function makegenops %MAKEGENOPS Make MEX files for generalized arithmetic operators. % MAKEGENOPS creates the MEX files from the source file genops.c % by calling mex with the appropriate complier directives. % MAKEGENOPS should be in the same directory as GENOPS.M and that % directory must contain a subdirectory, src, which contains % genops.c. % Version: 1.0, 3 April 1999 % Author: Douglas M. Schwarz % Email: dmschwarz=ieee*org, dmschwarz=urgrad*rochester*edu % Real_email = regexprep(Email,{'=','*'},{'@','.'}) opdir = 'doubleops'; srcdir = 'src'; base = fileparts(which(mfilename)); doubleops = fullfile(base,opdir); if ~exist(doubleops,'dir') mkdir(base,opdir) end atdir = fullfile(doubleops,'@double'); if ~exist(atdir,'dir') mkdir(doubleops,'@double') end fcns = {'plus','minus','times','rdivide','ldivide','power',... 'eq','ne','lt','gt','le','ge'}; syms = {'PLUS_MEX','MINUS_MEX','TIMES_MEX','RDIVIDE_MEX','LDIVIDE_MEX',... 'POWER_MEX','EQ_MEX','NE_MEX','LT_MEX','GT_MEX','LE_MEX','GE_MEX'}; for i = 1:length(fcns) disp(['Making ',fcns{i}]) mex(fullfile(base,srcdir,'genops.c'),['-D',syms{i}],'-output',... fullfile(atdir,fcns{i})) end