Sacred Heart-Griffin’s

2014 Track Camps

(Rain or Shine)

Open to Student Athletes entering grade 6 through college

No Experience Necessary


June 2 – 5,  June 10 – 13,  June 16 – 19

Cost: $60 per Session

Max. 16 athletes per Session Min. 6


Learn the sport of hurdling with a certified and experienced coach!

Co-ed Junior Hurdle Camp

(Grade 6 through 8th)   

Session One: 11:00 to 12:00 June 2nd to June 5th

Session Two: 11:00 to 12:00 June 10th to June 13th

Session Three: 11:00 to 12:00 June 16th to 19th


          Co-ed Senior Hurdle Camp

                     (High School and College only)

Session One: 12:00 to 1:00 June 2nd to June 5th

Session Two: 12:00 to 1:00 June 10th to June 13th

Session Three: 12:00 to 1:00 June 16th to 19st






Sacred Heart-Griffin’s Track Camp

Registration Form


Registration Deadline: Friday, May 31st, 2014



Check sessions for Junior Hurdle Camp: one____ two____ three_____


Check sessions for Senior Hurdle Camp: one____ two____ three_____


Students Name: ________________________________________________






E-mail Address:______________________________Amt. paid:__________



I give permission for my students’s name and picture to appear in the newspaper, marketing pamphlets and school publications. _______ yes  ______ no


I the parent/legal guardian of the named applicant, hereby authorize the camp director to procure, obtain, and/or provide medical care or treatment, including the selection of a medial doctor or facility if I cannot be reached for consent. I agree that I solely shall be responsible for any and all medical bills incurred as a result of illness, injury or accident while the named applicant is participating in the Sacred Heart-Griffin Track Camps. I hereby release Sacred Heart-Griffin, the camp director and helpers for all claims resulting from illness or injury sustained by the applicant while participating in the camp. I agree and consent to the enforcement of the camp and facility rules.


Parent’s Signature:_______________________________Date:_______________


Mail the application with the check or money order for $60 per camper per session to:  SHG Track, 1200 W. Washington, Springfield, IL 62702


Please call or email SHG Coach Jacki Ralph if you have any questions at

217-523-2407 or email her at


Recommendation: Sign up for at least two sessions for full benefit. Training sessions will be held at the SHG Outdoor Track and indoors at West Campus if it rains. The program provides instructions to beginners as well as experienced athletes. Advanced training will be given to advanced runners. The intent of this program is to prepare the athlete with the fundamental skills that will allow them to go from good to great!