Who are the Long Nine today?
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By: Buffalo Buck SASS 5042 MS 113

The Long Nine today is a Cowboy Action Shooting club based in Springfield, Illinois. The Long Nine was started by a group of Cowboy Action Shooters that belonged to the Springfield Sportsmen's Conservation Club who had been holding Cowboy Action Shoots monthly for several years. The name was concocted by Buffalo Buck, Black Jack McGinnis and Layne Spar. It is a name that is unique to Illinois history. It was voted upon by the SASS members of the SSCC to affiliated with the national organization of Cowboy Action Shooting known as the Single Action Shooting Society. The vote was taken at the February, 1998 shoot to affiliate with SASS. It was unanimous. Buffalo Buck was chosen as the club's first Territorial Governor.

The Long Nine will continue to hold their matches on the fourth Sunday of the month. The matches of November through April are held indoors and the matches of May through October are held outdooors at the SSCC. Directions and map of how to get to the outdoor range are below.

The present policy of the Springfield Sportsmen's Conservation Club is that only members may shoot.. However to be an associate member the cost is only $25.00 per year. The entry fee when we shoot outdoors is $5.00 and indoors is $10.00. First time shooters are not charge the entry fee. That makes joining the SSCC very reasonable. We hope to encourage all new as well as veteran shooters to come and join in the fun at our monthly shoots. The current Territorial Governor is Buffalo Buck 5042 AKA Andrew L. Bresnan.

Buffalo Buck
Territorial Governor

For more information contact: Greg Nevitt 217-544-8813 or Buffalo Buck at brez13@frontiernet.net.

Directions to Outdoor Range

Map 1: Springfield, IL. Go to Map 2.

Map 2

Take route 97 to Winch Road and turn North ( a right turn if coming from town). Go to Map 3

Map 3

Turn left (west) on 3.25 North Road. Follow 3.25 North Road around to the north on 300 West Road. The Range will be the 4th Drive. There is a Springfield Sportsmans Conservation Club sign at the Railroad tracks but it is hard to see. Follow the rock road across the railroad tracks and back to the range. If it is raining the day of the shoot, more than likely the shoot will be cancelled. The range is located right on the Sangamon River and floods easily.

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