function stateout = genops(newstate) %GENOPS Turn generalized arithmetic double operators on or off. % % GENOPS will toggle the state of the operators. % % GENOPS(1) or GENOPS ON will turn them on. % % GENOPS(0) or GENOPS OFF will turn them off. % % S = GENOPS(...) will return the previous state of the operators, % 0 for OFF and 1 for ON, and set the state according to the argument. % % S = GENOPS with no argument will return the state and leave it % unchanged. % Version: 1.0, 3 April 1999 % Author: Douglas M. Schwarz % Email: dmschwarz=ieee*org, dmschwarz=urgrad*rochester*edu % Real_email = regexprep(Email,{'=','*'},{'@','.'}) genopsfunpath = fullfile(fileparts(which(mfilename)),'doubleops'); state = ~isempty(findstr(path,genopsfunpath)); if nargin == 0 if nargout > 0 stateout = state; return end newstate = ~state; else if ischar(newstate) if strcmpi(newstate,'on') newstate = 1; elseif strcmpi(newstate,'off') newstate = 0; else error(['Unknown command option ''',newstate,'''']) end end end if newstate ~= state if newstate addpath(genopsfunpath,'-begin') else rmpath(genopsfunpath) end end if nargin == 0 if newstate disp('Generalized arithmetic operators are ON.') else disp('Generalized arithmetic operators are OFF.') end end if nargout > 0 stateout = state; end