Adam Whitney’s hate mail


    Like the swallows coming back to Capistrano, it never fails. We publish some new, shocking revelations on our site about BBAS and the whole gang of thugs in Medina; and within a week or two we get another surly email from one of Denise’s Dead-Headed Dead-Enders.

    On October 25, 2005, shortly after we had thrown our two cents into Medina’s judicial race, we got this email from Adam Whitney, who had, ten months after we put it up, gotten very upset about our critique of the BBAS ad in which he, his BBAS employee wife and their BBAS-adopted child had appeared.

Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 11:45 AM
Subject: BBAS

Dear Dan and Elizabeth Case:   

    My name is Adam Whitney the husband of Jennifer Whitney who is a proud employee of BBAS.  I became aware of your website and had to check it out.  I think for you as an adult to spend so much time in trying to ruin someone else's life by spreading false rumors is outragous.  Dennise Hubbard see's the need for a voice for all the children she has placed in a family and will place in a family.  I must say, from going through an adoption myself,  you obviously did not do your homework on your adoption.  I also think it's funny how on your website you never mentioned the fact that BBAS offered to refund your money due to the tragedy you experienced with the loss of the little boy in your hotel. 
     I also would like to highly recommend you remove my wife's name from your website immediatly.  Her name is not public information for you to use in a false and negative way.  You may have a problem with Dennise Hubbard, but my wife is an employee for the only reason of helping millions of children find a home to be loved in.  I hope to see my personal request have your utmost and immediate attention. 
Thank you
Adam Whitney

    Emphases and spelling mistakes in original, as usual. Jennifer, the wife in question, is not only his co-model in the ad but BBAS’s Support Staff and Postplacement Coordinator. Judging by “Our Staff” at BBAS’s website, she remains in that position as of January 2006.

    This isn’t as detailed and lengthy as other BBAS-proxy hate mail we’ve received. Still, note the same themes: we supposedly never mention the “refund” (His reading skills aren’t much better than his writing, obviously), and “we didn’t do our homework”  Huh? Yet another way of insinuating we were responsible for Cyril’s death? Feel the love ... (And, judging from his reading and writing skills, or rather the lack thereof, we think his English teachers could tell him a little something about not doing his homework).

    In keeping with our practice, we spared no rhetoric in our own response.

Mr. Whitney,
Your wife's name is publicly posted on the following page: on Building Blocks' website, along with a picture of yourself, her and your child. This website and page are not password-protected, or otherwise shielded from public view on any computer connected to the Internet. There is also no protection from archiving or caching in the underlying HTML code.
Our attorneys have advised us you have no legitimate privacy claim to assert under federal, Ohio or New York law that would not be subject not only to summary dismissal but possible civil and professional sanctions for you and any counsel involved for filing frivolous and vexatious litigation.
If you and your wife truly wish to have any mention of her removed from our website, she must either request to Building Blocks or the site webmaster that the image and all mention of her name be removed, or leave Building Blocks' employment.
Your email raised other issues which we will address in a future page on our website. If you wish to respond, it is advisable that you start your own website.
We have nothing further to discuss. Any further communication, or attempted communication, by you by any means to us will be considered harassment and reported to the appropriate law enforcement authorities.
Have a nice day.
Daniel and Elizabeth Case

    See, Adam, we may take our time, but we keep our word. Consider this the “future page.”

    Ironically enough, there is less exposure than the Whitneys seem to think (and we would like) since we have had trouble getting the ad to display on the site. But we’ll deal with that soon enough ...

    The Whitneys are probably Denise’s idea of a good client ... everything the Cases are not. They love her, the wife works for her, they model for her ads, and they even serve as a reference in the email list Denise still sends around, under Jennifer’s login at their home account:

    We have a lot of fun imagining who BBAS’ll send up against us next. They seem to have a limited supply of attack dogs left. Will we be favored by BBAS president Karen McFarland next, perhaps?