function value = getstext(anchor,property) %GETSTEXT Get property values for styled text objects. % GETSTEXT(H,PROPERTY) returns the value of the named property for the % styled text object with handle H. % % GETSTEXT(H) displays all property names and values for the styled % text object with handle H. % % See also STEXT, GET. % Requires function CMDMATCH. % Requires MATLAB Version 4.2 or greater. % Version 3.2b, 10 March 1997 % Part of the Styled Text Toolbox % Copyright 1995-1997 by Douglas M. Schwarz. All rights reserved. % if ~cmdmatch(get(anchor,'Tag'),'stext') error('Not a styled text object.') end if nargin == 2 property = lower(property); if cmdmatch('color',property) error('Invalid object property.') elseif cmdmatch('fontangle',property) error('Invalid object property.') elseif cmdmatch('fontname',property) error('Invalid object property.') elseif cmdmatch('fontsize',property) error('Invalid object property.') elseif cmdmatch('fontweight',property) error('Invalid object property.') elseif cmdmatch('visible',property) objList = get(anchor,'UserData'); value = get(objList(4),'Visible'); elseif cmdmatch('extent',property) objList = get(anchor,'UserData'); objList(1:3) = []; numObjects = length(objList); extents = zeros(numObjects,4); anchorUnits = get(anchor,'Units'); for i = 1:numObjects objUnits = get(objList(i),'Units'); objPos = get(objList(i),'Position'); set(objList(i),'Units',anchorUnits) extents(i,:) = get(objList(i),'Extent'); set(objList(i),'Units',objUnits,'Position',objPos) end lbrt = [extents(:,1:2),extents(:,1:2) + extents(:,3:4)]; lbrtAll = [min(lbrt(:,1)),min(lbrt(:,2)),max(lbrt(:,3)),max(lbrt(:,4))]; value = [lbrtAll(1:2),lbrtAll(3:4) - lbrtAll(1:2)]; else value = get(anchor,property); end else fprintf(1,'\tEraseMode = %s\n',get(anchor,'EraseMode')) fprintf(1,'\tExtent = [%g %g %g %g]\n',getstext(anchor,'Extent')) fprintf(1,'\tHorizontalAlignment = %s\n',get(anchor,'HorizontalAlignment')) fprintf(1,'\tPosition = [%g %g %g]\n',get(anchor,'Position')) fprintf(1,'\tRotation = [%g]\n',get(anchor,'Rotation')) fprintf(1,'\tString = %s\n',get(anchor,'String')) fprintf(1,'\tUnits = %s\n',get(anchor,'Units')) fprintf(1,'\tVerticalAlignment = %s\n',get(anchor,'VerticalAlignment')) fprintf(1,'\n') fprintf(1,'\tButtonDownFcn = %s\n',get(anchor,'ButtonDownFcn')) fprintf(1,'\tChildren = []\n') fprintf(1,'\tClipping = %s\n',get(anchor,'Clipping')) fprintf(1,'\tInterruptible = %s\n',get(anchor,'Interruptible')) fprintf(1,'\tParent = [%g]\n',get(anchor,'Parent')) objList = get(anchor,'UserData'); fprintf(1,'\tVisible = %s\n',get(objList(4),'Visible')) end