function printsto(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5) %PRINTSTO Print or save graph containing styled text objects. % PRINTSTO has exactly the same syntax as PRINT. It is required for % printing or saving figures which contain styled text objects. % % See also PRINT, STEXT, SXLABEL, SYLABEL, SZLABEL, STITLE, SLEGEND, % STEXTBOX, DELSTEXT, SETSTEXT, FIXSTEXT. % Requires function MOVE1STO. % Requires MATLAB Version 4.2 or greater. % Version 3.2b, 10 March 1997 % Part of the Styled Text Toolbox % Copyright 1995-1997 by Douglas M. Schwarz. All rights reserved. % % Check arguments. if nargin > 5 error('Too many input arguments.') end % Determine which figure we want. curFig = gcf; curAxes = get(curFig,'CurrentAxes'); thisFig = curFig; for i = 1:nargin arg = eval(sprintf('arg%d',i)); [tempFig,count] = sscanf(arg,'-f%d'); if count thisFig = tempFig; break end end thisAxes = get(thisFig,'CurrentAxes'); % Compute magnification in X and Y directions for each axes. % Fudge factors of 1.00217 and 1.00333 were determined by trial and error. axesList = findobj(thisFig,'Type','axes'); allAnchors = []; allDeltas = []; allLabelAnchors = []; allLabelDeltas = []; paperUnits = get(thisFig,'PaperUnits'); paperPosOrig = get(thisFig,'PaperPosition'); set(thisFig,'PaperUnits','points') paperPos = get(thisFig,'PaperPosition'); set(thisFig,'PaperUnits',paperUnits,'PaperPosition',paperPosOrig) ver5 = cmdmatch(version,'5'); for thisAxes = axesList' if ver5 if strcmp(get(thisAxes,'PlotBoxAspectRatioMode'),'auto') & ... strcmp(get(thisAxes,'DataAspectRatioMode'),'auto') & ... strcmp(get(thisAxes,'CameraViewAngleMode'),'auto') aspect = nan; else aspect = get(thisAxes,'PlotBoxAspectRatio'); aspect = aspect(1)/aspect(2); end else aspect = get(thisAxes,'AspectRatio'); aspect = aspect(1); end % Compute magnification factors. axUnits = get(thisAxes,'Units'); axPosOrig = get(thisAxes,'Position'); set(thisAxes,'Units','points'); axPos = get(thisAxes,'Position'); set(thisAxes,'Units',axUnits,'Position',axPosOrig) ws = axPos(3); hs = axPos(4); if strcmp(axUnits,'normalized') axPosNorm = get(thisAxes,'Position'); wp = paperPos(3)*axPosNorm(3); hp = paperPos(4)*axPosNorm(4); if ~isnan(aspect) if aspect > ws/hs hs = ws/aspect; else ws = hs*aspect; end if aspect > wp/hp hp = wp/aspect; else wp = hp*aspect; end end magX = 1.00217*wp/ws; magY = 1.00333*hp/hs; else magX = 1; magY = 1; end % Find all plain and title stext objects defined in relative units. anchors = [findobj(thisAxes,'Tag','stext','Units','normalized');... findobj(thisAxes,'Tag','stext','Units','data');... findobj(thisAxes,'Tag','stext title','Units','normalized');... findobj(thisAxes,'Tag','stext title','Units','data')]; n = length(anchors); delta = zeros(n,2); % Shift the objects so they will print correctly. for i = 1:n userData = get(anchors(i),'UserData'); origPos = userData(2:3); if strcmp(get(anchors(i),'Units'),'data') printPos = origPos.*[magX,magY] + [0.471 0.477]; else printPos = origPos.*[magX,magY]; end delta(i,:) = printPos - origPos; move1sto(anchors(i),delta(i,:)) end allAnchors = [allAnchors;anchors]; allDeltas = [allDeltas;delta]; % Find all label stext objects. labelAnchors = [findobj(thisAxes,'Tag','stext xlabel');... findobj(thisAxes,'Tag','stext ylabel');... findobj(thisAxes,'Tag','stext zlabel')]; nl = length(labelAnchors); labelDelta = zeros(nl,2); % Shift all label stext objects so they will print correctly. tickDirFactor = 10*strcmp(get(thisAxes,'TickDir'),'out'); for i = 1:nl userData = get(labelAnchors(i),'UserData'); origPos = userData(2:3); printPos = origPos.*[magX,magY] + [0.471 0.477]; id = userData(1); labH = get(thisAxes,['W'+id,'Label']); hor = get(labH,'HorizontalAlignment'); if strcmp(hor,'center') rot = get(labH,'Rotation'); labU = get(labH,'Units'); set(labH,'Units','points') labpos = get(labH,'Position'); set(labH,'Units',labU) if rot == 0 beyond = labpos(2) + tickDirFactor; printPos(2) = (origPos(2) - beyond)*magY + beyond; elseif rot == 90 beyond = labpos(1) + tickDirFactor; printPos(1) = (origPos(1) - beyond)*magX + beyond; elseif rot == -90 beyond = labpos(1) - axPos(3) - tickDirFactor; printPos(1) = (origPos(1) - beyond)*magX + beyond; end end labelDelta(i,:) = printPos - origPos; move1sto(labelAnchors(i),labelDelta(i,:)) end allLabelAnchors = [allLabelAnchors;labelAnchors]; allLabelDeltas = [allLabelDeltas;labelDelta]; end % Find all slegend objects. legends = [findobj(thisFig,'Tag','slegend');... findobj(thisFig,'Tag','slegend movable')]; nleg = length(legends); origLegPos = zeros(nleg,4); % Shift the legends so they will print correctly. for i = 1:nleg newPos = get(legends(i),'Position'); origLegPos(i,:) = newPos; userData = get(legends(i),'UserData'); xy = userData(1:2); ref = userData(3:4); newPos(1:2) = paperPos(3:4).*xy - ref.*origLegPos(i,3:4); set(legends(i),'Position',newPos) set(thisFig,'CurrentAxes',legends(i)) end drawnow discard % Execute print command. if nargin == 0 print elseif nargin == 1 print(arg1) elseif nargin == 2 print(arg1,arg2) elseif nargin == 3 print(arg1,arg2,arg3) elseif nargin == 4 print(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4) elseif nargin == 5 print(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5) end % Shift all stext objects back to where they were. for i = 1:length(allAnchors) move1sto(allAnchors(i),-allDeltas(i,:)) end for i = 1:length(allLabelAnchors) move1sto(allLabelAnchors(i),-allLabelDeltas(i,:)) end for i = 1:nleg set(legends(i),'Position',origLegPos(i,:)) end drawnow discard set(thisFig,'CurrentAxes',thisAxes) set(curFig,'CurrentAxes',curAxes)