function [fm,kds,encs,accents,encsel,verts] = readstfm(filename) %READSTFM Read Styled Text Toolbox font metrics file. % [FM,KD,ENCODING,ACCENTS,ENCSEL,VERTALIGN] = READSTFM(FILENAME) reads % the file specified by FILENAME which must be the text version of the % font metrics. The character widths, kerning data, encoding vectors, % accent characters, encoding selector and vertical alignment positions % are returned. % % If FILENAME is omitted then the file "stfm.txt" in the Styled % Text Toolbox directory is assumed. % Requires function CMDMATCH and file STFM.TXT. % Requires MATLAB Version 4.2 or greater. % Version 3.2b, 10 March 1997 % Part of the Styled Text Toolbox % Copyright 1995-1997 by Douglas M. Schwarz. All rights reserved. % if nargin == 0 stextfun = which('stext'); stextfun((length(stextfun) - 6):length(stextfun)) = []; filename = [stextfun,'stfm.txt']; end fid = fopen(filename); % Read the character widths of the Roman fonts. while 1 line = fgetl(fid); if cmdmatch(line,'BeginRomanCharWidths'), break, end end dims = sscanf(line,'%*s %d %d'); numChars = dims(1); if isstudent nrmFnts = dims(2) - 4; fmt = ['%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d',... '%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%*d%*d%*d%*d%d']; else nrmFnts = dims(2); fmt = '%d'; end widths = fscanf(fid,fmt,[nrmFnts,numChars])'; % Read the character widths of the Symbol font. while 1 line = fgetl(fid); if cmdmatch(line,'BeginSymbolCharWidths'), break, end end nsymch = sscanf(line,'%*s %d'); symwidths = fscanf(fid,'%d',nsymch); % Read the character widths of the ZapfDingbats font. while 1 line = fgetl(fid); if cmdmatch(line,'BeginZapfDingbatsCharWidths'), break, end end nzdch = sscanf(line,'%*s %d'); zdwidths = fscanf(fid,'%d',nzdch); % Read the kerning data information. while 1 line = fgetl(fid); if cmdmatch(line,'BeginKernData'), break, end end nkd = sscanf(line,'%*s %d')'; if isstudent pos = ftell(fid); kernData1 = fscanf(fid,'%d%*d%*d%*d',nkd); fseek(fid,pos,'bof'); kernData2 = fscanf(fid,'%*d%d%*d%*d',nkd); fseek(fid,pos,'bof'); kernData3 = fscanf(fid,'%*d%*d%d%*d',nkd); fseek(fid,pos,'bof'); kernData4 = fscanf(fid,'%*d%*d%*d%d',nkd); else kernData = fscanf(fid,'%d',[4,nkd])'; end % Read the encoding vectors. while 1 line = fgetl(fid); if cmdmatch(line,'BeginEncodings'), break, end end data = sscanf(line,'%*s %d %d'); encsel = data(1); nenc = data(2); encs = fscanf(fid,'%d',[nenc,256])'; % Read the vertical alignment metrics. while 1 line = fgetl(fid); if cmdmatch(line,'BeginVertAlign'), break, end end numFonts = sscanf(line,'%*s %d'); verts = fscanf(fid,'%f%f%f%f%f',[5,numFonts])'; fclose(fid); % Put all the character widths in one matrix. n = max([nsymch,nzdch,numChars]); fm = zeros(n,nrmFnts+2); fm(1:nsymch,1) = symwidths; fm(1:nzdch,2) = zdwidths; fm(1:numChars,3:nrmFnts+2) = widths; % Store the kerning data as a sparse matrix. if isstudent i = 1000*kernData1 + kernData2; kds = sparse(i,kernData3,kernData4,34000,260); else i = 1000*kernData(:,1) + kernData(:,2); kds = sparse(i,kernData(:,3),kernData(:,4),34000,260); end % These are the accent characters (PostScript name in parentheses if % different): grave, acute, ddot (dieresis), hat (circumflex), tilde, % bar (macron), breve, dot (dotaccent), check (caron), AA (Aring), % and ii (dotlessi). accents = [124 125 131 126 127 128 129 130 136 205 145];