLEGEND(...) returns a handle to the legend axes % object, handles to the line samples and handles to the legend text. % Since a legend is an axes object it is possible to make changes to % its properties, e.g., changing the 'LineWidth' of the border. % % A figure containing an SLEGEND must be printed with PRINTSTO. % % See also STEXT, STEXTBOX, PRINTSTO, STR2MAT and PLOT. % Requires functions STEXT, GETSTEXT and MOVE1STO. % Requires MATLAB Version 4.2 or greater. % Version 3.2b, 2 July 1997 % Part of the Styled Text Toolbox % Copyright 1995-1997 by Douglas M. Schwarz. All rights reserved. % if nargin > 1 % Set defaults. mouse = 0; legColor = 'none'; horiz = 0.5; vert = 0.5; ref = [0.5,0.5]; box = 'on'; borderFactor = 0.25; sampleWid = 30; tightSpacing = 0; numOptions = (nargin - 3)/2; baseAxes = gca; ver5 = cmdmatch(version,'5') | cmdmatch(version,'6'); if isstr(xy) if strcmp(lower(xy),'mouse') mouse = 1; xy = [0.5,0.5]; else error('Unknown position option.') end else if length(xy) ~= 2 error('The position must be a 2-element vector') end end for i = 1:numOptions property = lower(eval(sprintf('p%d',i))); value = lower(eval(sprintf('v%d',i))); if cmdmatch('color',property) legColor = value; elseif cmdmatch('horizontalalignment',property) horiz = value; elseif cmdmatch('verticalalignment',property) vert = value; elseif cmdmatch('box',property) box = value; elseif cmdmatch('borderfactor',property) borderFactor = value; elseif cmdmatch('samplewidth',property) sampleWid = value; elseif cmdmatch('spacing',property) if isstr(value) if cmdmatch('tight',value) tightSpacing = 1; elseif cmdmatch('loose',value) tightSpacing = 0; else error('Invalid data for slegend parameter "Spacing".') end else tightSpacing = value; end else error('Unknown property.') end end if isstr(horiz) if cmdmatch('left',horiz) ref(1) = 0; elseif cmdmatch('right',horiz) ref(1) = 1; elseif cmdmatch('center',horiz) ref(1) = 0.5; else error('Invalid data for slegend parameter "HorizontalAlignment".') end else ref(1) = horiz; end if isstr(vert) if cmdmatch('bottom',vert) ref(2) = 0; elseif cmdmatch('top',vert) ref(2) = 1; elseif cmdmatch('middle',vert) ref(2) = 0.5; else error('Invalid data for slegend parameter "VerticalAlignment".') end else ref(2) = vert; end % Create the legend axes and contents. ax = axes('Units','norm','Position',[xy,0.5,0.5],... 'XTick',[],'YTick',[],'Box','on','Color',legColor); if strcmp(box,'off') if strcmp(legColor,'none') set(ax,'Visible','off') else set(ax,'XColor',legColor,'YColor',legColor,'ZColor',legColor) end end set(ax,'Units','points') xy2 = get(ax,'Position'); xy2(3:4) = []; n = min(size(specs,1),size(strs,1)); h = zeros(n,1); exts = zeros(n,4); for i = 1:n cmd = ['stext(0,0,deblank(strs(i,:)),''units'',''points'',',... '''hor'',''left'',''vert'',''mid'')']; h(i) = eval(cmd,'-1'); if h(i) == -1 delete(ax) error(lasterr) end exts(i,:) = getstext(h(i),'Extent'); end % Compute the size of the axes based on the contents. maxht = max(exts(:,4)); maxdrop = min(exts(:,2)); border = maxht*borderFactor; hgap = 0.25*maxht; if tightSpacing yvals = flipud([0;cumsum(exts(n:-1:2,4))])*tightSpacing ... - exts(:,2) + border; top = yvals(1) + exts(1,4) + exts(1,2) + border + 1; else yvals = flipud(maxht*(0:(n-1))') - min(exts(:,2)) + border; top = yvals(1) + maxht + maxdrop + border + 1; end left = sampleWid + 2*border + hgap; right = left + max(exts(:,3)) + 2*border; % Move the contents to their final positions and set the new size % for the legend axes. for i = 1:n delta = yvals(i); userData = get(h(i),'UserData'); userData(3) = userData(3) + delta; set(h(i),'Position',[0,delta]) set(h(i),'UserData',userData) move1sto(h(i),[left,delta]) end pos = get(ax,'Position'); xy3 = xy2 - [right,top].*ref; set(ax,'Position',[xy3,right,top],... 'XLim',[0 right],'YLim',[0 top]) % Plot the line type samples. hl = zeros(n,1); if isstr(specs) for i = 1:n lt = deblank(specs(i,:)); color = get(0,'DefaultTextColor'); colorSpec = lt == 'r' | lt == 'g' | lt == 'b' | lt == 'c' ... | lt == 'm' | lt == 'y' | lt == 'w' | lt == 'k'; if any(colorSpec), color = lt(colorSpec); end lt(colorSpec) = []; if strcmp(lt,'-') | strcmp(lt,'--') | strcmp(lt,'-.') ... | strcmp(lt,':') x = [0,sampleWid] + 2*border; y = [1,1]*yvals(i); hl(i) = line(x,y,'LineStyle',lt,'Color',color); elseif strcmp(lt,'#') x = [-1 1 1 -1]*sampleWid/3 + 2*border + sampleWid/2; y = [-1 -1 1 1]*maxht/3 + yvals(i); hl(i) = patch(x,y,'r','FaceColor',color); else if ver5 hl(i) = line(2*border+sampleWid/2,yvals(i),... 'LineStyle','none','Marker',lt,'Color',color); else hl(i) = line(2*border+sampleWid/2,yvals(i),... 'LineStyle',lt,'Color',color); end end end else for i = 1:n objType = get(specs(i),'Type'); if strcmp(objType,'line') if ver5 lt = get(specs(i),'LineStyle'); mt = get(specs(i),'Marker'); tmpl = 0; tmpm = 0; if ~strcmp(lt,'none') tmpl = line([0,sampleWid]+2*border,[1 1]*yvals(i),... 'LineStyle',lt,... 'Marker','none',... 'LineWidth',get(specs(i),'LineWidth'),... 'Color',get(specs(i),'Color')); end if ~strcmp(mt,'none') tmpm = line(2*border+sampleWid/2,yvals(i),... 'LineStyle','none',... 'Marker',mt,... 'LineWidth',get(specs(i),'LineWidth'),... 'MarkerSize',get(specs(i),'MarkerSize'),... 'MarkerEdgeColor',... get(specs(i),'MarkerEdgeColor'),... 'MarkerFaceColor',... get(specs(i),'MarkerFaceColor'),... 'Color',get(specs(i),'Color')); end if tmpl hl(i) = tmpl; else hl(i) = tmpm; end else lt = get(specs(i),'LineStyle'); if strcmp(lt,'-') | strcmp(lt,'--') | strcmp(lt,'-.') ... | strcmp(lt,':') hl(i) = line([0,sampleWid]+2*border,[1 1]*yvals(i),... 'LineStyle',lt,... 'LineWidth',get(specs(i),'LineWidth'),... 'MarkerSize',get(specs(i),'MarkerSize'),... 'Color',get(specs(i),'Color')); else hl(i) = line(2*border+sampleWid/2,yvals(i),... 'LineStyle',lt,... 'LineWidth',get(specs(i),'LineWidth'),... 'MarkerSize',get(specs(i),'MarkerSize'),... 'Color',get(specs(i),'Color')); end end elseif strcmp(objType,'patch') x = [-1 1 1 -1]*sampleWid/3 + 2*border + sampleWid/2; y = [-1 -1 1 1]*maxht/3 + yvals(i); hl(i) = patch(x,y,'r',... 'FaceColor',get(specs(i),'FaceColor'),... 'EdgeColor',get(specs(i),'EdgeColor'),... 'LineWidth',get(specs(i),'LineWidth')); else delete(ax) error(['Illegal object of type ''',objType,'''.']) end end end % Save some needed data and enable legend dragging. userData = [xy,ref]; if mouse set(ax,'Tag','slegend movable','UserData',userData) set(gcf,'WindowButtonDownFcn','slegend(1)') else set(ax,'Tag','slegend','UserData',userData) end set(gcf,'CurrentAxes',baseAxes) if nargout > 0 leg = ax; end elseif isstr(xy) xy = lower(xy); if strcmp(xy,'move') | strcmp(xy,'mouse') fig = get(0,'CurrentFigure'); fixed = findobj(fig,'Tag','slegend'); nf = length(fixed); nm = length(findobj(fig,'Tag','slegend movable')); for i = 1:nf set(fixed(i),'Tag','slegend movable') end if nf + nm > 0 set(gcf,'WindowButtonDownFcn','slegend(1)') end else error('Unknown command.') end % We have a mouse-down on a legend. elseif xy == 1 fig = get(0,'CurrentFigure'); % Uncomment the following line to require holding down the control key % (or option on a Mac) while clicking the mouse to move a legend. %if ~strcmp(get(fig,'SelectionType'),'alt'), return, end curAx = get(fig,'CurrentAxes'); figUnits = get(fig,'Units'); figPos = get(fig,'Position'); set(fig,'Units','points') cp = get(fig,'CurrentPoint'); % Find the legend closest to current point. movLeg = findobj(fig,'Tag','slegend movable'); n = length(movLeg); if n == 0 set(fig,'Units',figUnits,'Position',figPos,'WindowButtonDownFcn','') return end d2 = zeros(n,1); for i = 1:n pos = get(movLeg(i),'Position'); d = cp - pos(1:2); d2(i) = d*d'; end [junk,closest] = min(d2); theLeg = movLeg(closest); userData = get(theLeg,'UserData'); set(theLeg,'UserData',[userData(1:4),cp,real(figUnits)],... 'Tag','slegend moving') set(fig,'CurrentAxes',theLeg,'CurrentAxes',curAx,... 'WindowButtonMotionFcn','slegend(2)',... 'WindowButtonUpFcn','slegend(3)',... 'KeyPressFcn','slegend(4)',... 'pointer','fleur') % Moving a legend. elseif xy == 2 fig = get(0,'CurrentFigure'); theLeg = findobj(fig,'Tag','slegend moving'); userData = get(theLeg,'UserData'); cp = userData(5:6); newp = get(fig,'CurrentPoint'); userData(5:6) = newp; delta = newp - cp; pos = get(theLeg,'Position'); pos(1:2) = pos(1:2) + delta; set(theLeg,'Position',pos,'UserData',userData) % We have a mouse-up on a legend. elseif xy == 3 fig = get(0,'CurrentFigure'); theLeg = findobj(fig,'Tag','slegend moving'); userData = get(theLeg,'UserData'); set(theLeg,'Units','norm') pos = get(theLeg,'Position'); set(theLeg,'Units','points') ref = userData(3:4); userData(1:2) = pos(1:2) + ref.*pos(3:4); set(theLeg,'UserData',userData,'Tag','slegend movable') figUnits = setstr(userData(7:length(userData))); set(fig,'Units',figUnits,'pointer','arrow',... 'WindowButtonMotionFcn','','WindowButtonUpFcn','',... 'KeyPressFcn','') % We are locking the position of a legend. elseif xy == 4 fig = get(0,'CurrentFigure'); theLeg = findobj(fig,'Tag','slegend moving'); if get(fig,'CurrentCharacter') == ' ' if length(findobj(fig,'Tag','slegend movable')) == 0 set(fig,'WindowButtonDownFcn','') end userData = get(theLeg,'UserData'); set(theLeg,'Units','norm') pos = get(theLeg,'Position'); set(theLeg,'Units','points') ref = userData(3:4); userData(1:2) = pos(1:2) + ref.*pos(3:4); set(theLeg,'UserData',userData,'Tag','slegend') figUnits = setstr(userData(7:length(userData))); set(fig,'Units',figUnits,'pointer','arrow',... 'WindowButtonMotionFcn','','WindowButtonUpFcn','',... 'KeyPressFcn','') end end