Thanks To . . .

The following people have made an extra effort to help me make this page the best it can be. Thanks!!!

My fiancče Heather - For her support and for plain just putting up with me!
Mikko Muukki - For help with the DiAnno album and many many pics.
Borzz - For helping with Gogmagog and helping me get Battlezone on CD!
Jon Hinchliffe - For help with Praying Mantis info and also the DiAnno concert review.
Maciej Stoinski - For help with DiAnno.
The Dirtbag - For various images such as Murder One and Menace To Society.
Todd Wade - For his generosity and finding the rare "Warchild".
Peter Dahlqvist - For info on Killers "Live" and "Worlds First Iron Man" among other things.
Joćo Linneu - For those incredible pics of the "NEW" Battlezone and his enthusiasm!
Alexandre Gastaldo Badolato - For lots of info . . and his generosity.
**Anyone else that I can't think of right now that might have contributed.

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