function fixstext %FIXSTEXT Reposition styled text objects after axes modification. % FIXSTEXT repositions all styled text objects in the current figure. % % See also STEXT, SXLABEL, SYLABEL, SZLABEL, STITLE, DELSTEXT, % PRINTSTO, SETSTEXT. % Requires function MOVE1STO. % Requires MATLAB Version 4.2 or greater. % Version 3.2b, 10 March 1997 % Part of the Styled Text Toolbox % Copyright 1995-1997 by Douglas M. Schwarz. All rights reserved. % % Determine current figure and axes. fig = get(0,'CurrentFigure'); figUnits = get(fig,'Units'); set(fig,'Units','points') figPosPts = get(fig,'Position'); set(fig,'Units',figUnits) ax = get(fig,'CurrentAxes'); % Find all stext objects. anchors = findobj(fig,'Tag','stext'); n = length(anchors); % Adjust each stext object. for i = 1:n move1sto(anchors(i)) end % Adjust title. stitleH = findobj(fig,'Tag','stext title'); n = length(stitleH); for i = 1:n move1sto(stitleH(i)) end % Fix all styled text labels by regenerating them. xlabelH = findobj(fig,'Tag','stext xlabel'); n = length(xlabelH); for i = 1:n set(fig,'CurrentAxes',get(xlabelH(i),'Parent')) str = get(xlabelH(i),'String'); sxlabel(str) end ylabelH = findobj(fig,'Tag','stext ylabel'); n = length(ylabelH); for i = 1:n set(fig,'CurrentAxes',get(ylabelH(i),'Parent')) str = get(ylabelH(i),'String'); sylabel(str) end zlabelH = findobj(fig,'Tag','stext zlabel'); n = length(zlabelH); for i = 1:n set(fig,'CurrentAxes',get(zlabelH(i),'Parent')) str = get(zlabelH(i),'String'); szlabel(str) end % Find all slegend and stextbox objects. legends = [findobj(fig,'Tag','slegend');... findobj(fig,'Tag','slegend movable')]; nleg = length(legends); % Shift the legends so they will print correctly. for i = 1:nleg newPos = get(legends(i),'Position'); origLegPos = newPos; userData = get(legends(i),'UserData'); xy = userData(1:2); ref = userData(3:4); newPos(1:2) = figPosPts(3:4).*xy - ref.*origLegPos(3:4); set(legends(i),'Position',newPos) end % Return to original current axes. set(fig,'CurrentAxes',ax)